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1、高中英语常用重点句型(一)1So+be/have等助动词/情态动词+主语 “某人情况也是如此如:He has been to Britain. So have I. 他曾去过英国。我也去过。I went swimming yesterday afternoon. So did my sister.昨天下午我去游泳了。我妹妹也去了。2 What about/How about+名词/代词/doing sth,/副词/状语从句“该怎么办?做什么?”(用来征求对方意见或询问消息、提出建议等)What/How about going to France this summer? 夏天到法国去度假怎么样

2、?What/How about a walk in the woods?到林间散散步怎么样?3do as sb. does“照某人那样去做”如:You should do as the teacher tells you to . 你应该照你老师讲的那样去做。When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。4. None of +名词/代词+do/does“在中没有任何一个做” 如:None of the telephones can work。所有的电话都不能工作了。None of them are/is interested in physics.他们中没有一个

3、人对物理感兴趣。5Not +all+复数名词/不可数名词+are/is“并非全部”;“并不是所有的”如:Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.并不是所有的汽车部件都在这家工厂制造。Not all the students can pass the exam. 并非所有的同学都能通过考试。Not all factories here produce shirts. 这儿的工厂不都生产衬衣。6. 主语+系动词+the same as /the same as “和一样”如:The English teacher is th

4、e same age as my father.英语老师的年龄跟我父亲的一般大。My friend looks the same as before. 我朋友看起来没有多大变化。7It is /was+形容词+不定式 “做某事是” 如:It is wonderful to travel in that great forest. 在那片大森林里旅行,真是太美了。It is very nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。8主语+be about to do+when “正要做某事时”如:This afternoon I was just about to go swimming w

5、hen luckily our guide saw me and shouted at me今天下午我正要下水去游泳,这时幸亏我们的向导看见我,对我大声喊道I was about to go to bed when there was a ring. 我正要睡觉,这时忽然电话铃响了。9What(a/an)+名词+主语+谓语! How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!“多么;真是”如:What a bad sight it was! 多么凄惨的一幅景象啊!What dangerous fish they are!这些鱼真凶恶!What fine weather (it is)! /What a fin

6、e day (it is)! 多好的天气啊!How silly the questions were! 那些问题真愚蠢!10Isnt it?/Dont you do?(否定疑问句用来表示对某事感到吃惊或责备) 如:Isnt it comfortable to sit in the Chinese chair?坐在这把中国式的椅子上难道不舒服吗?Dont you see Im one of yours? 难道你看不出我是你们的同类吗?11 There is nothing but/except“除了外别无其他”如:Under the soil there is nothing but/excep

7、t sand. 土壤下面尽是沙子。 For miles and miles I could see nothing but/except a great fire and lots of smoke.绵延数英里,我们看到的尽是大火和浓烟。12 It takes /took/will take+sb+some time+to dosth.“某人花多少时间做某事”如:It took 100 workers one month to complete the bridge.100个工人花了一个月的时间建成了这座大桥。It will take me an hour to do my homework.

8、我将花一小时的时间来做完家庭作业。13 A istimes +形容词比较级/副词比较级+than B“A比B(大、小、高、低等)倍” 如:The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.现在旧金山市区和郊区的人口是1906年的10倍以上了。The plane can travel many times faster than the train.飞机飞行的速度是火车的好几倍。14 A is times as+形容词/副词+as B “A是B的倍”如:This year th

9、ey produced ten times as much grain as they did 5 years ago.这一年他们生产的粮食是5年前的10倍。15 主语+dont +think/believe/expect/imagine/suppose+宾语从句 “认为不会 ”这类动词用来引导一个否定概念时,通常是把这类动词变成否定,而不是把其后宾语从句中的谓语动词变成否定。这在语法上叫做否定的转移。如:I dont think I will see Mary this morning.我认为今天早上我见不到玛丽。I dont suppose she will marry her daugh

10、ter to you .我认为她不会把女儿嫁给你。16. 主语+prefer+A to B“喜欢A而不喜欢B”;“喜欢A胜过喜欢B” 如:主语+prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事主语+prefer to do sth1.+rather than do sth 喜欢做事1胜过喜欢做事2主语+prefer doing sth1 to doing sth2喜欢做事1胜过喜欢做事2主语+prefer sb to do st喜欢某人做某事I prefer walking along the country road to staying at home watching TV all the

11、time.我喜欢沿着乡村道路散步,不喜欢呆在家中守着电视看个不停。She prefers chemistry to maths.他喜欢化学胜过数学。17 Would you please do?“请你干某事好吗?”(委婉、客气地表示请求)如:Would you please read the letter in public? 你当众读读这封信,好吗?Would you please pass me the pictures? 请你递给我那些图片好吗?18 主语+谓语+形容词比较级/副词比较级+and+形容词比较级/副词比较级“越来越”(这种双重比较的结构,表示持续不断的变化)如:When s

12、pring comes, the day is getting longer and longer.春天来了,白天变得越来越长。The kite is flying higher and higher.风筝飞得越来越高了。19 Why dont you do?“为什么你不?”Why not do?“为什么不?” You had better do“你最好还是”这三个句型用来向朋友提出忠告或建议。如:Why dont you use your knife? 为什么不用你的刀子呢?Why not just wear a flower? 为什么不只戴一朵花呢?Youd better stay her

13、e for the night. 你最好在这里过夜。20 主语+find+it/its+形容词+不定式(短语)“发现做某事是的”如:He found it /its important to study the situation in Russia.他发现研究俄国的形势是很重要的。I find it/its very funny to wear such a hat21 Id like to do sth. “我很想做某事(用来礼貌地提出请求或表示愿意提供帮助)”如:Would you like to help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗?22 Id like

14、to give you a description about the scene.我想为你们描述一下那场景。 -Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 你想跟我去看电影吗?-Id like to .我愿意。23 It is hoped that“希望”It is said / believed / supposed / reported /that据说人们相信”如:It is believed that at least 20 buildings were damaged or destroyed.人们相信至少有20座楼房遭到破坏或彻底摧毁。It was reported that more than 100 people had been killed in/by the fire.据报道,有100多人在那场大火中丧生。24 Thats why“那就是为什么”Thats what/ when/ where “那就是的事情/的时候/


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