英语文体学 Semantics


英语文体学 SemanticsTag内容描述:

1、中国英语变体与英语教学_英语论文 英语论文论文摘要:本文研究了世界英语变体中的中国英语变体的特征,阐述了 中国英语变体对英语教学的影响与启示,提出在教学过程,应正确认识中国英语变体,处 理好标准英语与中国英语变体的关系。教师应结合中国英语与标准英语的特点帮助学生理 解目的语文化,更好地进行跨文化交流。 语言反映了复杂的社会内容,其交际模式不是单一、简单的。作为当今世界上广泛使 用的国际通用语的英语在日益全球化的今天,其用途不再仅局限于外交、贸易、科技、文 化和旅游等传统领域,而是在全球传媒、卫星电视、互。

2、Introduction toIntroduction toIntroduction toIntroduction to StylisticsStylisticsStylisticsStylisticsI. Introduction I. Introduction I. Introduction I. IntroductionWhat is stylistics? Modern Stylistics:General Stylistics: Studying the stylistic features of the main varieties of language.Literary Stylistics: Concentrating on unique features of various types of language use.The Scope of StudiesThe Scope of StudiesThe Scope of StudiesThe Scope of Stud。

3、Text analysis for the Course of StylisticsTopic 1: Register Analysis and relevant featuresThis essay is due to analyze the text “What does it mean to be a digital native?”. (http:/edition.cnn.com/2012/12/04/business/digital-native-prensky/index.html)Firstly, author will analyze the register of the text, and then discuss three significant features of the text in different aspects which related to the register. 1. RegisterTo analyze the register, it is necessary to know the definition of registe。

4、English Stylistics,Chapter 1 Introduction,5,1.1 Definition of Stylistics,Wales defines stylistics as “the study of style”.,What is Style?,1.1 Definition of Stylistics,Widdowson defines Stylistics as “the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation”, and contends that “what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two”.,1.1 Definition of Stylistics,Stylistics。

5、The Appropriateness and StylisticsAbstract: Style may be seen as the various characteristic uses of language that a person or a group of persons make in various social contexts. Linguistics is the academic diesoline which studies language scientifically. Stylistics, studying certain aspects language variation is therefore essentially a part of this dieseline. Meanwhile, it has some connection with aesthetics, literary critic and rhetoric.Keywords:style,linguistics,language development。

6、2012级辅修英语 英语文体学 姓名___________ 班级____________ 学号_____________ I. Explain the following terms in English. ( 80%) 1. Stylistics It is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of t。

7、Introduction to English Stylistics,Course requirements: Class attendance is required, not optional. Course evaluation: At the end of the course, each student is to submit a term paper related to stylistics.,Course description: Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. In a much broader sense, it deals with the study of all kinds of writing/varieties of English.,In a narrower sense, it is an interdisciplinary。

8、4.3 Transference 转义,4.3.3 Metaphor 隐喻,明喻VS隐喻,明喻就是把要加以描写刻画的事物,通过比喻词与另一种具有鲜明的同一特点的事物联系起来,从而更形象、更深刻说明事理。 隐喻是明喻的进一步比喻:它不表露比喻的痕迹,本体与喻体同时出现,即把本体隐藏在喻体内。隐喻比起明喻来,形式更为紧密,意思更为含蓄。,明喻Simile,英语常用的比喻词有as (如)、like (像)、seem (看起来好像)、as if (似乎)、as though (仿佛)、such as (像一样)等。有时还用than (比、胜似)来做更加强调、夸张的比喻词。 汉语常用的比喻词有“像、如、犹。

9、第一章 文体学相关研究内容 文体学分为普通文体学和文学文体学,二者有重叠部分,但在此我们所研究的是普通文体学,文体学研究的是语言风格,对语言,人们的理解有很多种,但不管哪种说法,无可否认,语言都是人类表达思想、互相交流的手段,并且有很多具不同意旨的言语事件;风格是与说话人的语言习惯、时代背景相关的,是人门特有的表达方式,因人而异,对语言起到一定修饰作用并且关系到语言表达的有效性。因此,文体学研究会。

10、Introduction to English Stylistics,Course requirements: Class attendance is required, not optional. Course evaluation: At the end of the course, each student is to submit a term paper related to stylistics.,Course description: Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. In a much broader sense, it deals with the study of all kinds of writing/varieties of English.,In a narrower sense, it is an interdiscipl。

11、第一章 文体学相关研究内容 文体学分为普通文体学和文学文体学,二者有重叠部分,但在此我们所研究的是普通文体学,文体学研究的是语言风格,对语言,人们的理解有很多种,但不管哪种说法,无可否认,语言都是人类表达思想、互相交流的手段,并且有很多具不同意旨的言语事件;风格是与说话人的语言习惯、时代背景相关的,是人门特有的表达方式,因人而异,对语言起到一定修饰作用并且关系到语言表达的有效性。因此,文体学研究会。

12、Chapter 3 Varieties of Language 语言变体语言变体(varieties of language)可分为两类:一类是方言变体(dialectal varieties), 俗称方言; 另一类是话语类变体(diatypic varieties), 亦称语域(register) 。方言是以语言的使用者 (users)为基准而区分的语言变体;语域则是按照语言使用者对语言的使用(uses)而区 分的语言变体。因此,方言多与交际者的社会阶层、社会地位、地域、年龄、性别及所处 的时代等因素有关,比较稳定;语域则多与交际者所从事的社会活动密切相关。 方言方言(Dialect): 1) 语言使用者的个人特征(individuali。

13、English Stylistics 英语文体学 Course Introduction Course title English Stylistics Course hours 2 per week 34 in total Assessment 1 Attendance 2 After class preparation for related topics 3 In class perform。

14、Introduction to English Stylistics,Course requirements: Class attendance is required, not optional. Course evaluation: At the end of the course, each student is to submit a term paper related to stylistics.,Course description: Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. In a much broader sense, it deals with the study of all kinds of writing/varieties of English.,In a narrower sense, it is an interdisciplinary。

15、Chapter 5 Semantics,Semantics-the study of language meaning. What is meaning?- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning.,Some views concerning the study of meaning,Naming theory (Plato) (命名论) The conceptualist view (概念观) Contextualism (Bloomfield) (语境论) Behaviorism (行为主义),Naming theory (Plato),Words are names or labels for things. Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do 。

16、本科毕业设计文献翻译产品设计,语义和情绪反应Product design, semantics and emotional response学院(部): 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011 年 6 月 5 日xxx 大学毕业论文1英 文 原 文 :Product design, semantics and emotional responseAbstractThis paper explores theoretical issues in ergonomics related to semantics and the emotional content of design. The aim is to find answers to the following questions: how to design products triggering happiness in ones mind; which product attributes help in th。

17、Chapter5Semantics Semantics thestudyoflanguagemeaning Whatismeaning Scholarsunderdifferent scientificbackgroundshavedifferent understandingsoflanguagemeaning Someviewsconcerningthestudyof meaning Nami。

18、Chapter 5 Semantics Semantics-the study of language meaning. What is meaning- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning. Some views。

19、徐 州 工 程 学 院 教 案 年至 年 第 学期 第 周 星期 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa。

20、SemanticsSemanticsv Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular. v Semantics = Theory of Meaningv Its goal is to reveal how language are matched with their proper meanings by the speakers of that language.v Lexical semanticsthe study of word meanings. it deals not only with the meanings of individual words but also the relationship between the meanings of different words. v Compositional semanticsis concerned exclusively with the me。

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英语文体学 chapter 1 introduction
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英语文体学 1
英语语义学 semantics
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