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1、智能穿戴式设备Intelligent wearable devices电商电商1132班班杨赛杨赛王莎莎王莎莎01产品背景P r o d u c t b a c k g r o u n d02产品介绍P r o d u c t i n t r o d u c t i o n03总结概述S u m m a r y o v e r v i e w目录Smart apparel equipmentHave you ever envied batman major research and development of the super gear, or iron man armed to the

2、teeth body armor weapon?你是否曾羡慕蝙蝠侠巨金研发的超级装备,或者是钢铁侠武装到牙齿的全身盔甲武器?Smart apparel equipmentNow, wearable device can you this dream, but they appear not to fight, but in order to improve the quality of our life. 现在,可穿戴设备可以圆你这个梦,但它们的出现并不是为了战斗,而是为了提高我们的生活质量。在此录入说明在此录入说明在此录入说明90%Smart apparel equipment但是这些简单的

3、设备智能满足消费者某一单方面的需求,不能以一概全But these simple intelligent equipment to meet the needs of consumers to a unilateral, not at all without exceptionGoogle glasses belong to the mini projector, camera, sensors, storage, transmission and manipulation of the combination of the equipment.Smart apparel equipment谷

4、歌眼镜属于微型投影仪、摄像头、传感器、存储传输和操控设备的结合体。QQ:956545Smart apparel equipmentA parallel framework can cross under the bridge of the nose一条可横置于鼻梁上方的平行框架Located in a picture frame wide strip on the right side of the computer一个位于镜框右侧的宽条状电脑A transparent screen and built-in cameras一个透明显示屏和内置的摄像头Smart apparel equipme

5、ntGoogle glasses will glasses, smartphones, camera is set at a suit, through computerized lens will information real-time display in front of the user in the smart phone format.谷歌眼镜将眼镜、智能手机、摄像机集于一身,通过电脑化的镜片将信息以智能手机的格式实时展现在用户眼前。It also has a GPS navigation, take photos, browse the web, send and recei

6、ve text messages, photography, and other functions. It looks like a smartphone can wear type, help people to take photos, video, make a phone call, leave out the trouble from the pocket in take out a cellular phone.它还有GPS导航、收发短信、摄影拍照、网页浏览等功能。它看起来就像是一个可佩带式的智能手机,帮助人们拍照、录像、打电话,省去了从口袋中掏出手机的麻烦。用户眼前。Smart

7、 apparel equipment菜单功能菜单功能消息提醒消息提醒天气天气语音语音地图地图沟通沟通出游提醒出游提醒拐弯导航拐弯导航室内地图室内地图位置分享位置分享签到签到拍照拍照Including 16 gb of built-in storage, megapixel camera as well as the level of 720 p hd video包括16GB的内置存储、500万像素摄像头以及720p级别的高清视频Smart apparel equipmentSupports 802.11 B/G WiFi, do not support 802.11 N or ac stand

8、ards. The user through the glasses see effect, is equivalent to see 25 inch display in eight feet away.WiFi之支持802.11B/G网络,不支持802.11N或者ac标准。用户透过眼镜看到的效果,相当于在8英尺外看到25英寸的显示器。谷歌眼镜规格谷歌眼镜规格Its kernel information shows that it will also be equipped with 1 gb of memory, running at about 682 MB of memory, and

9、 run Android 4.0.4 system. Combined with official news, the product will also be equipped with a 640 x 360 resolution screen, built-in megapixel camera as well as the microUSB interface.其内核信息显其内核信息显示它还将配备上示它还将配备上1GB内存,可运内存,可运行内存则在行内存则在682MB左右,并运行左右,并运行Android 4.0.4系统。结合官方消系统。结合官方消息这款产品还将配备息这款产品还将配备6

10、40360分分辨率的屏幕,内置辨率的屏幕,内置500万像素摄万像素摄像头以及像头以及microUSB接口。接口。Smart apparel equipmentGoogle glasses related patent applications filed in October 2011 at the earliest.谷歌眼镜的相关专利申请最早于2011年10月递交。On November 2, 2012 morning, the United States time magazine this week voted the best invention in 2012, Google gla

11、sses (Google Glass) on the list.2012年年11月月2日上午,美国时代杂志本周评选出了日上午,美国时代杂志本周评选出了2012年最佳发明,谷歌眼镜年最佳发明,谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)榜上有名。榜上有名。The developer version of the Google glasses launched in February 2013, and provide booking reservation price for $1500谷歌眼镜的开发者版本在谷歌眼镜的开发者版本在2013年年2月推出,并以月推出,并以1500美元的美元的预订价提供预订预订价提供预订Marks the advent of Google glasses wearable devices begin to enter civil areas谷歌眼镜的问世标志着穿戴式设备开始进入民用领域谷歌眼镜的问世标志着穿戴式设备开始进入民用领域智能穿戴式设备Intelligent wearable devices电商电商1132班班杨赛杨赛王莎莎王莎莎



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