高三英语(外研版 选修七)一轮复习案_Module4 Music Born in America语言知识案 Word版缺答案

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《高三英语(外研版 选修七)一轮复习案_Module4 Music Born in America语言知识案 Word版缺答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语(外研版 选修七)一轮复习案_Module4 Music Born in America语言知识案 Word版缺答案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book7 Module4 Music Born in America 语言知识探究案.词形变换【自主学习】 1. touch (v.)触动;感动;使动心 _(adj. )受感动的 _(adj. )引起同情的2. harmony (n. )融洽,一致 _ (adj)融洽的;协调的3. protest(v.)抗议 _ (n.) 抗议者;反对者4.technique(n. )技巧;手法 _(adj.)技术的5. emerge(v. )出现_ (n. )紧急情况,危机形势6. devote (v. )为付出时间/努力/金钱等;奉献_(n.)忠诚;关爱_ adj. 忠诚的;专心的7. rhythm (

2、n. )节奏;节律;律动 _ (adj. )有节奏的8. _ (n. )幽默humorous (adj. )幽默的9. beg(v.)请求;恳求_(n.) 乞丐10. impress (v ) 使人印象深刻_(n.) 印象_(adj. )印象深刻的. 短语盘点1. 并肩;并排_11. consist of _2. 厌烦_12. in my case _3. 利用_13. in decline_4. 而不是_14. at the same time_5. 尝试_15. backing track_6. 有幸_16. in vain_7. 出版_17. make up_8. 完全不_18. mee

3、t a deadline_9. 对专一;献身于_19. beg for_10. 给某人留下印象_20.arise from/out of_III. 重点知识l devote: 用devote的适当形式填空并翻译句子:1. Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks _ _ tasks they hate.2. For ten years Marry _ _ _ becoming one of the worlds best long-distance swimmers.3. Cinder

4、ellas two stepsisters followed her, pretending _ _ _ to her. devote ones life/time/energy/oneself to doing/sth. 把生命/时间/精力/一生献给 devote.to.中to为介词,后跟-doing,类似的动词用法还有哪些?l decline:正确翻译decline在下句中的意思 1. Although her description sounded wonderful, the price was beyond our range, so we declined. _2. After a

5、ll, many older people dont begin to experience physical and mental decline until after age 75. _3. The parents involvement leads to declines in their kids academic performance. _ on the decline = on the decrease 在消减;在衰退 be in decline 处于下降、衰退中1. 她说她身体不舒服,谢绝了与她的朋友共进午餐。She _ _ _ _with her friend, sayin

6、g that she wasnt feeling well.2. 我们学校的学生人数正在减少。The number of students in our school is _ _ _.l come out: 正确翻译come out在下句中的意思1. When we were wondering what to do, the manager came out._2. The smartphone-like glasses will likely come out this year and cost between $250 and $600. _3. When will the new

7、dictionary come out? _4. It came out that hed been telling lies. _l consist ofconsist of = be made up of = be composed of 组成consist in = lie in 存在于,在于The volunteers _ _ people from all walks of life.A consist ofB is consisted of C is made ofD is consisting ofl The moment 引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”翻译句子: The mom

8、ent I finished my work, I headed for my home._用英语中常表示“一就”并能引导时间状语从句的词或词组完成下列句子。1. I sent you the news _ _ I heard it.2. _ _ _she saw that dress, the woman said she did not like it.3. I came _ I heard the news.4. _ had he arrived when she started complaining.5. I had _ _ got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang again.


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