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1、第六章 科技英语翻译English for Science and Technology 第二部分 Part TwoProcedures of today: l Translation of numerals l Partially negative sentences l Attributive clauses l Translation of scientific reportl Writing and converting of thesis abstractl Exercises in class Expression of numerals l Integer Cardinal nu

2、mber l 1,234,567,890,123(thousand, million, billion, trillion) Ordinal number l Decimal 0.56, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001l Fraction , , 2/3, l Percentage 58%, 0.97%, 230%l Numerals should not be used to start sentences 10 of the 32 samples had traces of the mineral. Ten of the 32 samples had traces of the mine

3、ral.l Large numbers are written in numerals while numbers that are less than ten should be spelt out Thirty members of this group work together for 80 to 90 minutes each time, three or four times a week. 这个由30人组成的小组每周进行三到四次的实验,每次实验时间为80到90分钟。倍数增减和比较的汉译l 不包括基数增加的表示法(只有一种) + as + adj. + again + as +l

4、The leads of the new condenser are as long again as those of the old.l 新型电容器的引线长度比旧式的加长了一倍。l The output of this one is half again as powerful as that one.l 这台(电机)的出力比那台大一半。倍数增减和比较的汉译 l 倍数增加倍数增加、比较的汉译l 将英文译成不包含基数的汉语句式时应在原文的倍数上减一,即为n-1倍l The production of various stereo recorders has been increased fo

5、ur times as against 1977.l 译1:各种立体声录音机的产量比1977年增加了三倍。(不含基数)l 译2:各种立体声录音机的产量是1977年的四倍。 (包含基数)l The output of color television receivers increased by a factor of 3 last year.l 去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加了二倍。(不含基数)l 去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加到原来的三倍。(包含基数)l The speed of the new pump is five times higher than that of the old one

6、. l 新泵的转速比旧泵高四倍。(不含基数)l 新泵的转速是旧泵的五倍。(包含基数)l The station had an initial output of 15,000 h.p, three times as high as the Niagara station.l 这座发电站的最初输出功率是15000马力,是尼亚加拉发电站的三倍。(包含基数)l 这座发电站的最初输出功率是15000马力,比尼亚加拉发电站高出两倍。(不含基数)l The mass of a proton is 1836 times that of an electron.l 质子的质量是电子质量的1836倍。(包含基数

7、)l 质子的质量比电子质量大1835倍。(不含基数)Some more examples l The machine improves the working conditions and raises efficiency four times.l 这台机器改变了劳动条件,并使效率提高了三倍。l 这台机器改变了劳动条件,并使效率提高到原来的四倍。l If the resistance is doubled without changing the voltage, the current becomes only half as strong. l 若电压不变,电阻增加到原来的两倍,电流就减

8、少二分之一。l 若电压不变,电阻增加一倍,电流就减少一半。l “Concord” can fly at twice the speed of sound.l “协和式”飞机能以两倍于音速的速度飞行。l “协和式”飞机能以高出音速一倍的速度飞行。Examples merit attentionl Under high pressure the particles beneath the crust are 2000-fold more than normal.l 高压下表壳下的粒子数是常压下的2000倍。l 高压下表壳下的粒子数比常压下多1999倍。l The waster radiation

9、is revolutionizing X-ray science, enabling researchers to see things on an atomic level with eyes that are a million times more powerful than ever before. l 这种被视为废物的辐射使X射线科学发生了一场革命:它使科研工作者能用眼睛看到原子级的东西,这一放大率比以往提高了一百万倍。l This material is ten times better than that one.l 这种材料比那种要强十倍。倍数减少的译法l 英语中表示减小时也常

10、用倍数来表示,汉译时应转换成分数。翻译为“减小为原来的1/n”或“减小了(n-1)/n”l The automatic assembly line can shorten the assembling period by ten times.l 自动装配线能够缩短装配期十分之九。l This metal is three times as light as that one.l 这种金属比那种金属轻三分之二。l If the radius of the coil were tripled, the field would be reduced to one third of its origi

11、nal strength. l 假如线圈的半径增大到了三倍,磁场强度会减少到原来强度的1/3。l 假如线圈的半径增大到了三倍,磁场强度会减少2/3。More examplesl The equipment under development will reduce the error probability by a factor of 7.l 正在研制的设备将使误差率减小到1/7。l This new kind of insulting film is twice thinner than ordinary one, but its property is quite good. l 这种新

12、式绝缘薄膜的厚度只是普通薄膜的一半,但性能相当好。l The moon has a mass nearly one hundred times less than the earths.l 月球的质量几乎是地球的百分之一。部分否定句的汉译l 含有“整体”或“多数”意义的总括词 (all, every, both, always, many, often, altogether, entirely等)+ not 构成部分否定l I dont know all of the meters.l 这些仪表,我并非全都熟悉。l In a thermal power plant, all the chem

13、ical energy of the coal is not converted into electric power.l 在热电站中,煤中的化学能并非全都能转化为电能。l 总括词+肯定式谓语+含否定意义的单词表示全部否定l All germs are invisible to the naked eye.l 所有细菌肉眼都看不见。定语从句的汉译:l Newton whose name is well-know in the world established three laws of motion. l 世界闻名的牛顿创立了运动三大定律。l A fuel is such a materi

14、al as will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat.l 燃料是种在适当温度下能燃烧并放出热量的物质。l Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low. l 空气从压力高的地方流向压力高的地方。l One of the compelling reasons why the electric furnace is presently attracting much attention as a method

15、 for steel-making derives from this fact. l 现在电炉作为一种炼钢方法,其引人注目的原因之一,就是基于这个事实。l The ability of a surface to radiate energy is governed by the material of which the surface is composed and its physical condition.l 物体表面辐射能量的能力取决于构成该表面的材质与其物理状态。l Fig. 1 incorporates many of the factors which must be considered in developing a satisfactory system.l 图1所示的许多因素,在研制性能良好的系统时必须予以考虑。l The chemical properties of a certain element which depend on the arrangement of these electrons, particular the ou


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