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1、高二英语研究高考典型真题 学习被动语态练习【例1】(2000上海春季卷)The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four fifths of the tickets _ . A. was booked B. had been booked C. were booked D. have been booked【答案】B【解析】本题考查book作为动词的用法和过去完成时被动形式(had been done)。book预定(房间、票等),这里票与预定是被动关系。根据本题语境:经理进入办公室,很高兴获悉五分之四的票已经被预定

2、了,票被预定是在进入办公室之前,所以用过去完成时被动形式。【例2】 (2005全国I,II卷) The heros story differently in the newspapers . Awas reported Bwas reporting Creports Dreported 【答案】A【解析】本题考查一般过去时被动形式(was /were done)。本题语境:英雄的故事在报纸上的报道各不相同。故事与报道是被动关系,而且故事已经被报道,所以用一般过去时被动语态。【例3】(2004全国II卷)According to the art dealer, the painting _ to

3、 go for at least a million dollars. A. is expectedB. expectsC. expectedD. is expecting【答案】A【解析】本题考查一般现在时被动形式(be done)。本题语境:根据画商,那幅画估计至少达到一百万美元。画与估计是被动关系,而且表示目前情况,所以用一般现在时被动语态。 【例4】(2001北京春季卷)A new cinema_ here. They hope to finish it next month.Awill be built Bis built Chas been built Dis being buil

4、t【答案】D【解析】本题考查现在进行时被动形式(be being done)。本题语境:这里正在建一个新的电影院。他们希望下个月完成。“下个月完成”表示电影院正在被建。【例5】(2001北京春季卷)Hundreds of jobs_ if the factory closes.Alose Bwill be lost Care lost Dwill lose【答案】B【解析】本题考查一般将来时被动形式(will be done)。本题语境:如果工厂倒闭,数百个工作将会失去。if条件句中用一般现在时表示将来动作,所以失去工作是将来的事,而且工作与失去是被动关系,所以用一般将来时被动语态。【例6】(

5、2004北京卷)The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006. A. has been completedB. has completedC. will have been completedD. will have completed 【答案】C【解析】本题考查般将来完成时被动形式(will have been done)。通过“by 2006”可知,主句应用将来完成时,有因为construction work与complete为被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动形

6、式。【例7】(2005北京春季) I cant see any coffee in this cupboard. ? A. Has it all been finished B. Was it all finishedC. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish【答案】A 【解析】本题考查现在完成时被动形式(have / has been done)。本题语境:我在橱里看不见咖啡,它喝完了吗?咖啡与喝是被动关系,而且表示到讲话时为止是否喝完,所以用现在完成时被动形式。【例8】(2002北京春季卷)-How are the team playing? -

7、They are playing well, but one of them _hurt. A. got B. gets C. are D. were【答案】A【解析】本题考查被动语态的另外一种形式:get +过去分词。got hurt = was hurt, 但是这种表达形式使得行为特征更加突出。【例9】(2003全国卷)Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will fresh for several days.Abe stayed Bstay Cbe stayingDhave stayed【答案】B【解析】本题考查不能使用被动语态的一种情

8、况。表示状态的动词, 如:have, belong to, lack, fail, remain(剩下),以及系动词,如:look, feel, smell, taste, sound, prove, remain, stay等都不能使用被动语态。【例10】(1999上海卷)Books of this kind _ well.A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold【答案】B【解析】本题考查用主动形式表示被动意义的一种情况。表示事物的名词作主语,谓语表示该事物特征的动词短语经常用主动形式表示被动。如:sell well, write well, wash

9、well等。【例11】(2002上海卷)I feel it is your husband who_ for the spoiled child. A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame【答案】A【解析】本题考查一些固定短语用主动形式表示被动意义的情况。Sb be to blame for sth表示被动意思“某人因为某事该受到责备或者是某人的责任)”被动语态练习:1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good ear

10、th _ each year. A. is washing awayB. is being washed awayC. are washing awayD. are being washed away2. -The cloth is of good quality, and well.- But the washing machine this morning. A. washeswouldnt startB. washeswouldnt be started C. is washedwont start D. is washedwouldnt be started3. The air com

11、pany going from bad to worse, the workers_ hardly enough to make a living. A. get paid B. are paying C. have paid D. paid4. Why did you leave that position?I _ a better position at IBM. A. offer B. offeredC. am offered D. was offered5. More than a dozen students in that school _ around to study medi

12、cine last year. A. sent B. were sentC. had sentD. had been sent6. - The window is dirty. - I know. It _ for weeks.A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned7. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year. A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been

13、 treated8. All the employees except the manager_to work online at home. A. encourages B. encourage C. is encouraged D. are encouraged9. The number of deaths form heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuadeC. be persuadedD. are pers

14、uaded10. How long _ at this job? Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employedC. had you been employed D. will you be employed11By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _ in Beijing Awould be completed Bwas being completed Chas been completed Dhad been completed 12. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet Aare not decid


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