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1、Unit OneText AA payment greater than money.Introduction (15)1. Introductory RemarksIn a Payment Greater than Money, the author tells us when he was 14 years old he earned money by mowing lawns for the neighbors during the summer days in Louisville, Kentucky. It was there that the boy got to know Mr.

2、Ballou, a nice enough old guy expect for the payment that should have been made on time. But in fact Mr.ballou didnt and even seemed unable to pay a single dime to the boy. There seemed to be nothing that could change the matter until one late afternoon in mid-July when Mr.Ballou motioned the boy to

3、 come inside his cool, shaded hall. . New words and phases (35)1. Payment: n. (1) the out of paying 支付,付款 eg. We except prompt payment 我们期待即时付款(2) sum of money paid 支付的款项eg. Monthly mortgage payment of 300 每月三百元的抵押贷款(3) reward of sth 报偿eg. All the payment I get for my trouble was insults我辛苦了一番。结果还是受

4、辱Pay n. 工资,薪金辨:pay: a general ward for the money you receive for works 表示工资、薪金的一般词语 eg. He gets his pay each Friday. 他每周五领工资 Income: any money you receive regularly, whether form work or from rents etc. 经常得到的收入,不管是从工作中,还是从租金中所得 eg. Half of our income gets on rent 我们收入的一半都在房租上 Salary: be paid monthly

5、 into the bank (especially to professional people) 每月通过银行发给的薪金(尤其指给专业人员) eg. A salary of sixteen thousand pounds a year 年收入是一万六千英镑的薪水 Wages: be paid weekly in cash (especially to people who work with their hands) 每周用现金支付的薪水(尤其对临时工) eg. The workers have asked for a wage rise of 10% 工人提出增加工资10%的要求 wag

6、e freeze 冻结工资 Fee: money paid for certain professional services (eg. to a lawyer, doctor, private school) 付给某些职业(如律师、医生等)的服务费或酬金 eg. doctors fee 医生的诊费2. Injury: harm, damage, wrongful treatment n. 伤害,尤其指意外伤害 eg. insurance against injury at work 工伤保险 injury time: additional playing time at the end of

7、 a match, esp. in football, played to make up for time lost through injuries to players (尤其指足球赛中的受伤延长赛时以补偿因球员受伤而耽误的时间) Injure: v. (1) to cause physical harm to (a person or animal) esp. in an accident; hart seriously 尤指在事故中使人或动物受伤 eg. Two people were killed and seven were injured, some of them serio

8、usly,when the car hit the bus. 小汽车与公共汽车相撞, 2人死亡,7人受伤,其中有的伤势严重。 (2) to damage 损害 eg. His reputation will be badly injured by these vicious rumors. 他的名誉受到这些恶毒谣言的伤害 Injurious: causing, damaging /be injurious to eg. Smoking is injurious to health. 吸烟有害健康 辨: Wound: from any attack in which a gun or sharp

9、 instrument such as a sword or knife is used. 指手枪或锐器如刀剑等所造成的伤害 eg. The bullet wounded his arm 子弹打伤了他的胳膊 Injure: (1) from any other weapon such as a heavy stick or bomb is used. 至任何其他武器如重棒或炸弹造成的创伤 (2) in an accident 指在意外事故中受伤严重 Hurt: both wound and injure are more serious than hurt wound 和injure表示受伤程

10、度都比hurt严重 eg. She slipped and hurt her knee. 她滑到了,擦伤了膝盖3. Trim: to make neat, even or tidy by cutting or removing unwanted parts eg. I am having my hair trimmed tomorrow. a neatly trimmed beard Trim off the loose treads. 4. Owe: (1) to have to pay 欠 (not in progressive forms ) eg. I still owe the ga

11、rage 20 We owe loyalty to our country. 我们对国家负有尽忠的责任 He seems to think the world owes him a living. 他似乎什么都不要做,好像全世界都欠他债似的. (2) to feel grateful 感激 owe to sb eg. We owe a lot of to my parents. 我们欠父母的恩很多 (3) owe someone one 非正式报答,报酬某人5. ignore: not to take notice of 不顾,忽视 eg. My advice was completely i

12、gnored. 辨: ignore: He ignored the speed limit (he know about it, but paid no attention to it ) and drove very fast 他不顾时速限制,把车子开得很快 be ignorant of: He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (dont know) there was a speed limit. 他因为不知道有时速限制,把车子开得很快 ignorance: n. lack of knowledg

13、e, information or consciousness esp. of sth one ought to know about 无知,愚昧 eg. Ignorance of the law is no excuse 对法律的无知不能成为借口 It shows appalling ignorance not to know who the present prime minister 现任首相是谁都不知道,实在是令人震惊的无知6. meantime: the time between (two events) 其间 in the meantime = meanwhile The new

14、secretary wont come until next week in the meantime, weve arranged for a temporary one.7. rack: a frame or shelf with bars, books etc. for holding things 架子 eg. Vegetable rack /magazine rack /plate rack /roof rack (汽车顶上的行李架)8. seek: seek /sought /sought (1) fml or lit to make a search for; try to find or get 寻找(某物)寻求,探索(正文或文) eg. We are earnestly seeking after the truth我们在认真地寻找真理 The travelers sought shelter from the rain旅行者在找地方躲雨 Will the president seek re-election at the end of his term of office? 董事长在他任期结束时还会寻求重新当选吗? He sought out his friend


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