五年级下册英语试题第二次月考英语试卷 人教新版

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1、广东省惠来县华清学校2017-2018学年度五年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷(无答案)班别: 姓名: 座号: 总分: 1 按先后顺序给下列单词排队。(填序号10分)( )twenty-third ( )thirtieth( )twelfth ( )seventh( )second ( )fourteenth( )sixteenth ( )twentieth( )first ( )third2 选出不同类的单词。(10分)( )1.A.two B.four C.second( )2.A.happy B.May C.June( )1.A.trip B.sweet C.delicious( )1.A.

2、third B.twenty C.twentieth( )1.A.thirsty B.cute C.hungry3 写出下列对应此的名词性物主代词。(10分)his her my their our 四单项选择(10分)( )1.Sunday is the day of a week. A.first B.one C.seven( )2.- -Its on September 10th. A.When is April Fools Day? B.When is Teachers Day? C.When is Mothers Day?( )3. When is Fathers Day? - .

3、A.Its on the third Sunday in June. B. Its on the second Sunday in June. C. Its on the third Sunday in July.( )4.Today is my birthday. Now I am . A.ten;tenth B.tenth;ten C.ten;ten( )5.When is your mothers birthday? -Its July. A.at B.on C.in五选出合适的单词完成句子,填序号。(10分)AWhat B.Is C.Where D.Are E.Whose1.( )-

4、is your cat? -Its under my bed.2.( )- are you doing now? -Im eating lunch.3.( )- is your little kitten eating food? -Yes ,it is. Look, it is cute .4.( )- birthday is it today? -My mothers.5. ( )- your parents drinking water now? -Yes,they are.六连词成句。(10分)1.is,birthday, When, your(?) 2.is,it, Whose, d

5、og(?) 3.picture,is, The, yellow, mine (.) 4.is,The, Beijing, of, picture ,hers(.) 5.birthday,My ,on, April,is,4th(.) A. Thank you.B. Its on March 8th.C. Its on the second Sunday in May.D. My birthday is on January 21st.E.Yes, it is.E. Yes,it is.七给问句选出合适的答语。( )1.When is Womens Day? ( )2.When is your

6、birthday?( )3.When is Mothers Day?( )4.Is it Mid-Autumn Day today?( )5.Happy birthday to you!八选择正确的单词填空。(10分)1.I see(ten/tenth)horses in the picture.2.My birthday is on July (two/second).3.It is(three/third)oclock.4.There are(eight/eighth)people in his family.5.Childens day is on June(one/1st)九阅读理解(

7、10分) Class is over. Some students are playing games in the classroom. Amy is talking with Sarah. Mike is writing. John is reading a book. Wu Yifan is drinking juice.Bob is cleaning the blackboard. Tim is telling a Joke(笑话) to Kate. Some girls are running. Whose book is on the floor? Chen Jie is goin

8、g to pick it up(捡起来)and put it on Lilys desk. Oh! Its Lilys book. ( )1.Sarah is . A.writing B.talking C.playing( )2. is cleaning the blackboard . A.John B.Amy C.Bob( )3.Wu Yifan is . A.drinking juice B.reading a book C.writing( )4. Book is on the floor. A.Chen Jies B.Tims C.Lilys( )5.Whats Mike doing? A.writing B.playing games C.running十小作文。(10分)请你介绍一下你的家人的生日分别是在什么时候(包括你自己、爸爸、妈妈、哥哥等家庭成员)。还有今年的生日你打算怎么过?与大家分享一下吧!要求:语句通顺,时态正确,不少于5句话。



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