四年级上英语一课一练Unit 6 At the mall深港朗文版

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1、Are you ready?你们准备好了吗?、Words and expressions 单词与词组1. mall 购物商场2. toilet 厕所3. gift 礼物4. bank 银行5. one 一(个,只)6. beside 在旁边7. another 另一8. above 在.上面9. between 在中间10. below 在下面11. ground 地面12. need 需要13. shopping 买东西14. tea 茶 1. on the first floor 一楼2. the toy shop 玩具店3. the shopping mall 购物中心4. fast f

2、ood restaurant 快餐店5. a cup of tea 一杯茶4、Sentence patterns 句型1. What do you want to do?2. Wheres the toilet?3. Its not good for you.4. Its on the second floor.5. The supermarket is on the ground floor.6. I can see another one above the window.7. We need some onions.、选一选,写一写1. Where (is, are) the bank?

3、2. What colour (is, are)the birds?3. Its (on, in) the second floor.4. What (do, does) you want to do?5. They are (beside, between) the desk.、读一读,连一连1. a toy shop a. 在门旁边2. 照相机店 b. a gift shop3. on the second floor c. 在三楼4. 礼品店 d. a camera shop5. beside the door e. 玩具店、读一读,选一选( )1. 爸爸在三楼。 Dad is on t

4、wo floor. B. Dad is in the second floor.( )2. 超市在书店旁边。A. The supermarket is beside the bookshop.B. The supermarket is below the bookshop.( )3. 小鸟在窗口上面。A. The bird is between the window.B. The bird is above the window.( )4. 爷爷在哪里? A. Where is Grandpa? B. Where is Great-grandpa?( )5. 汤姆在快餐店。A. Tom is

5、on the fast food restaurant.B. Tom is in the fast food restaurant.、读一读,选答句( )1. Where are the pens? A. No, there isnt.( )2. Is there a shop? B. Yes, there are some books.( )3. Where is my grandpa? C. They are in my bag.( )4. Are there any books? D. Thats a good idea.( )5. Lets go to the beach. E. He

6、 is in the fast food restaurant.、句型转换1. The supermarket is on the second floor. (划线提问) the supermarket?2. I want to buy a robot. (一般疑问句) you to buy a robot?3. These are pretty dresses. (单数句) This a pretty .4. Does your brother go to school on foot every morning? (否定回答) No, .5Pat can read and write.

7、(否定句) Pat read write.、汉译英1 礼品店在银行的上面。The shop is the bank.2 电影院在快餐店和照相机店的中间。The cinema is the fast food restaurant and the shop.3 卫生间在四楼。The is on the .4 我看见一只鸟。它在灯的下面。I can a bird. It is the light.5我想买一只宠物猫。 I want to a cat.、英汉互译1 一家玩具店 2 一部照相机3 二楼4 一家快餐店5 在银行下面6 the ground floor7 a pet shop8 besid

8、e the door9 buy a toy robot10. another bird 、选一选,填一填( )1. Please eat fast food at the shopping mall. A. not B. dont C. doesnt D. no( )2. Its not good you. A. for B. to C. on D. with( )3. We need onions and four potatoes. A. any B. an C. some D. much( )4. Grandpa on the first floor? A. Are B. Do C. I

9、s D. Does( )5. Tom wants to the library. A. to go B. goes C. going D. go、连词成句1. is toilet Where the ?2. camera floor is shop The second the on 3. there a fast Is food here restaurant 4. to a want buy I robot toy 5. is bird above another There door is 、读一读,判断正T误F。 Today is Saturday. Alice and Tom are

10、 at a mall. Tomorrow is Alices birthday. Tom wants to buy her a gift. Alice: Tom, I want to buy a toy robot. Tom: Ok, we can buy it in the toy shop. Alice: Do you know wheres the toy shop? Tom: Its on the ground floor. Alice: Oh, I see it. Lets go.( )1. Alices birthday is on Sunday.( )2. Tom wants a toy robot.( )3. The toy shop is on the second floor.( )4. Alice can see the toy shop.( )5. There is a bank above the toy shop.、想一想,写一写用40字左右说说你家附近的超市,注意标点及大小写。请你读一读下面的三个句子,这三个句子用不同的


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