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1、Unit 6 How many pep人教版 三年级起点 三年级英语下册单元优质课件 Unit 6 How many 人教版 三年级起点 三年级下册 Part A Let s talk Find and count Let s talk 视频 Sum upSum up Warm up RevisionWarm up Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Let s talkLet s talk Find and countFind and count elephantsmonkeysbirds 4 11 7 Wa

2、rm up Revision How many animals do you see kitekite风筝 例句 There is a kite in the sky 天上有一只风筝 PresentationPresentation 复数形式 kites 短语 fly a kite 放风筝 我想要去放风我想要去放风 筝 筝 I want to fly a kite TryTry They are flying kites beautifulbeautiful美丽的 例句 The fish is beautiful 这条鱼很漂亮 近义词 pretty 反义词 ugly 丑陋的 难看的 beaut

3、iful flowers beautiful girls TryTry 美丽的女孩美丽的女孩 补充单词 girl today friend k ei t b a ti leuf u Let s talk 点击 Let s talk 跟 我一起读吧 视 频 Wow so beautiful Look at the kites 1 2 I see 12 Let s talk How many kites do you see No The black one is a bird Oh How many kites do you see 你看见了多少个风筝呀 详解 此句是询问看到事物数量多少的特殊疑

4、问句 重点句型一 句型结构 How many 可数名词复数复数形式 助动词 主语 see How many birds do you see How many cats do you see TryTry Find and countFind and count How many birds do you see I see How many fish do you see I see Eighteen Eighteen How many balls do you see I see Six Six 一 给下列句子选择对应的汉语翻译 一 给下列句子选择对应的汉语翻译 TestTest 1 Lo

5、ok at the kites A 你看见多少鱼 2 How many fish do you see B 你有多少钱 3 It s so beautiful C 我看见五只 鸟 4 How much money do you have D 看这些风 筝 5 I see five birds E 它真漂亮 D A E B C 二 读句子 选择恰当的答语 二 读句子 选择恰当的答语 1 dogs do you see A How B How many C How old 2 The kite is so A fat B tall C beautiful 3 Let s fly a A kites

6、 B kite C cat 3 milk in the glass A How B How many C How much B B C C B B C C 重点词汇重点词汇 kitekite 风筝 beautifulbeautiful 漂亮的漂亮的 see 看见 Sum upSum up 重点句型重点句型 How many kites do you see How many kites do you see 你看见了多少个风筝呀 HomeworkHomework 1 熟读 Let s talk 部 分 2 用所学句型与同学编 一段对话 并表演 HomeworkHomework Thank yo

7、u Unit 6 How many 人教版 三年级起点 三年级下册 Part A Let s learn Let s chant Let s learn 视频 Sum upSum up Warm up RevisionWarm up Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Let s learnLet s learn Let s chantLet s chant ContentsContentsWarm up Revision ContentsContents eleveneleven 十一 Presentatio

8、nPresentation 例句 I have eleven fish 我有十一条鱼 Eleven Eleven How many cars do you see How many cars do you see ContentsContents twelvetwelve 十二 例句 There are twelve months in a year 一年有十二个 月 联想记忆 two 二 twenty 二十 Twelve Twelve How many boats do you see How many boats do you see ContentsContents thirteenth

9、irteen十三 例句 There are thirteen pencils in the pencil box 铅笔盒里有十三支铅笔 联想记忆 three 三 thirteenth 第十三 How many birds do you see I see thirteen birds ContentsContents fourteenfourteen十四 例句 There are fourteen cars on the street 街道上有十四辆小汽车 联想记忆 four 四 fourteenth 第十四 Are there thirteen oranges in the tree No

10、there are fourteen ContentsContents fifteenfifteen 十五 例句 There are fifteen kites in the sky 天上有十五只风筝 联想记忆 five 五 fifteenth 第十五 f e tf TryTryTryTry 补 词 单 齐 i i n n e e ContentsContents Let s learn 点击 Let s learn 跟我一起读吧 视 频 ContentsContents Let s learn How many fish do you see 1 2 14 15 I see fifteen

11、I see fifteen 我看见了十五条 1 1 12的数词为基本数词 one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 重点句型 详解 数词的构成 详解 二详解 二 four teen fourteen十四 six teen sixteen十六 seven teen seventeen十七 nine teen nineteen十九 fif teen fifteen十五 thir teen thirteen十三 eigh teen eighteen十八 注意 13 19由3 9加后缀 te

12、en构成 详解 三详解 三 thir ty thirty三十 twen ty twenty二十 for ty forty四十 注意 20 90等十位数都由2 9加后缀 ty构成 six ty sixty六十 seven ty seventy七十 nine ty ninety九十 fif ty fifty五十 eigh ty eighty八十 详解 四详解 四 twenty one twenty one二十一 21 99的几十几是由整十的数加个位数1 9构成 中间要有连字符 thirty two thirty two三十二 forty five forty five四十五 练一练练一练 1 二十

13、三 twenty three 2 三十四 thirty four 3 五十六 fifty six ContentsContents Let s chant 点击 Let s chant 跟我一起读吧 视 频 ContentsContents Let s chant ContentsContents一 给下列算式选择合适的答案 TestTest A thirteen B fifteen C twelve D fourteen E eleven F ten 1 5 7 2 3 5 3 18 8 4 15 2 5 2 7 6 10 1 C C F F D D B B A A E E Contents

14、Contents二 请给小动物贴上正确的名牌 1111 1414 1313 1515 1212 fourteenfo fourteenfourteenelevenelevenfifteenfifteentwelvetwelvethirteen thirteen ContentsContentsSum upSum up 重点词汇重点词汇 eleven 11 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 ContentsContents 重点句型重点句型 I see fifteen 我看见了十五条 ContentsContents 将新学的数字单词制成单

15、词卡片吧将新学的数字单词制成单词卡片吧 HomeworkHomework Thank you Unit 6 How many 人教版 三年级起点 三年级下册 Part A Let s spell Let s spell 视频 Sum upSum up Warm up RevisionWarm up Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Let s spellLet s spell ContentsContentsWarm up Revision How many fish do you see 数一数 答一答 e

16、leven twelve fourteen I see ContentsContentsPresentationPresentation Let s spellLet s spell Chant and writeChant and write a a e e i i o o u u ContentsContents 详解 本环节主要是听 懂五个元音字母a e i o u在单词中的发音 a ee o u i ContentsContents hand 英 h nd ContentsContents leg 英 leg ContentsContents 英 ten ten ContentsContents dog 英 d g ContentsContents 英 d k duck ContentsContents big 英 b g ContentsContents Let s spell 点击 Let s spell 跟我一起练吧 视 频 ContentsContents My hand has five little fingers My legs have ten little t


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