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1、12Self-introduction:Textbook ContentsRequirements in classStudy tasks in this term 授课授课:周静周静 (Kate)办公室办公室: S0103053工程造价(Project Cost)两种含义。第一种含义:工程造价是指建设一项工程预期开支或实际开支的全部固定资产投资费用。也就是一项工程通过建设形成相应的固定资产、无形资产所需用一次性费用的总和。这一含义是从投资者业主的角度来定义的。从这个意义上说,工程造价就是指工程价格。即为建成一项工程,预计或实际在土地市场、设备市场、技术劳务市场,以及承包市场等交易活动中所形成

2、的建筑安装工程的价格和建设工程总价格。通常是把工程造价的第二种含义只认定为工程承发包价格。它是在建筑市场通过招投标,由需求主体投资者和供给主体建筑商共同认可的价格 4开设的主要课程:画法几何与工程制图、工程制图与 CAD 、管理学原理、房屋建筑学、建筑材料、工程力学、工程结构、建筑施工技术、工程项目管理、工程经济学、建筑工程计价、土建工程计量、安装工程施工技术、工程造价管理、建设工程合同管理、工程造价案例分析、电工学、流体力学、建筑电气与施工、安装工程计价与计量、建筑给排水与施工等。 5就业方向:学生毕业后能够在工程(造价)咨询公司、建筑施工企业(乙方)、建筑装潢装饰工程公司、工程建设监理公司

3、、房地产开发企业、设计院、会计审计事务所、政府部门企事业单位基建部门(甲方)等企事业单位,从事工程造价招标代理、建设项目投融资和投资控制、工程造价确定与控制、投标报价决策、合同管理、工程预(结)决算、工程成本分析、工程咨询、工程监理以及工程造价管理相关软件的开发应用和技术支持等工作 6 Contents (目录)目录)Unit One Unit EightUnit Two Unit NineUnit Three Unit TenUnit Four Unit ElevenUnit Five Unit TwelveUnit Six Unit ThirteenUnit Seven Unit Four

4、teen7Unit One1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises8considerable knsidrbllarge or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的相当大的,可观的,重要的 He bought the house at considerable expense. 他花了很多钱买了这所房子。The mayor is a considerable official. 市长是一位重要的官员。9Considerate kn

5、sidritYou are so considerate. 你真有心。consideringknsidriprep. 鉴于,考虑到;conj. 就 . 而言 In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials. 在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。10undertaking n.所承担的工作、任务、项目e.g. He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.他有意购买那个俱乐部作为投资. undertake v.承担(某事物),负起责任111Ne

6、w Words and Expressions successive a.连续的,接连的连续的,接连的e.g. The team has won five successive games. succeed v.成功,做成,达到目的;接替 success n.成功,成就,胜利;成功者 succession n.一连串的事物,一系列12specific a.特有的,具体的e.g. The money is to be used for one specific purpose: the building of the new theatre.(这笔钱有专门用途:就是建造新剧院) specific

7、ation n. 规格,规格说明e.g. specification for building a garage.(建造车库的规格说明) specify v.确切说明,明确规定13e.g. The contract specifies red tiles, not slates for the roof. 合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦 to adapt oneself to (适应于适应于,习惯于,习惯于)e.g. She adapted herself quickly to the new climate. 14to adapt oneself to (适应于,习惯于)e.g. She

8、 adapted herself quickly to the new climate. adapt sth (for sth) 修改某事物15 二二.Text StudyParagraph 21) to familiarize the reader with使读者熟悉)Paragraph 32)The total development of a project normally consist of consist of : be composed of : be made up of(由(由某事物构成)某事物构成)3)the typical job passes through pass

9、 through : experience(经历)经历) 16consist of : be composed of : be made up of(由某事物构成)3)the typical job passes through pass through : experience(经历)17Paragraph 54)Each structure is tailored toarranged toand designed to be tailored to (为某目的)做某事或适应某事物 tailored, arranged和designed并列18Paragraph 65)constructi

10、on projects are typified by be typified by : be characterized by 以为特征,成为的特征19Exercises: .Match the words in closet meaning.1. normal a. need2. fundamental b. considerable3. diverse c. regular 4. requirement d. important5. completion e. basic6. change f. various7. remarkable g. finish8. vital h. vari

11、ation9. diminish i. born10.innate j. decrease11.suit k. meetcefagbhdjik20.Put the following Chinese into English.1.政府机构2.承包商3.分包商4.建筑师5.保险公司6.担保公司7.材料商8.施工现场governmental agencycontractor subcontractorarchitectinsurance companysurety companymaterial dealerconstruction site211New Words and Expressions

12、2Text Study3ExercisesUnit Two221.consulting n.咨询,顾问;a.咨询的,顾问的 consult v.请教(别人),查阅(书)等 consultant n.顾问e.g. A firm of management consultants(管理咨询公司)4.constraint n.约束,强制;限制性或约束事物 constrain v.强迫某人做某事 constrained a.勉强的,受拘束的,不自然的11.expedite v.加快 e.g. Please do what you can to expedite the building work.(请

13、尽快加快建筑工作) expedition n.远行,探险,迅速,敏捷1New Words and Expressions2320. on behalf of 代表e.g. On behalf of my classmates and myself I thank you.(我代表我的同学以及我自己向你表示谢意)22. to be liable for : be responsible for 对承担责任;对负有责任24二二.Text StudyParagraph 11) procurement 采购,获得2)In construction management, the owner contr

