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1、适用于广东名校名师版高三 高考综合版 第 28 期适用于广东名校名师版高三 高考综合版 第 28 期 本期定价 1.6 元。编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 80866034陈老师印 刷: 郑州华宇印务有限责任公司地址: 河南省郑州市 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 第 27 期 Practice 听说训练录音材料 A Part A: 略 Part B: Role Play M: When do you want to leave for that seaside town, Martha? W: I

2、m not sure yet, but maybe we should leave on Friday after work. It s a long drive. But I d rather get there late Friday than midday Saturday. We have only three days off this time after all. M: How long is the drive? W: Five or six hours. M: Say, you leave at 4:30 right after work. And you ll be the

3、re around nine or ten. W: I suppose so. And we could still have a good night s sleep. M: What are you going to take? W: Do you think it s going to be a bit cold at night at the seaside? M: Maybe. I m going to take a sweater or a light coat, just in case. W: Hope we have a good time there. Part C: St

4、ory Retelling I can still remember the first time Father bought me pomegranates (石榴). After I had a long look at the fruit, I asked, “Why are you buying such ugly fruit? Why not buy apples? Pomegranates do not look as nice as apples.” When Father heard my words, he said nothing. He just smiled. I wo

5、uld find out why he did so later. When we got home, he took me into the kitchen and cut open one of the pomegranates with a knife. “Now I will show you its real face!”he said. “Wow!”I cried. What inside the fruit was completely different from its outside. The pomegranate had many small “rooms”inside

6、 it. There were seeds in those “rooms” . And each seed looked like a beautiful, shiny ruby (红宝石). “Do you think it is beautiful?” Father asked. “That shows you must never judge something simply by its outside. You must always look at its inside, too.” I suddenly realized that Father s words were not

7、 only about fruit. Some people are like pomegranates and not very beautiful, but they have beautiful hearts. Now, when I go to the supermarket, I always buy some pomegranates to share with my friends and family. B Part A: 略 Part B: Role Play W: Discoveries is looking for a reporter to travel all aro

8、und the world and write adventure articles. M: Oh, it s a good job, I think. W: So you are interested in working forDiscoveries? M: That s right. I ve never written a magazine article, but I m sure I can. I ve written lots of articles for newspapers. W: Oh? What newspapers have you written for? M: W

9、ell, so far I ve sold articles to the Chicago Star and a few other newspapers. W: Have you ever written an adventure article? M: No, I haven t. But I have done some adventurous things to get infor- mation for my newspaper articles. W: Tell me about one of them. M: Well, once I wanted to report on pr

10、isons, so I went to a store and stole something. Of course the police came and I spent ten days in prison. It was horrible. When I got out, I wrote two articles about my experi- ences there. When the public read the articles, they got upset and com- plained. Since then the prisons really have been i

11、mproved. W: That certainly is interesting. Part C: Story Retelling Helen Keller always said, “If it had not been for Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown.” Anne Sullivan lost her parents at an early age and was almost sight- less herself(caused by a terrible fever) and

12、 was, at one time, said to be “mad”by the nurse who took care of her. She was locked in a basement (地下室) of a mental hospital. Little Anne would fight with anyone who came near. An elderly nurse believed there was hope, however, and she made it her duty to care for the child. Every day, she visited

13、little Anne. The kind- ly woman left cookies for her and spoke words of love and encourage- ment. She believed little Anne could get well with her love. Finally, doctors noticed a change in the girl. They now noticed a growing kindness and love. They moved her upstairs where she continued to improve

14、. Then finally this seemingly “hopeless” child went well. Anne Sullivan grew into a young woman and wished to help others like her as she, herself, was helped by the kindly nurse. She saw the great hope in Helen Keller and became her teacher. She taught her, pushed her and worked with her, and the m

15、ost important, loved and encouraged her, until the small candle light (烛光) of her life became a strong light to the world. A 听说训练 (60 分) 注:“英语听说”考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分 值 = 卷面成绩 (满分 60 分) 伊0.25, 四舍五入取整数计 分。 Part A: Reading Aloud 模仿朗读(20 分) In this part, you are required to listen to the tape or watch a video

16、 clip, and read after the speaker. Its mother can t feed out of water, so she won t stay here for long, and her pup has to suck the milk it needs from her as quickly as it can. The milk contains twelve times more fat than cow s milk. The mother produces it directly from her blubber (海兽脂) , and the pup converts most of it straight back to blubber. The nursery is dangerously crowded, and pups can easily be crushed (压 坏)and killed by the huge bulls as they quarrel and chase af


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