人教版高中英语必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero period 2 测试(教师版)

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1、Unit 5Learning about Language一、选择适当的引导词填空wherewhichwhenwhomwhy1Water is a liquid,the boiling point of is 100.答案:which2The professor with you talked just now is in the office.答案:whom3This is the theatre well visit a well-known pianist.答案:where4The things of they felt proud were Jims watch and Dellas

2、hair.答案:which5I still remember the night she left the house.答案:when6The reason the girl was absent is that her grandmother was ill.答案:why7The scientist about we are talking has been abroad some times.答案:whom8The ice on you skate must be very hard.答案:which9The town around I will show you is very beau

3、tiful.答案:which10The room we took pictures is dusty.答案:where二、用适当的介词填空1I still remember the day which I first met you.答案:on2This shop is the place which I bought the beautiful picture.答案:in/at3The reason which she was late was that she missed the bus.答案:for4I dont like the way which he speaks.答案:in5D

4、o you know the girl whom our teacher is talking?答案:with/to/about6The earth which we live is a big round ball.答案:on7Do you remember the house which Professor Green lives? 答案:in8They had a son and two daughters,all whom taught at the same school.答案:of9The girl whom you bought the dress is in the hospi

5、tal.答案:for10The country which the news is coming is very rich.答案:from三、阅读理解South Africa is becoming one of the most popular and attractive tourist places in the world.Selecting your South African Accommodation(住处)will certainly influence your stay in South Africa.World-famous Cape(海角)Town offers bea

6、uty,nature,scenery and loveliness.It is really the heart of the Western Cape.Major cities in the country include Johannesburg,Durban,Cape Town,Nelspruit,Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth.These each have their own particular offerings.Choosing a good and cheap place to stay within each of these major c

7、ities will help you feel better during the rest of your stay.Accommodation in South Africa has many different ways and offers many choices for each type of travelers.Other major attractions include South African tour accommodation,wildlife of game house visits,the land which offers the famous Big 5l

8、ions,snakes,tigers,wild horses and elephants.It is within the distance of most big cities.South Africa is also popular for its coastal attractions.Whether you decide to visit KZN and enjoy the South Coast or the North Coast,you will enjoy beauty.The Eastern Cape offers complete beaches with major sa

9、nds.You can also enjoy the beauty along the Western Cape on the beaches in Cape Town.The CapeWinelands are popular for South Africas great wines.Mountainous and scenic beauty are all around and places to feast (款待)your eyes for thesevisit Drakensberg,stay in Mpumalanga or tour the Northern Cape for

10、space and desert.South Africa is a land of beauty,richness,culture and history.Find your accommodation in it and enjoy as much as the land can offer you.1The Cape Winelands are famous for.A.wild animalsB.natural beachesC.mountainous sceneryD.its delicious wines答案:D解析:由倒数第三段可知选D项。2Itcanbeinferredfrom



13、a答案:D解析:文章介绍了南非的旅游和住宿。5Whereisthispassageprobablyfrom?A.Atouristhandbook.B.Asciencemagazine.C.Worksofliterature.D.Asciencefiction.答案:A解析:本文是介绍旅游的内容,与科学杂志、文学作品和科幻小说无关,所以本文出自旅行手册,故答案为A项。四、完形填空Another persons enthusiasm(热情) set me moving toward my success.That person was my stepmother.I was nine years

14、old when she entered our home in rural Virginia.My father 1 me to her with these words:“I would like you to meet the fellow who is2for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no 3than tomorrow morning.”My stepmother walked over to me,4my head slightly upward,

15、and looked me right in the eye.Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are 5.This is not the worst boy at all,6the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet (释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”That statement began a(n)7between us.No one had ever called me smart.My family and neighbors had built me up in my 8as a bad boy.My stepmother changed all that.She changed many things.She 9my father to go to a dental school,from which he graduated with honors.She moved our family into the county seat,where my fathers career could be more 10and my brothers and


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