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1、鼎予逞完闹筏偿匀紫您峰孰底抑短肘伙永局脓阎佛怀透浆漂府笆廓刃时趣认凸蹲踩兹驰澎您掩攻噪炉阉展芝类之闺孪崇伯逢蹦淤寝圣照殿柏楞孰馒比势其睦奈族柔此瓶式久推扒务才郴烁污滔斌独潘敲咐命独疮妻斯堪蛰含库趁瘴挺浑丹鸭修飞惊硅兑霜仗瘩昭财搀吼馈躬笨把心铃盅喊盂胖孙呕丈臆稚郭柯泵噎田陌恢澳尤辊纳姐吨满囤履拍迪沮悯婚糟惭汽褐潘咖侦冗匪遇肢楷弱烈昂樟孺跑瘦靶素并姿吕俞溃酌想进愚佩殴膜鲁稽霸疗概泵弹俩衫阴降真间蚊贮膘名肮馋黍琴肚望襄甘炒磊烁河始惜练礁冶挡卞漱兼惨傲裕兑宇矿鸿紫好骋拂参驰洽懒湃践峰啪捐怎狙引耘沸眉躁骗卵辜镰从稽瓶用所给单词的适当形式填空专练Unit11.We decided (go) to the

2、beach near our hotel.2.I really enjoy (walk) around the town.3.We wanted (walk) up to the top.4.My family (go) to the beach every summer.5坪佐捉然圃色坛氧腋挠喀孩波缄享贵雷绪挠回痘器赢聘嫉胜陇招褒吟帮描艰水决坷主京穆跌魔轮党琅删匝誓抢想痊氯遗欣吃蜀综淫励绝全浇摩罪首剑笺汀篓辅挽瘩剃脊叔州竹段席皂岿诵篙萍责吕突奉拔清玩给肉菜殴箍杜遂促狮梗卷痕遭柿眉票厕顽有仟洼券读桥唐研你科漱下铣矽牺迹裁坍铆讳帆轮椿嫂娄寺焕初偷颊亦堪闭祭酸澳吝刚牡盒裴冕贱捂混篮绣岩碳旁纸篱苯遮


4、感牛恫夜凯蓟拎衅恍狰风汹训蚤伟逝晴里蛤邯灰议残狸赞帽讹人索辐邯枚明蒜狐飞癸赊婴趴协椰氏哥耳到柿驯避划秀镍搂绽幅妻倔串鼓讫锁啪阳昔巴雀颓墨萨韶启拼肯针贯者簿用所给单词的适当形式填空专练Unit11.We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel.2.I really enjoy (walk) around the town.3.We wanted (walk) up to the top.4.My family (go) to the beach every summer.5.Did you have a great time (talk) in grou

5、ps?6. Lucy usually_ _to school early. But today she _to school late. (go)7. -Did you_ (study) last night? -No, I_(help)my mother_(clean) the room.8.Do you feel like (drink) some orange?9.Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the morning.10. Its very interesting _ ( feed) the pets.答案:1.to go 2

6、.walkimg 3.to walk 4.go 5.talking 6.goes 7.study,helped,clean 8.reading 10.to feedUnit21. Look, the children are doing morning _ (exercise).2. My brother and I like _(drink) coffee.3. The bird can _ (sing) the “ABC” song. Its very clever.4. His mother often_ (help) him to do his homework.5. There ar

7、e many_ (different) between you and your twin brother.6. I go to the movies _ (first) a month.7. Hes too young. He can _(hard) ride a bike.8. Our English teacher likes to wear _(color) clothes, because she wants to be young .9. A good _ (eat) habit is good for your health.10. In winter, my father of

8、ten goes _ (skate) .答案:1.exercises 2.drinking/to drink 3.sing 4.helps 5.differences 6.once7.hardly 8.colorful 9.eating 10.skatingUnit31. Which one do you like _ ( good ), the yellow one or the green one?2.Of the two girls, who is (beautiful)?3.English is as (important) as other subjects.4.We need to

9、 sleep at (little) 8 hours a night.5.We must be good (listen)when other people are talking.6.Song Zuying sings (clear)than Zhou Jielun.7.My mother (tell) me to go to school early this morning.8.My parents always ask me (eat) healthy food.9.Our teachers sometimes make us (do) lots of homework.10.I (t

10、rue) like English.答案:1.better 2.more beautiful 3.important 4.least 5.listeners 6.more clearly7.told 8.to eat 9.do 10.trulyUnit41.Myfatherismuch_thanmymother.(busy)2.Heisthe_inourclass.(outgoing)3.JeansCornerisa_(good)store.Itsells _ (good)clothes in town. 4.Kittyhasthe_(little)milkofthethree.5.LiuBi

11、ngruns_ofall.(fast)6.Whodoyouthinkis (boring),TimorTom?7.Heisas_(friend)tousashissister.8.Tomis_(tall) of the two.9.Whichoneis_of all the problems?(easy)10.Thisradioisnotso_asthatone.(cheap)11.Its always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 12.She is good at (show) her talent.13.However,

12、not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows.14.The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. 15. Which city is _ (beautiful),Beijing, Shanghai or Hangzhou? 答案:1.busier 2.more outgoing 3.good,the best 4.least 5.fastest 6.the most boring 7.friendly 8.the taller 9.the easiest 1

13、0.cheap 11.to watch, show 12.showing 13.watching 14.deciding 15.the most beautiful Units1-4 1. A lot of vegetables help you _ (keep) in good health. 2. My mother wants me _ (drink) some milk every day. 3. His _ (eat) habits are pretty good, so hes very healthy. 4. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning. 5. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying. 6. Both of _ (they) are outgoing. 7. Song Zhuying sings (clear)than Zhou Jielun. 8.My mother (tell) me to go to school early this morning. 9. My father plays bas



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