2020外研版八年级英语下册Module 2 Unit 2同步练习题 含答案

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1、【文库独家】外研版英语八年级下册 Module 2 Unit 2 同步练习题 I. 根据首字母和句意填空1. Paris is the capital of F_.2. Though he is 2, he can c_ from 1 to 100.3. Are they G_?Yes, they are from Berlin.4. Have you ever learnt a_ language besides English?5. He can speak German, because he has lived in G_ for 2 years.6. British English

2、is similar to American English, so we often m_ them. 7. In a_ times, it was hard for people to travel around because of the lack of modern transportation.8. Eiffel T_ is the symbol of Paris in F_.II. 适当形式填空1. Teresa _ (be) to Japan many times, and she likes Japanese food.2. I _ never _ (speak) to a

3、stranger.3. He _ (move) here five years ago.4. -Recently, _ you _ (win) a football match? Yes, we have. It was yesterday that we _ (beat) the team from No.4 middle school.5. I find it interesting _(learn) English.6. Egypt is one of the _ (big) cities in Africa.7. He _ (be) here since 1990. 8. What a

4、re the _ (different) between British culture and Chinese culture?9. I _ (learn) English for many years and I have no trouble talking with foreigners.III单项选择1. Has Mary visited London? - _. She has never been there before.A. Yes, she hasB. No, she hasntC. Yes, shesD. No, shes not2. I dont believe tha

5、t this_ boy can paint such a nice picture.A. five years oldB. five-years-oldC. five-year-oldD. five-years-olds3. They found_ impossible _ the work in time.A. that, to finishB. it, finishC. it, to finishD. that, finish4. We have visited the science museum three times_.A. justB. sinceC. everD. so far5

6、. - _you _ to Nanjing? -Yes, I have. I went there last year.A. Do, goB. Will, goC. Did, goD. Have, been6. We need _ men to complete the work. You mean _ men are enough?A. more ten, ten moreB. another ten, ten anotherC.ten more, ten anotherD. ten more, another ten 7. Hello! Could I speak to Lily? Sor

7、ry, she is not in. She _ Shanghai.A. have been toB. has been toC. has gone toD. have gone to8. It_ about 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth.A. takesB. spendsC. costsD. cost9. Who _ the wonderful story?A. looked upB. picked upC. made upD. turned up10. Lisa has dreamed_ being a

8、 doctor.A. ofB. forC. withD. to11. You must stop_. My father is sleeping.A. talkB. to talkC.to talkingD. talking12. Who _ the teahouse? It looks really clean now. A. cleanedB. have cleanedC. has cleanedD. clean13. Our teacher_ to England. She will come back in ten months.A. have beenB. has beenC. ha

9、s goneD. have gone14. We_ ten compositions so far.A. have writtenB. wroteC. were writingD.write15. Have you ever been to Russia?Yes, I have. I_ there 2 years ago.A. have beenB. have goneC. will goD. wentIV. 完成句子1. 你认识那个八岁的小姑娘吗?Do you know that _ girl?2. 他一直以来都梦想着环游世界。He has always _.3. 我去过伦敦三次了。_ Lo

10、ndon 3 times.4. 不仅Mike还有Jim也都开始学习德语了。Not only Mike but also Jim _-.5. 我发现要解决这个问题很难。I find it _ the problem.6. 你去过什么特别有意思的地方吗?_7. 布莱克一家人已经搬到这里住有十年了。The Blacks _ here for 10 years.答案I. 根据首字母和句意填空1 France. 2 count 3 German/Germans 4 another 5 Germany 6 mix 7 ancient 8 Tower France.II. 适当形式填空1. Teresa h

11、as been (be) to Japan many times, and she likes Japanese food.2. I have never spoken (speak) to a stranger.3. He moved (move) here five years ago.4. -Recently, have you won (win) a football match? Yes, we have.It was yesterday that we beat (beat) the team from No.4 middle school.5. I find it interes

12、ting to learn English.6. Egypt is one of the biggest (big) cities in Africa.7. He has been (be) here since 1990. 8. What are the differences (different) between British culture and Chinese culture?9. I have learnt (learn) English for many years and I have no trouble talking with foreigners.III单项选择1-

13、5 B C C D D 6-10 D C A C A 11-15 D C C A DIV. 完成句子1. Do you know that 8-year-old girl?2. He has always dreamed of traveling around the world. 3. I have been to London 3 times.4. Not only Mike but also Jim has begun to learn German.5. I find it hard to work out the problem.6. Have you been to any interesting places? 7.



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