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1、新六级听力应试技巧,应试技巧,1. 听前: 快速阅读选项;预测内容和题型 2. 如何正确阅读选项? 阅读选项的技巧:scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。 阅读扫描的技巧:找异同点,先纵读再横读 A) The cinema is made of stone. B) The cinema is very near. C) The cinema is popular. D) The cinema is large. 避免逐词阅读 短项快速扫视, 下划线方法 A) John didnt pass, although he had tried his best. B) John did better th

2、an he thought he was able to. C) John got an excellent score, which was unexpected. D) John was disappointed at his math score.,确定选项: 勇于放弃,要果断选择答案 一般情况下不要轻意地改动自己的第一选择 取多数原则:答案多出现在重复内容多的选项中 利用逻辑 3. 构筑并利用语境(预测对话框架) (见long conversation),4. 典型题型: but转折题型 (高达50%) 特点: 对话的第二句中含有连词but 连接的一个转折句,而问题往往与but后面句子

3、的内容直接相关:问题往往是针对不同后面的句子来提问的 2. 接替的重点放在转折句意思的理解上,-可以从but 前后意思应该相反这一点上着手进行推断 3. 如果听不懂一部分,否定but前的 或肯定but 后的,例:2006-1211 A) Dr. Smiths waiting room isnt tidy. B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines. C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her. D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice. W: I need to find a

4、dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her? M: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most were the magazines in her waiting room. Q: What does the woman imply? d,因果关系题 (常见) 常考原因,可能由第一个人说出,也可能由第二个人提出 0364 A) She promised to help the man. B) She came a long way

5、 to meet the man. C) She took the man to where he wanted to go. D) She suggested a way out of the difficulty for the man. M: Thank you for your helpful assistance. Otherwise, Id surely have missed it. The place is so out of the way. W: It was a pleasure meeting you. Good bye! Q: Why did the man than

6、k the woman? c,虚拟语气 (40%左右) 含虚拟语气的句子有时是答题的关键,但多数情况下还会有补充的信息 wish if only it is time that 051-5 5. A) Janet is very much interested in architecture. B) Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much. C) Janet thinks its a shame for anyone not to visit Australia. D) Janet loves the beautiful landscape

7、 of Australia very much. M: Hi, Janet, I hear youve just returned from a tour of Australia. Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House? W: Of course I did. It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architecture. Its magnificent beauty is simply be

8、yond description. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? (B),多掌握短语(英语六级听力40条常考习语.doc),短对话,8 items 形式:male females Questions (问题一般都是特殊疑问句,常见的疑问句开头单词:what, when, where, who, why, how。) 题型: 常见的十种题型 1、数字价格计算题 (1)打折 discount, discount rate, on sale, 50% off, clearance (2)北美货币体系单位 cent, nickel, dime,

9、 quarter, fifty cents, dollar, buck,2、时间加减运算题 准时:be on time, be on schedule 推迟:behind schedule, late, delay, put off, postpone 3、对话场景题 4、人物职业、身份、关系题,5、人物意图题 题型特征: 第一个人经常提出一个请求、建议或意见等等,第二个人说的话一般以but为标志的句子来说出自己的意见。常见的提问方式:What do you learn from the conversation?,A) The apartment is better furnished. B

10、) She prefers to live in a quiet place. C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment. D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with. M: I hear you are moving to an apartment. Can you tell me why? W: Actually, I didnt want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But

11、 I just cant bear the noise made by the people living next door. Q: Why does the woman want to move? 解决思路:关键要听懂第二个人but后面的话,but后面就是正确答案。,6、态度评价题 选项中经常出现的态度类形容词或副词: Oh my God!, happy, worried, panic, luckily, fortunately, unfortunately, impatient, curious, anxious, ridiculous, hopeless. 问题:What does t

12、he speaker think of sth.? Whats the speakers idea / attitude / opinion about .?/ response to .? 7、动作行为题 题型特点: 通过两个人的对话,判断他们要干什么或正在做什么。 问题:Whats the speaker doing now? Whats the speaker going to do? What does the speaker think sb. should do? 注意:着重听出动作发生的先后顺序,还有动作的时态。,A) Write the letter. B) Paint the

13、 shelf. C) Fix the shelf. D) Look for the pen. M: I cant find my pen. I need to write a letter. W: Ill look for it later. Right now I need you to help fix the shelf before paint it. Q: What would they do first?,8、因果关系题 常见的因果关系的表达: since, for, as, because (of), due to, so that therefore, thus, as a r

14、esult, hence, in that, now that, but that 解题思路:要深入理解说话人的含义 A) He doesnt write well enough. B) He is not a professional writer. C) He hasnt got any professional experience. D) He didnt perform well in the interview. W: How was the job interview? I think youll make a good journalist. I remember you as

15、 the best writer of the class. M: Well, in fact, my application was turned down. They were looking for people with experience in the profession. Q: Why didnt the man get the job?,9、推断题(言外之意) 重点考查:短语和小词的理解 问题:What does the man/speaker mean? A) Teachers like Professor Johnson are rare. B) Professor Jo

16、hnson has won a million dollars. C) Professor Johnson is lucky to be teaching at that school. D) There are many teachers as good as Professor Johnson. W: This school is lucky to have a teacher as good as Prof. Helen Johnson. M: She is one in a million. Q: What does the man mean?,10、意义解释题 提问方式 : 1. What do we learn from conversation? 2. What can be inferred from conversation? 3. What do we learn about? 解题:表面上的意思是不对的,选项中答案在原文中一


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