人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Travel journal》ppt考点自学课件

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《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Travel journal》ppt考点自学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Travel journal》ppt考点自学课件(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修 1 Unit 3 Travel journal 考点要求 中小学课件站 写出下列必考单词 1 海拔 高度 高处 n 2 态度 看法 n 3 费用 n 4 时间表 进度表 n determination 2 properly proper improperly 3 recorded recorder 4 bravery bravely 5 stubbornly stubbornness 6 persuasive persuasion 中小学课件站 翻译下列必背短语 1 某人对 很熟悉 2 梦想做某事 3 忧虑 关心 惦念 4 说服某人做某事 5 改变主意 6 坚定的神情 7 喜欢 喜爱 8

2、 像往常一样 9 坚持做某事 坚决主张 10 某事对某人是熟悉的 sth be familiar to sb sb be familiar with dream about sth doing sth care about persuade sb to do into doing sth change one s mind a determined look be fond of as usual insist on doing sth 中小学课件站 活学活用 根据句后的解析 用适当的短语完成下列句子 1 She seeing her lawyer otherwise she wouldn t

3、 say anything or answer any questions to continue doing sth even though other people think it annoying 2 When I first met him I didn t like him but I ve He is not such a bad man as I thought to change a decision or an opinion 3 My son begged me so much for a new bike that eventually I to agree to do

4、 something that you do not want to do 4 I am not the city This is my first visit knowing sth very well 中小学课件站 5 She deeply environmental issues to feel that sth is important and worth worrying about 6 Susan becoming a teacher after she graduated from college be longing to do sth 答案 1 insisted on 2 c

5、hanged my mind 3 gave in 4 familiar with 5 cares about 6 dreamt about 中小学课件站 单元重点动词 transport prefer insist flow persuade cycle graduate organize determine boil 1 The boys around the country hoped to convince people to use bikes instead of cars to make the earth clean 2 from university the girl was

6、lucky to find a good job 3 Lucy was a poor learner but she was good at all kinds of parties or clubs 4 to make a name all by herself the girl didn t accept any help from her parents 中小学课件站 5 Cathy was so careless as to get burnt by water 6 It is estimated that more than 1 billion people to all over

7、the country during the next Spring Festival 答案 1 cycling 2 Graduating 3 organizing 4 Determined 5 boiling 6 will be transported 中小学课件站 重点句型 1 Once she has made up her mind nothing can change it P18 她一旦下了决心 什么也不能使她改变 once此处为连词 意为 一旦 引导条件状语从句 活学活用 模仿造句 1 一旦你听了这首歌 你将永远忘不了它 2 一旦你学会了西班牙语 你就会发现意大利语很简单 答案

8、1 Once you listen to the song you will never forget it 2 Once you have learned Spanish you will find Italian very easy 中小学课件站 2 For one thing a journal isn t as personal as a diary For another a travel journal has a different purpose P23 一来游记不像日记那样私人化 二来游记有不同的目的 for one thing for another 用以引出某事的理由 一

9、来 二来 一方面 另一方面 活学活用 模仿造句 1 我不能去 一来我没钱 二来我太忙 2 我们很喜欢张老师 一方面他的课很生动 另一方面他很 关心学生 中小学课件站 答案 1 I can t go for one thing I have no money and for another I m too busy 2 We love Mr Zhang very much For one thing his lessons are lively for another he is concerned about the students 中小学课件站 3 We can hardly wait t

10、o see them P22 我们迫不及待地想看到他们 can hardly wait to do something迫不及待地要做某事 活学活用 模仿造句 1 当考试结束后 大部分学生迫不及待地想知道结果 2 春节前几天 进城务工的人通常都会迫不及待地想回家和家 人团圆 答案 1 After the exam most students could hardly wait to know the results 2 A few days before the Spring Festival those who work in the city can hardly wait to go ho

11、me to get together with their families 中小学课件站 语篇领悟 根据课文Journey Down the Mekong 完成下列短文 Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brother and sister They have dreamed of 1 take a great bike trip 2 was Wang Wei who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River They 3 ride bicycles to travel along the Mekong River

12、 4 source is in Qinghai Province 5 it enters Southeast Asia it travels slowly through hills and low valleys and the plains where rice grows 6 the difficulties Wang Kun and Wang Wei were 7 determination to begin their journey at 8 altitude of more than 5 000 meters in Qinghai Province During their jo

13、urney they enjoyed the 9 continue change of the weather Finally they reached Dali in Yunnan Province 10 Dao Wei and Yu Hang joined them The four of them went on with their great bike trip 中小学课件站 答案 1 taking 2 It 3 rode 4 whose 5 When As 6 Despite 7 determined 8 an 9 continuous 10 where 中小学课件站 考点活用 用

14、本单元所学的词组和句型翻译下面片段 张家界是我们的国家森林公园 当父母告诉我国庆期间 我们要到那里去旅行时 我就迫不及待想去看那里的美景 起 初我们打算乘飞机 但因为费用太高我们改变了主意 坐火 车去 来到山脚下 看着那长长的石阶和高耸入云的大山 我想放弃 但父亲决心已定并说服我 所以我下决心并尽力 爬上山顶 第二天 我们听说有美丽的山谷但很难到达 尽 管不熟悉 我们还是坚持去享受山谷的美景 在那里到处有 急流和瀑布 然后我们来到一片大森林 看见了一些特别的 植物 多么美好的一次旅行啊 中小学课件站 答案 Zhangjiajie is a famous national forest park

15、 in our country So when my parents told me that we would make a trip there during the National Day holiday I could hardly wait to see the beautiful scenery there At first we planned to travel by air but the fare was so high that we changed our mind and then we traveled by train When I saw the long s

16、teps and very high mountain at the foot of the mountain I wanted to give in But my father was determined and persuaded me to climb the mountain so I made up my mind and tried my best to reach the top of the mountain 中小学课件站 The next day we heard there was a beautiful valley but it was difficult to get walk We insisted that we go to enjoy the beauty of the valley though we were not familiar with the surroundings There were rapids and waterfalls here and there Then we arrived in a big forest and sa


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