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1、Unit 5 Special Clothes 语言知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空Several years ago, I had a lengthy delay at Pittsburgh airport _1_ I headed for the shoe shine stand where two young _2_ worked.One was a pleasant young man, the other was _3_.I wanted the _4_ one to shine my shoes.However, when my _5_ came I got the

2、 quiet one. I said, “Good morning! How are you?” The man said _6_ and I thought to myself, “Thats no _7_ to build a business!” As I sat down he _8_ rolled up my pant leg and as he used the soap to _9_ my shoes he was careful to get none on my _10_.He wiped the shoes with extreme care and as he _11_

3、the polish, he made certain that every inch of leather was thoroughly _12_.He brushed the shoes _13_, then took his shine cloth and really put some energy into the _14_.As he was shining my shoes, I looked carefully at the man _15_.He obviously suffered from some degree of mental retardation (迟钝)Whe

4、n he _16_ the job successfully, I dont need to tell you that the man got a _17_ tip from me. Two major observations.His parents must be great people to have _18_ this young man the _19_ of hard work.The second: Regardless of your ability, if you _20_ it and use it to the fullest, you can become real

5、ly good at what you do.Major point: Be careful how you judge people on that first impression.Give them a chance.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一个寡言的擦鞋匠使作者认识到:在根据第一印象判断人时一定要谨慎!1A.or Bso Cfor Dbut解析:选B“航班长时间延误”“因此(so)”“我走向擦鞋摊”,故选B项。2A.men BladiesCwaitersDassistants解析:选A根据下文中出现的“young man”, “The man”可知,擦鞋的是两个年轻的“男子(men

6、)”。3A.old Bpoor CsilentDstrange解析:选C根据下文中的“I got the quiet one”可知,两个擦鞋匠,一个随和,一个“沉默(silent)”。4A.clever BcautiousChandsome Dfriendly解析:选D根据下文中的“However .I got the quiet one.”可知,“我”本想让随和“热情的(friendly)”那个年轻人为“我”擦鞋。5A.bill Bturn CshoeDchance解析:选B当“轮(turn)”到“我”的时候,却是那个沉默不语的人为“我”擦鞋。6A.nothing BsomethingCan

7、ything Deverything解析:选A根据上文中的“I got the quiet one”和下文中的“Thats no _7_to build a business!”可知,这个年轻人“什么话都没(nothing)”说。7A.way Bexcuse CdoubtDreason解析:选A“我”自忖道:这样(不说话)是没“办法(way)”做生意的。8A.gladly BcasuallyCcarefully Dpurposely解析:选C根据下文中的“careful”, “care”可知,这个年轻人做事很“仔细(carefully)”。9A.wipe Bbrush CshineDclean

8、解析:选D根据设空前的“soap”可知,此处是指用肥皂“清洁(clean)”鞋子。10A.pantsBsocks ChandsDlegs解析:选B根据上文中的“rolled up my pant leg”和“he was careful”可知,他没有在“我”的“袜子(socks)”上留下任何污渍。11A.saw BrubbedCapplied Dopened解析:选C清洁完鞋子后,就该给鞋子“上(applied)”鞋油了。12A.collected BchangedCchecked Dcovered解析:选D根据这个年轻人做事的认真态度可知,他会确保鞋子的每寸皮革上都被鞋油“覆盖(covere

9、d)”,而且他会把鞋子刷得“很好(beautifully)”。13A.magically BpersonallyCbeautifully Danxiously解析:选C参见上题解析。14A.job Bshow CgameDlife解析:选A擦鞋是年轻人的工作,根据上文对年轻人擦鞋的细节描述可知,他确实在自己的“工作(job)”中投入了精力。15A.at any time Bfor the first timeCin no time Dfor the time being解析:选B根据下文中的“He obviously suffered from some degree of mental re

10、tardation (迟钝)” 可知,鞋快擦完了,“我”才发现年轻人很明显有一定程度的智力缺陷,故而这是“我”“第一次(for the first time)”仔细地看他。16A.lost Bquitted CfoundDfinished解析:选D根据上文中的描述和下文中的“successfully”可知,他成功“完成了(finished)”这份工作。17A.large Bquick CsecretDhelpful解析:选A“我”对年轻人的工作很满意,所以一定给了他“很大(large)”一笔小费。18A.given BtaughtCpromised Dprepared解析:选B参见下题解析。1

11、9A.result BevidenceCimportance Dchallenge解析:选C作者推断,年轻人的父母一定“教过(taught)”他努力工作的“重要性(importance)”。20A.judge BadmireCrecognize Ddevelop解析:选D根据下文中的“you can become really good at what you do”可知,不管能力如何,如果你“发展(develop)”并充分使用它,你就一定会成为行家。.语法填空 With the development of modern society and high technology, childr

12、en wear more and more beautiful and fashionable clothes.More children _1_ (allow)to choose their favorite clothes, which is _2_ relatively new trend.Many years ago, children had to suffer the whims (突发奇想) of adults as far as clothes were concerned.Like _3_ (adult) clothes, childrens clothes followed

13、 fashions as well.About 120 years _4_, boys in Europe and America wore white anklelength dresses, just like their sisters, until they _5_ (reach) the age of five.Older boys from wealthy _6_ (family) were then dressed in pretty velvet (丝绒) suits _7_ lace collars.Their hair was grown to shoulder lengt

14、h _8_ longer.For many unlucky boys, these carefully planned and organized costumes were not reserved for special occasions; they had to wear the same _9_ (restrict) and uncomfortable outfits for everyday play.Clean and proper clothes say that the person has both selfrespect and respect for other peo

15、ple.Clothing can tell quite a lot about the person, sometimes more than we would like to reveal.So we should pay more attention to _10_ (wear) proper clothes in different occasions.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了儿童服装的发展。1are allowed主语“children”和句子谓语“allow”构成被动关系,且与该句中的is呼应,故用are allowed。2atrend是可数名词,且第一次在语境中出现,故用不定冠词a修饰。3adults与设空后的“childrens clothes”呼应可知,设空处用adults作定语。4ago与设空后的“wore”



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