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1、null307null 2010M7动null 力null 工null 程null 学null 报Journal of Chinese Society of Power EngineeringVol.30 No.7nullJuly 2010nulll:2009-12-30null null:2010-04-02:SE1(50976086)Te:a(1986-),3,i,V3,Z_:.(Tel.): 15929317794;E-mail:.cI|:1674-7607(2010) 07-0508-04null null nullms|:TK224. 9+ 4null null nullDSM: A

2、 null null nullSs|:470.30QV8K刘正宁, null 刘null 洋, null 谭厚章, null 牛艳青, null 王学斌, null 徐通模(YvMSELi,710049)Knull1: 对国内某铝厂原料石油焦和煅烧后的石油焦进行了X射线荧光(XRF)分析,并通过省煤器样管的扫描电镜( SEM)分析及腐蚀层的X射线衍射(XRD)检测,讨论了余热锅炉省煤器管壁低温腐蚀的形成及其机理.结果表明:省煤器管壁腐蚀层物质的主要成分是FeSO4 nullH2O;炼焦产生的高浓度SO2以及天然气燃烧所产生的大量水蒸气是造成铝厂余热锅炉低温腐蚀的原因,可以通过提高省煤器管壁温度

3、来防止低温腐蚀的发生.1oM: 余热锅炉; 省煤器; 低温腐蚀; 石油焦; 机理Study onCorrosionMechanism of Economizer of Waste Heat BoilersLI UZheng-ning, null LIU Yang, null TA N Hou-zhang, null NIU Yan-qing, null WANG Xue-bin, null X UTong-mo(State Key Lab of Power Engineering andMultiphase Flow, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049

4、, China)Abstract: X-ray fluorescence(XRF) analysis was performedfor the raw petroleum coke and the incineratedpetroleum coke of certain aluminum plant in China. By analyzing the scanning electron microscope( SEM)of the sample tube made from the economizer andX-ray diffraction(XRD) of the corrosion l

5、ayer, the for-mation and mechanism of low temperature corrosion onthe wall of the economizer of the waste heat boilerwere discussed. Results show that the main component of the corrosion layer was FeSO4 null H2O, and thelow temperature corrosion of waste heat boiler in aluminum plant was caused by h

6、igher concentration ofSO2 producedby coking andlargeamounts of steam produced by natural gas combustion. Low temperaturecorrosion can be prevented by increasing the wall temperature of the economizer.Key words: waste heat boiler; economizer; low temperature corrosion; petroleum coke; mechanismnull n

7、ullh3V3vl,tlav+,4lq#,+BQV,ll.h3B(F,7S=vshFc;,V+cvK;(BSO2) .QVcSO2H,Bs$SO31-3 ,SO2SO38VsH,t8YV5C1i,5C?3KQ,75CQ,Cs4 .,SO33;,V5 ,;A,;Aa5CQK,KB?38,K,H8V?35C6-7 .85CsK|B?38 ,85CrTh,/QV,KQVg,YQVrq.3S=hQVK5,i)K#.1 nullk#ZES=h3VPT+(nm1)F,F30 t/h,?100 m3/h,BQ1 300 1 400 m3/h,=Q2 500 m3/ h,Q+,ovd9.?,3v,V+,z3v

8、VQV.null nullhQVsQV/Q169/1200-100-1.6/ 300QV,!9/:m1null+Fig.1null Processflow chart of carbon rotary kiln1.6 MPaa300 nullaQV?100t/h,g1 200 null ,G+gHq!9.QV;SO2,rSEbS.null nullF#FXL;(XRF)sTUV1.F;cr5. 17%,;F,V+,;c4.51%,yN,Avc;QV.V1nullF#FXRFsTab.1null XRFanalysisof the rawpetroleumcokeand the incinera

9、tedpetroleumcoke %C O Al Si S V Fe Ni Cl Ca Na PF86.5 8.00 0.030 6 0.029 5 5.17 0.036 6 0.024 4 0.027 3 0.058 7 0.095 6 - -F87.0 7.98 0.023 9 0.020 9 4.51 0.046 7 0.031 3 0.036 4 - 0.107 0 0.091 0.021 1null nullQVBHW,85C?3K,KfUm2.|85,|8B(m3).0(JEOL)JSM-6700F#KV.null nullsYVD/max2400XLN(XRD),540 kV,5

10、100 mA,S10null 80null.k2Q,+YVJADE5qS1.m2null85KmFig.2null Corrosion and coking on the economizer tubesnull509nullnull7刘正宁,等:余热锅炉省煤器腐蚀机理的研究m3null85Fig.3null Sampling preparation of economizer sample tubes2 nullT)2.1null85#?Tm498( SEM)ma5CsSEMm.m585XL?N(EDS)T.(a)m( null 3 000)(b)m( null 40 000)m4null8



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