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1、读后续写之遣词造句一、精选动词, 精准描述BodyWord bank (verb.)mouthshout, cry, yell, scream, exclaim, whisper, murmur, mumble, mutter, sob, stammer, stutter, howl, growl, snarl, chokesmile, laugh, grin,beam, smirk, giggle, chuckleemphasize stress tell add explain admit reply=respond praise complain comfort.footrush, da

2、sh, charge, jog, trot, gallop, bolt, make ones way to, wander,travel, march, stagger, jump, spring to ones feet, standstill, trip, drag hand/armhit, beat, tap, pat, wave, draw, pull, catch, grab, grasp, seize, cast, throw, lift, raise, carry, take, hug, embrace, extend, reach(out).试比较:1.We ran down

3、to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite usjumpingout of the water and thendroppingdown again.2.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite usthrowingitself out of the water and thencrashingdown again.(B7U3 Under the Sea)场景小练:Henryjumped intothe river andsavedR

4、obert.Hearing the screams, Henry _ to the riverside,_his clothes and _the water without hesitation. He_ Robert just as he was sinking the last time. By great effort, and with much danger to himself, he_Robert to the shore.二、结合修饰成分让动词更具体生动(主要为副词和介词短语)adverbsquietly/ shyly/ slightly/ softly/ gently/ a

5、ttentively/ mildly/ comfortably/ modestly/ tightly/ cheerfully/ hopefully /helplessly/ desperately/ fiercely/ violently/swiftly/firmly/ gratefully/ swiftly.in + n.in confusion/ admiration /excitement/ shock/ sorrow/in a low/weak/sweet voice.with +情感n.with delight/pleasure/excitement/satisfaction/ang

6、er/fear.with+身体部位with its sharp eyes/ her shaky hands/her pale lips.with+n./pron. +宾补with his hands trembling.牛刀小试:1. “Will there be any food left over?” he asked_. (满怀希望地)2.He walked_ (迅速地) towards home down the dark street.3.They waited there_ (不安地)for a long time.4.He fought the illness_ (勇敢地)and

7、 determination.5.They watched the experiment_. (非常激动地).6.场景小练:(浙江2018.6)Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. “What a lovely rabbit!” I shouted_ (眼睛因极度兴奋而闪闪发光). It was quite different from those I saw in our city, thus_ (立刻) stimulating my interest.Dadwas also stunned by this spe

8、cial rabbit, gawking at it_ (不动地). “Dad, lets catch it as our pet!” I suggested,_ (意外地) receiving his prompt agreement. _ (完全地)forgetting whatUncle Paulhad told us, we chased after that pretty rabbit, frantic with rapture. Unfortunately, so clever and swift was it that it disappeared in the forest b

9、efore long. Not until then did we realize that the last ray of twilight was_ (很快地) disappearing among the numerous trees and we couldnt find ourtrackat all! We didget lost.三、构造动作链:动作A and动作B, 动作A,动作B and动作C人物的动作或简单, 或复杂, 都不是一下子就能完成的, 细心观察都能捕捉到最能体现人物特征的慢镜头。因此, 在描写动作时, 细化动作, 把动作过程分解成一连串细微的动作, 形成动作链, 写

10、出动作的连贯性, 这样可以使描写具有画面感, 使人物更立体。高考真题再现:1.(浙江2016)She ate some berries and then walked along the stream, hoping to find a suitable place to guide the helicopter.2. (浙江2016) In no time did Jane rush to the rock, climb onto it and wave her yellow blouse madly.3. (浙江2017.6) Seeing the car disappear, Mac a

11、nd his friends got on the bicycles and continued heading for Alaska.4. (浙江2017.6)They jumped off their bicycles, took out the knives they had taken with and approached the wolf inch by inch.5.(浙江2017.6)Soon it ran off into the forest and disappeared in the distance.牛刀小试:1. (浙江2021.1)Dad _爸爸冲了进来, 静静地

12、站着, 然后突然大笑起来。2.(浙江2017.11 )We_ roaring rivers and vast plains,_high mountains and_deep valleys.我们穿过大河和广阔的平原, 爬上高山, 俯瞰着深深的山谷。3.(浙江2018.6)My dad and I_our new cowboy hats, _ our horses, and_ slowly towards the mountains.我和爸爸戴上新的牛仔帽, 骑上马, 慢慢地向群山走去。4.(浙江2018.6)He_ the horse reinand led the way.他保持沉默, 非常

13、仔细地听着, 抓住我的缰绳, 领着路走了下去。5.(浙江2020.1原文)He_ , trying not to let his emotions get the better of him.他站起来, 拥抱着父母, 微笑着, 试图不让自己的情绪 (情绪) 战胜他。6.(浙江2020.1原文)The boy_the last bag onto his shoulder, and_.男孩把最后一个包举到肩上, 露出了灿烂的微笑。7.(浙江2020.7)We_ the bear,_the pot and_blank shotgun shells into the air.我们对着熊大喊大叫, 用力打花盆, 然后向空中发射空弹。8.I _ her the pepper spray, _ a branch from a nearby tree and _ in my hand.我把胡椒喷雾给了她, 折断了附近一棵树上的一根树枝, 紧紧地握在手里。四、构造动作面:面部+肢体+语言/心理1.他面带杀气, 振臂一挥, 大喊



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