三年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Where is my car?PC story time人教PEP

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1、三年级英语(下)第4单元第6课时Unit4 Where is my car?Part C Story time一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1. 能让学生在练习中得以掌握Where is 句型,位置短语运用。2.怎样找东西,怎样捉迷藏。3. 能灵活运用所学知识来表演故事。能力目标培养学生运用语言的能力和表演能力。情感目标培养学生学英语的兴趣。教学重点灵活运用所学知识来表演故事。教学难点灵活运用所学知识来表演故事。教学方法情景教学法、任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I.复习热身1、教师发指令,学生做出相应的动作,并说出boat,ball,car,cap,map这些单词。如:T

2、:Row a boat.S:Boat ,boat,boat.T:Bounce a ball.来源:学科网S:Ball,ball,ball.T:Drive a car.S:Car,car,car.T:Put on a cap.S:Cap,cap,cap.T:Read a map.S:Map,map,map.2.对话练习教师准备几张表示物品方位的图片,让每组派一对同学上台抽签领取图片,并根据图片的内容进行对话:A:Where is?B: Its in /on/under the 来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K.呈现 新知Story time1、教师拿出一个球和一个盒子,与学生一起玩问答游戏。T:W

3、here is the ball?(教师将球放在盒子里)来源:学科网S:Its in the box.T:Yes,you are right.T:Where is the ball?(教师将球放在盒子上面)S:Its in the box.T:No,it isnt.S:Its on the box.T:Yes!T:Where is the ball?(教师将球放在盒子下面)S:Its under the box.T:Great.来源:学科网ZXXK2、教师将钱放在盒子后面,问学生:Where is the ball?学生回答“在盒子后面”,教师说:Yes,its behind the box.

4、教师教读单词behind,可让学生按座位顺序轮流说单词。3.读生词hide and seek, ready ,table,bed,find,behind,以开火车的形式读单词。学习课文Story time的内容,一人一句读课文翻译课文,有不会的错误的地方要纠错4、教师播放Story time部分的录音,第一遍让学生一边听录音一边看图,第二遍让学生一边跟读一边画出文中不理解的句子,然后教师讲解、板书并教读这些句子。如:Lets play hide and seek.Are you ready?Where are you?I cant find you!Im behind you.再次播放录音,学

5、生一边跟读一边用手指出所读的句子。5、说完以后学生复述课文内容。看动画一边看课文。.巩固练习来源:学科网1、教师把学生分成四组进行对话练习。如:T:Where is my boat?G1:Its under the desk.T:Where is my ruler?G2:Its on the desk.T:Where is my cap?G3:Its in the box.T:Where is my ball?G4:Its behind the desk.实践应用1、教师把学生分成两人一组进行分角色表演,可叫男、女学生各一名上讲台表演,(男生扮演Zoom,女生扮演Zip)表演如下:Zip:Le

6、ts play hide and seek.Zoom:Great!1,2,3,.10.Are you ready?Zip:Yes!Zoom:Where are you?Under the table?Under the bed?In the toy box?Where are you?I cant find you!Zip:Haha!Im behind you!.总结反馈Are you ready?Where are you?I cant find you.Im behind you.作业布置Home work1.完成当堂达标。2.把所学故事表演给家长看。三、【板书设计】Unit 4 Where is my car?Part C Story timehide and seek.Are you ready?Where are you、I cant find you.Im behind you.四、【教后反思】


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