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1、小句复合体小句复合体 Lecture 4 小句复合体 小句:语法中的最高单位。它是及物性、语气 和主位等系统的起点,分别同时通过三个结构层 得到体现(及物性结构、语气结构和主位结构) 。 小句体现了经验意义、人际意义和语篇意义, 在非标记(unmarked)的情况下也通过调群( tone group)来体现。 小句复合体小句复合体 YYClause complex: A sentence can be interpreted Clause complex: A sentence can be interpreted as a clause complex: a Head clause toge

2、ther with as a clause complex: a Head clause together with other clauses that modify it. A combination of other clauses that modify it. A combination of clauses related paratactically or hypotactically but clauses related paratactically or hypotactically but not through embedding; the mode of combin

3、ation not through embedding; the mode of combination is the mode of organization of the logical subtype is the mode of organization of the logical subtype of the ideational metafunction. of the ideational metafunction. YYFor example, clauses combined through For example, clauses combined through coo

4、rdination form a clause complex. coordination form a clause complex. YYThe notion of clause complex thus enables us to The notion of clause complex thus enables us to account in full for the functional organization of account in full for the functional organization of sentences (cf. Halliday 1994: 2

5、16). sentences (cf. Halliday 1994: 216). J Parataxis: Logical interdependency between clauses where the interdependents are of equal status. JRoughly comparable to coordination in traditional grammar. If two clauses are related paratactically, the primary one is initiating (1), and the secondary one

6、 continuing (2). | I switched on my TV set | and there was a program about whales. |I switched on my TV set | and there was a program about whales. | 1 2 | Lets face it, | the human body is like a condominium apartment. | 1 2 Hypotaxis: Logical interdependency between clauses where the interdependen

7、ts are of unequal status. Thus one of the clauses can be seen as a Head being modified by the other(s). If two clauses are related hypotactically, the primary one is dominant (a), and the secondary one dependent (b). Roughly comparable to subordination in traditional grammar. The traditional term su

8、bordination does usually not differentiate hypotaxis and embedding (rankshifted clauses). | Fear of flying is quite rational | because human beings cannot fly. | | Fear of flying is quite rational | because human beings cannot fly. | aa b b | Because human beings cannot fly, | fear of flying is quit

9、e | Because human beings cannot fly, | fear of flying is quite b b a a rational. | rational. | Embedding: rankshifted clauses clause as part of (nominal) group (downranked to part of constituent) clause as participant (downranked to clause constituent) | I once had a leather jacket that got ruined i

10、n the rain. | EmbeddingEmbedding Clause as part of group 1.The people that run the stores at the airport have no idea what things cost anywhere else. (nominal group) 2.You never see anybody on TV just sliding off the front of the sofa with potato chip crumbs all over their shirt. (nominal group) 3.J

11、ust go as fast as you can. (adverbial group) 4.Theyre very proud that they have a fireplace. (nominal/adjectival group) Clause as clause constituent (participant) 1.Driving to the airport can make me nervous. 2.I gave her whatever I had there. 3.He likes to travel to exotic places. Expansion The sec

12、ondary clause expands the primary clause Elaborating (i.e.) = restating in other words, specifying in greater detail, commenting, exemplifying 1.Kings, emperors and pharaohs had storytellers; | that was their entertainment. (12) 2.I have a friend whos unemployed | hes collecting unemployment insuran

13、ce. (12) 3.They decided to cancel the show, | which upset everybody. (ab) 4.They decided to cancel the show, | upsetting a lot of people. (ab) 1. Pfaff succeeds Martin Burke, | who resigned. (ab) 2. He appears as an independent and self- reliant figure, | whose rugged individualism need not be press

14、ed into the mold of a 9 to 5 routine. (ab) One of the roughest was the TV quiz shows, | which gave him inferiority complexes. (ab) His inner voice, which should tell him what not to do, has not developed. (a ) Extending (and, or) adding some new element, giving an exception to it, offering an alternative addition (positive, negative, adversative), variation (replacive, subtractive) 1. Maybe the comets killed the dinosaurs, | maybe they tripped and fell. (1



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