
上传人:飞****9 文档编号:127788338 上传时间:2020-04-06 格式:PPT 页数:47 大小:1.73MB
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1、Revision 1 Doiteveniftheworldthinksyouare 2 Shewent afterthedeathofherson 3 Don tbe at withme 4 Heis aboutfootball 5 Forthis Idon tbelievehernow 6 Hegivesmealarge ofmoney 7 Iam tostudyhard mad mad mad mad reason sum determined smokeofwolves 狼烟 Intheancienttimes Chinesepeopleusedthesmokeofwolves topa

2、sstheimformationtoothers Gradually tiethelettertothepigeonthenpassittothepersonwhotheywanttocommunicate Pigeon 飞鸽传书 telegram 电报 Later telegramwasinventedbyMarsein1937 thencametheinformationage Throughtelegram peoplecanreceivetheMessagemorequickly Telephone 电话 Today peoplehardlyusetheIPmesenger theyu

3、setelephoneinstead Becauseoftheconvenienceoftelephone Forexample youcancallsomebodyanytimeandtheywillreveivetheinformationwithinseveralminutes postaletter sendane mailchatontheInternet Lesson22Aglassenvelope Newwordsandexpressions dream age channel throw 1 dri m 2 eid 3 t nl 4 r u v 做梦 梦想 n 年龄 n 海峡

4、v 扔 抛 dreamv 做梦 梦想 vt 做梦 梦见dreamthat 从句Idreamt dreamed that IwasinScotland vi 做梦 梦见 与of about连用 dreamon继续做梦 做你的梦去吧 别痴心妄想了 dreamof aboutsth 梦想e g Ioftendreamof aboutyou dreamofdoingsth 梦想e g Idreamedofflyinginthesky thinkof想 考虑 想起e g Doyoueverthinkofthegirlsyoumetataparty n 梦 梦想 幻想havea good bad drea

5、m dreamadream做了个梦dreamboat梦中情人 梦寐以求的 物 人 daydreamv 思想开小差 做白日梦realiseone sdream one sdreamcomestrue实现梦想 梦想成真 agen 年龄 1 年龄beunderage未成年beoffullage成年attheageof在 几岁时bytheageof到 岁的时候legalage法定年龄 成年 2 时代 纪 很长一段时间informationage信息化时代thecomputerage电脑时代theStoneAge石器时代theIceAge冰川纪goldenage黄金时代 鼎盛时期Ihaven tseen

6、youforages 3 vi 变老 老化 theaged老年人e g Oh lookatmyface Iamaging throw threw thrown v 扔 抛 vt 投 扔 抛e g Don tthrowstonesatthedog e g ThrowtheballtoTom throwaway扔掉e g ShallIthrowthisoldnewspaperaway 把 对准目标 向 作出举动Thebossthrewhimanangrylook channeln C 1 海峡TheEnglishChannelseparatesFrancefromEngland 2 途径 渠道 手

7、段 P1 Youshouldgothroughtheofficialchannelsifyouwantthegovernmenttohelp 3 电视频道 channeln 海峡 theEnglishChannel英吉利海峡 theChannel英吉利海峡 n 频道 atelevisionchannel channel4 Enjoythevideo WhatdidJanedowhensheandherfamilyweretravelingacrosstheChannel Whathappenedtenmonthslater Howdothetwogirlssendletterstoeachot

8、hernow Mydaughter Jane neverdreamedofreceivingaletterfromagirlofherownageinHolland Lastyear weweretravellingacrosstheChannelandJaneputapieceofpaperwithhernameandaddressonitintoabottle Shethrewthebottleintothesea Sheneverthoughtofitagain buttenmonthslater shereceivedaletterfromagirlinHolland Bothgirl

9、swritetoeachotherregularlynow However theyhavedecidedtousethepostoffice Letterswillcostalittlemore buttheywillcertainlytravelfaster usefulexpressions 想过收到某人一封信横渡扔进决定互相写信 dreamof thinkofreceivesth fromsb travelacrossthrowintodecidetowritetoeachother Mydaughter Jane neverdreamedofreceivingaletterfroma

10、girlofherownageinHolland ofherownage 后置定语 ownadj 自己的v 拥有 Idreamofowningmyowncar dreamn 梦v 做梦 梦想 dreamof aboutsthdreamof aboutdoingsth梦想 做梦梦到 dreamt dreamtdreamed dreamed eg Wedreamofbuyingourownhouse Idreamedaboutyoulastnight Haveagooddream Herealizedhisdreamatlast agen 年龄 时代 Youshouldneveraskalady

11、sage Ihaveasonofyourage Shemadeanewrecordattheageof18 冰河时代 Lastyear weweretravellingacrosstheChannelandJaneputapieceofpaperwithhernameandaddressonitintoabottle 过去进行时 用来叙述故事的背景 由此引出一般过去时表示的新动作 with表示伴随 带有 具有 There salabelonthehandlewithmynameandaddressonit Ourteachercameinwithabookinherhand Shethrewt

12、hebottleintothesea Sheneverthoughtofitagain buttenmonthslater shereceivedaletterfromagirlinHolland throw into 把 扔进 thinkof考虑 thinkabout thinkof认为Whatdoyouthinkofmynewdress thinkof想出 新主意 名字 建议等 Theythoughtofanameforthebaby 后置定语 throwv 扔 投 掷 抛 threw thrown Peoplestillthrowtheirrubbisheverywhere throw

13、away把 扔掉 Pleasethrowtheoldshoesaway buttenmonthslater shereceivedaletter 时间段 later与in 时间段 e gHewenttoLondonaweekago Threedayslater afterthreedays hemovedtoItaly e g Whatwilltheworldbelikein100years 用于过去时 after 时间段 用于将来时 Bothgirlswritetoeachotherregularlynow eachother两者之间 互相 Weshouldhelpeachother Wes

14、houldlearnfromeachother regularlyadv 有规律地 定期地 经常地 Thestudentshaveclassregularlyat9 00everymorning oneanother三者或三者以上 互相 Bothgirlswritetoeachotherregularlynow 复习不定代词 both each either neither all every any none nobody noone nothing all neither none either any 两者 三者 以上 都 都不 任何 谓语 复数 all指不可数时应用单数 单数 none

15、也可用复数 单数 both 用正确的动词填空 Bothofthem like sports Noneofthepeople be intheroom Wouldyouliketohaveteaorcoffee Either be OK 4 Allthestudents have gonetotheplayground 5 Allthemeat have beeneatenup 6 Neitherofthegirls want totakepartinthehighjump 7 Anyidea be welcome like is are is have wants is has Howmany

16、studentsinourclasssmoke None Howmuchwateristhereinthisbottle None Whowaslateforschooltoday Nobody What sinthebox Nothing Howtoanswerthesequestions each every eachevery 可作不定代词和形容词 仅作形容词 可单独使用 不可单独使用 着重个体 着重全体 用于两者或两者以上的每个人和物 用于三者或三者以上的每个人和物 Tellthedifferences theotheranotherotherstheothers theother 另一个 通常和one连接 有限定范围e g 老人有两个儿子 一个是做警察 一个是做贼 Theoldmanhastwosons oneisapoliceman theotherisathief another 另一个 再 又 没有限定范围e g Pleasegivemeanotherbook others 和some对比使用时 是 有些 e g Somecleanedthewindows others


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