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1、高一英语第一节课,学英语真好玩,一百符号要记全。 字母共计五十二,大写,小写各一半。 音标共计四十八,元音二十,辅音二十八。 学英语很容易,听说读写和翻译。 多模仿,多记忆,早读晚听别忘记。 只要坚持有毅力,考试定得好成绩。 理想大学属于你,将来必定成大器。 -献给我亲爱的学生,英语音标的重要性,1.学好音标可以提高英语发音的准确性 2.学好音标可以使以后对大量词汇的背诵相对更轻松容易.,教学目标: 1. 复习掌握12个单元音的发音 2. 能够根据所列单词划线的字母正确发音,教学重难点: 正确读出12个单元音 区别12个单元音的长短音,学习内容 (contents of this period

2、),12个单元音,短元音: i u e ,长元音: i: : : u: a:,听听读音音标.swf,总结:,单元音 发音特点: 长音 夸张饱满; 短音 短促有力,长元音,/i:/ 穿针引线音:拇指和食指捏住线从左向右拉。 key sleep please disagree, series teenager eastern detail, beneath steam mean,Challenge yourself,1.I see a bee in the sea. 2.She is always as busy as a bee. 3. Progress begins with dreams.,

3、/u:/ 火车呜呜叫音:拇指与其余四指呈圆形,从左向右运动。 shoe group who through two do loose fluent route,She is a liar through and through. To tell the truth, your English needs improving. Soon my dream will come true., : 外号:“中嘴卷舌长元音”简称“中嘴卷舌音”,short warm horse source more door ignore transport organize shortcoming northwest

4、ern,1.May I take you order? 2. I dont like getting up early in the morning. I hate it more than anything .,/a:/ 极度抒情音:手合成喇叭状,然后慢慢张开。 bar task sharp car park star garden calm parcel heart guard are,A: You speak great English. How did you learn English so well? B: It takes a lot of hard work.,/ : / 两天

5、没吃饭-饿了音:手掌张开侧平举,手掌向上,手指向内卷。 person learn her bird survey German curtain prefer burst dirt were 1.Early bird gets the worm. 2.I want to be the first.,短元音,/ i / 微笑露酒窝音:手掌张开放到头上向自己的方向挥动。 tip build busy disagree dislike official native enrich midwestern lorry recover request 1. Give me a minute! 2. Im p

6、retty busy. 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending. 4.A big pig is in the big ship.,/ / 鱼刺卡在喉咙里音:手掌渐渐张开,直至张大到拇指与食指近90度。 doll box orange what swap fond impossible 1.Sorry to bother you. 2.A promise is a promise. 3. Youre impossible. Youre very difficult to get along with.,/ e / 剪刀音:食指和中指像剪刀一样张开然

7、后又合上。 red test set weather yellow settle secondly 1.East or west, home is best. 2.Lets have a rest.,/ / 疯狂90度裂嘴音:食指和中指劈个叉。 cap, map, gap, latter, cab, pack, add, gas 1.Not bad. 2.I have a happy family.,/ u / 向上提气音:手势和/ i /一样。 push woman could would book good cook wool 1.Its good for your health 2.We

8、 tried to book a room,but the hotel was full. 3.Dont push me.,/ / 三角音:拇指和食指分开。 bus but summer cut enough blood upset dusk 1.How come you look so tired? 2.Her son is coming. 3.Im just lucky.,/ / 语气停顿音:手掌张开侧平举,手掌向下,手指向内卷。 banana doctor weather partner suffer recover 1.I have a sister and a brother. 2.Whats the matter with you? 3.Id like to have dinner with you tonight.,挑战练习,tip better tall book map red bus car dog sleep bird room, I,u,e,i:,:,:,u:,a:,Enjoy a song Baby 课后作业: 正确,熟练的反复朗读12个单元音。并划出unit 1所含单元音 的单词 。Unit1words_and_expressions.mp3,


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