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1、Unit1Par II Vocabulary and Structure (20分)21. Nobody could _ Jim Thorp in track and field events.A. matchB. contrast C. compareD. balance 22. The _ of poverty forced him to quit his study and look for a job to help support the family.A. dutyB. influenceC. strengthD. pressure23. The company directors

2、 asked the government to _ in dispute and prevent a strike.A. interactB. interruptC. interfere D. intervene24. The cause of the decline of North Africa is popularly _ to climatic changes.A. contributedB. subscribedC. attributedD. dedicated25. Their political action _ the fall of the government.A. pr

3、omotedB. acceleratedC. hastenedD. advanced26. “I thought you had planned to practice the piano today.”“I did nothing but _ letter all day.”A. writeB. to writeC. wroteD. writing27. He was a much older tennis player but he had the great _ of experience.A. interestB. benefitC. profitD. advantage28. The

4、 average wage-earner, who leads a colorless existence, devotes a small percentage of his earnings _ the dream of achieving some magic change in his life.A. and keeps aliveB. to keep aliveC. to keep livelyD. to keeping alive29. Gardeners, finding the root unexpectedly in their flower beds and taken w

5、ith its unassuming beauty, _ what it is and when they put it in.A. trying to recall A. B. tries to recall C. try to recall D. tried recalling30. A beam of light will not bend round corners unless _ to do so with the help of a reflecting device.A. to be madeB. being madeC. madeD. be made31. None of u

6、s had the final say in this matter, and therefore it was recommended that we _ for the authorities.A. waitB. waitedC. would waitD. must wait32. I think your sister is old enough to know _ to spend all her money on fancy goods.A. other thanB. rather thanC. better thanD. more than33. It was an empty h

7、ut, but at least it offered us _ for the night.A. shelterB. roofC. screenD. refuge34. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand his point and her explanation only _ to his confusion.A. extended B. addedC. amountedD. turned35. When

8、traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure _ to carrying your money in cash.A. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative36. He _ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last years president.A. got upB. wound upC. stayed upD. made up37. He _ walking unt

9、il fell over.A. arrangedB. attemptedC. attackedD. attracted38. _ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.A. Subject toB. Contrary toC. Familiar toD. Similar to39. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries.A. provokedB. i

10、rritatedC. inspiredD. hoisted40. He could not say no to so many requests because he is a _ person. A. softB. gentleUnit3Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20题,20分)21. The Prime Minister wasfollowedbyfiveorsix_whenhegotofftheplane.A)laymenB)servantsC)directorsD)attendants22. Thereisnodoubtthatthe_oft

11、hesegoodstotheothersiseasytosee.A)prestigeB)superiorityC)priorityD)publicity23. Themanagergaveherhis_thathercomplaintwould beinvestigated.A)assurance B)assumption C)sanction D)insurance24. Althoughthemodellooksgoodonthesurface,itwillnotbearclose_. A)temperament B)contamination C)scrutiny D)symmetry2

12、5. Wearedoingthisworkinthe_ofreformsintheeconomic,socialandculturalspheres. A)context B)contest C)pretext D)texture26. Whileafullunderstandingofwhatcausesthediseasemaybe severalyearsaway,_leadingtoasuccessfultreatmentcouldcomemuchsooner. A)a distinction B)a breakthrough C)an identification D) an int

13、erpretation27. Doctorsareoftencaughtina_becausetheyhavetodecidewhethertheyshouldtelltheirpatientsthetruthornot. A)puzzle B)perplexity C)dilemma D)bewilderment28. To_importantdatesinhistory,countriescreatespecial holidays.A)commend B)memorizeC)propagate D)commemorate29.Hissuccessfulnegotiationswithth

14、eAmericanshelpedhimto _ hispositioninthegovernment.A)contrive B)consolidateC)heave D)intensify30.Pleasedonotbe_byhisoffensiveremarkssinceheismerelytryingtoattractattention.A)distracted B)disregarded C)irritated D)intervened31.Onceyougettoknowyourmistakes,youshould_themassoonaspossible.A)rectify B)reclaim C)refrain D)reckon32.Theclubwill_newm


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