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1、安徽省亳州市风华中学中考英语复习练习试题(8)单项选择(20分)1.-Excuse me . I want to buy some stamps. Where can I find a post office/? - I know _ not far from here . you can easily find _. A. that; it B. it; one C. one ;it D. it; ones2. No hurry . The bus will arrive _ ten minutes .A. at B. for C. in D. by 3. Today is his _ bi

2、rthday.A. thirtyone B. thirtyfirst C. thirtiethone D.thirtythe first4. Could I use your dictionary ?-Yes, you _.A. can B. could C. need D. should5. The CCTV reorted that premier Wen Jiabao played basketball with some students on Childrens Day.-_! And premier Wen always encourages us to study hard an

3、d do more sports.A. What amazing news B.How amazing news C. What an amazing news D.How an amazing news6. There _ a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.A. is going to be B. will have C. are going to be D. is going to7. Lets _play in the street . father tell me _ do so .A

4、. not to ; not to B. not; not to C. dont ; to not D. not to ; dont8.Ill be always on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my pet dog?-_.A. OK, Id be glad to B. OK, I have no time C. No, I wont do that D. Yes, I would like to .9. My friend _a medium build and he _ of medium height.A. is; has

5、 B. has; is C has; has D. is; is 10. I hear huang gang made an english speech at graduation ceremony yesterday .-_ ,and _A.So he did; so did I B. So did he ; so I did C. So he was ;so was I D. So was he; so I was 11.He is reading a book _ Japanese history.A. with B. at C. on D. in 12. -I am hungry .

6、 is there any bread in the fridge? -_. But we have cakes . would you like to have one?A.Some B. Much C.None D.Nothing 13. -What a nice meal! Its really kind of you to invite us.- _im glad you liked it.A.Not at all B. Sounds good C. Well done D.Never nind14. Its not _ good idea to drive for four hour

7、s without break.A. a; a B. a; the C. the ; a D. the ; the 15.If you want to go to see the movie this evening , so _ I .A. do B. am C. will D. should 16. -Amy, I called you yesterday evening ,but nobody answered the phone.- Oh, I _ a walk with my mother in a park .A. take B. took C. am taking D. was

8、taking. 完型填空(共20题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)A篇Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)? Who _1_ of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most _2_? There is an answer _3_ all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇)。Leonardo may have been the greatest genius (天才) _4

9、_ have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt _5_ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.But Leonardo _6_

10、 an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master ( 大师) painter, and as he got older he became _7_ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways _8_ he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still

11、 with _9_ today. You may know one of his most famous works the _10_ woman known as the Mona Lisa.21.A. took B. made C. painted D. invented22 A. artists B. doctors C. painters D. people23 A. to B. of C. for D. from24 A. the scientists B. the artists C. the world D. people25 A. draw B. paint C. work D

12、. build26 A. was just B. wasnt just C. wasnt D. was no longer27 A. less B. no C. even D. very28 A. before B. after C. because D. when29 A. him B. us C. them D. you30. A. interesting B. crying C. smiling D. surprisingB篇Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the v

13、illage. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the _1_ and they are much _2_。Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, but he _3_ most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruit and flowers are so _4_ and beautiful that they sold much more _5_ in the market

14、 than those of other villagers.How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so _6_ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio.He _7_ the music all day.That is quite true. Tom _8_ things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything _9_. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love _10_ as much as people.31 A. weekB. monthC. seasonD. year32 A


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