Differences between Western and Traditional Chinese Wedding中西方婚礼差异

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《Differences between Western and Traditional Chinese Wedding中西方婚礼差异》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Differences between Western and Traditional Chinese Wedding中西方婚礼差异(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Western Wedding & Traditional Chinese Wedding 英教8班 徐静 Word list Something Old母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切 Something New朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活 Something Borrowed可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或 银放在鞋内,象征带来财运 Something Blue新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁 It should be worn on the ring finger, which is believed to be conn

2、ected with the heart. It is something like that if the couple put the rings on their ring finger, they both put each other on their heart. It is the white bridal gown that Queen Victoria wore when she married her sweet heart. After that, the white bridal gown won its fame all over the world. However

3、, before that, any color is suitable to the wedding gown, even black, if it is beautiful. It is used to cover the brides face. It is said that it can prevent the jealousy(嫉 妒) of the brides ex- boyfriend. Before the wedding bachelor party bridal shower arrangement evaluation invitation etc The cerem

4、ony The ceremony is often held in a church and presided over by a Christian priest or an elected judge. The ceremony the host declares the beginning of the ceremony. the brides father takes the bride to the groom. the host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if eac

5、h of the couple is willing to marry. each of them recites his or her marriage vows and exchanges the rings. the host proclaims they become man and wife. I, Grooms name, take you Brides name, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tom

6、orrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me

7、 God 我(新郎的名字)请你(新娘的名字),做我的妻子,我生命中的伴侣和我唯一的爱人。 我将珍惜我们的友谊,爱你,不论是现在,将来,还是永远。 我会信任你,尊敬你, 我将和你一起欢笑,一起哭泣。 我会忠诚的爱着你, 无论未来是好的还是坏的,是艰难的还是安乐的,我都会陪你一起度过。 无论准备迎接什么样的生活,我都会一直守护在这里。 就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样, 我会将我的生命交付于你。 所以请帮助我 我的主。 “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in

8、 sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part“. 常用的结婚誓言是:“而今而后,不论境遇好坏,家境贫富,生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不 分离。” The reception A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony. The couple receives society, for the first time as spouses. It applies to any social

9、 events such as dinners, balls(舞会) or tea to show hospitality to the guests. Traditional Chinese Weddings vocabulary Incense 香 phoenix 凤凰 taboo 禁忌 sedan chair 轿子 obeisance 拜堂 veil面纱,面罩,遮蔽物 superior 长辈 Sacrifice 祭祀品 Even number 双日子 Customs 1.Color Red is central to the wedding theme of China. It sign

10、ifies love, joy and prosperity e.g. wedding gown(新娘礼服) 、shoes、 package(包裹)、quilt(被子)、pillow( 枕头)、door curtain (门帘),extra. 2.Foods Red dates 枣 peanuts 花生 longans桂圆 Melon seeds瓜子 early birth of a healthy baby 早生贵子 3.Their hair needs to be combed four times and each has a special meaning: The first com

11、bing symbolizes: from beginning till the end.自始至终 The second combing symbolizes: harmony from now till old age.和睦永远 The third combing symbolizes: sons and grandsons all over the place.子孙满堂 The fourth combing summaries good wealth and a long-lasting marriage.婚姻长久 The whole action also symbolizes the

12、adulthood of the couple. 4、wedding gown bridal gown新娘礼服 phoenix凤凰 Groom costume 新郎礼服 Red jacket红马褂 5、Crying marriage哭嫁 Meaning:to thank Parents for raising Her up感谢父母的 养育之恩 6、necessity and taboos 禁忌 1、arrange 4 underage boys(童男) to sleep with the bridegroom . 2 、during the wedding day the bride is f

13、orbidden to lie on the bed. 3、no pocket on the brides wedding gown Preparation for the wedding Request for Marrying the Bride 提亲 Request for Bride and Grooms Birth Dates测 生辰八字 engagement 定亲 Formal Gifts for the Brides Family送聘礼 Select the Wedding Date选日子 Procedures of the wedding ceremony go to the

14、brides home to escort(护送) her back to the wedding 迎亲 Kick the curtain of the sedan chair(轿子 ) 踢轿门 Purpose:to kicked off the brides pride去傲气 Stride the fire pan 跨火盆 Purpose: To counteract evil force 辟邪 three worships worship the heavens and the earth worship the grooms ancestors and parents 拜高堂 worsh

15、ip each other 夫妻对拜 Red package 红包 After that, the superiors(长辈) will give them red packages with monetary gifts and wish them well. cross-cupped wine 交杯酒 All In One合为一体 never to be separated 永不分离 The grooms family will then give a banquet for the friends and relatives to celebrate the wedding. teasing the bride and the bridegroom on wedding night 闹洞房 stir up the red veil 掀盖头


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