14、acts with an architect-engineer contract with sb 与某人签订(合同或契约)Paragraph 23) contract out (to sb) 签订合同把工程包出Paragraph 4on the other hand 另一方面25Exercises : .Match the words in the closet meaning.1. procure a. responsible2. frequently b. meet3. objective c. global4. prime d. speed up5. pertain e. factor6

15、. integrated f. often7. temporary g. cope with8.phase h. purchase9. significant i. aimhfijncklm26 10. handle j. primary 11. suit k. impermanent 12. liable l. stage 13. element m. important 14. expedite n. connect with 15. administration o. managementgbaedo27.Put the following Chinese into English1.项

16、目规划设计和施工2.临时设施3.项目预算4.投资和合同授予过程5.质量控制6.项目的监督7.进度款 8.合同变更9.满足业主要求10.以业主的名义project planning, design and constructiontemporary facilitiesproject budgetbidding and contract award processquality control project supervisionprogress paymentcontract changesuit the individual owners requirementsin the name o

17、f the owner28Unit Three1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises291New Words and Expressions2. perfunctory a. 草率的,马马虎虎的e.g. They only made a perfunctory effort. 他们只是敷衍了事3. bond v.结合,担保 n.契约,合同:a.联系,关系e.g. The bonds of friendships(友谊的纽带)6.romote a.间接的,细微的,遥远的 A remote control panel(遥控器)7.corres

18、pondence n.符合,一致;通信e.g. She has a lot of correspondence to deal with. (她有大批信需要处理)30correspond v.通信;相一致,相符合 e.g. Your account and hers correspond.(你的说法跟她的说法一致)correspondent n. 通讯员,记者16.voluntary a.自愿的,随意的 volunteer n. 志愿者31二二.Text Study Paragraph 11) be applied to sth 应用于某事物 2)In facts, attempts toin

19、volve the owner in involve sb in sth 使某人陷入某情况Paragraph 23)on-site resource survey 现场资源勘察4)winnow out 除去,筛去5)Because of their impact on impact on sth 对某事物的巨大影响Paragraph 3 6) chief executive officer : CEO 首席执行官Paragraph5 7)depend upon /on sth 取决于某事物32Exercises : .Match the words in closet meaning1. se

20、lectivity a. depend on 2. bond b. mail3. reject c. key4. survey d. booklet5. applicable e. area6. register f. choice 7. discrete g. investigation8. elicit h. refusefjhgmklq339. impact i. set10. assemble j. warranty11. territory k. enroll12. establish l. separate13. sufficient m. practical14. rely on

21、 n. effect15. brochure o. gather16. correspondence p. enough17. critical q. draw outnoeipadbc341.卷入诉讼2.公共工程3.承包商的注册4.某此因素5.合同工期6.相对重要性7.担保能力8.现有工作任务 .Put the following Chinese into Englishinvolve in litigationpublic workcontractors registercertain factorsduration of contractrelative importancebondin

22、g capacitycurrent workload35Unit Four1New Words and Expressions2Text Study 3Exercises361New Words and Expressions 2.deviation n.背离,偏离 e.g. There was little deviation from his usual routine. deviate v.背离,偏离 deviance n.反常的倾向或行为 6.recommend v.劝告,建议,推荐 9.solicit v.请求,恳求 e.g. He solicits information abou

23、t the new motorway.(他探询新高速路情况) solicitor n.事务律师37designate n.指明,指定,任命;给某人某名称,职务或地位e.g. She was designated sportswoman of the year.(她被认为本年度的体坛明星)19. insurer n.承保人,保险商 insure v.保险,投保 insurance n.保险e.g. insurance company/premium 保险公司20. warranty v.担保,保证,权威 warranty/guarantee v.担保,保证38 二二.Text Study Par

24、agraph 21)circumstance n.情形,情况,环境Paragraph 32)The purpose of the noticeto allow themto reserve the time此句中,to allow them与 to reserve the time并列Paragraph 53) with reference to sth 关于某事物Paragraph 74)substitute for sth 代替,替代某物 Prior to 作介词,在之前39Exercises : . Match the words in closet meaning1. insure a

25、. wise 2. deviation b. disperse3. preference c. provide4. cumbersome d. prevent5. select e. choose 6. judicious f. guarantee7. disseminate g. troublesome 8. identify h. surpassfnogeabl409. preclude i. reserve 10. exceed j. eradicate11. render k. misunderstanding12. reserve l. recognize13. eliminate

26、m. pertinent14. ambiguity n. deflection15. relevant o. likingdhcijkm41.Put the following Chinese into English 1.投标公告2.招标邀请函 3.标书格式4.标书分析5.主要供应商6.投标保函7.未预见情况8.质量保证期9.标书接收的地点和时间10.警察,消防和街道代表notice to biddersinvitation to biddersbid formulationbid analysismajor supplierbid bondsunforeseen circumstances

27、quality guarantee periodthe time and place for the receipt of bidspolice, fire, and street department42Unit Five1New Words and Expressions2Text Study 3Exercises431New words and Expressions2.mechanical a.机械的,呆板的 mechanic n.技工,机修工 mechanic n.力学3.quotation n.报价单,估价单 quote v.引用,引证;报价,开价e.g. This is the

28、best price I can quote you.(这是我给你开出的最好价了)6.cement n.水泥 v.用水泥粘合东西e.g. He cement the bricks into place.(他用水泥砌砖)44二二.Text StudyParagraph 1As previously stated : As it is previously stated正如以前所述。(Note )Paragraph 2incorporated into the main tender.过去分词作定语,译为包括进总标书的。(Note )Paragraph 3in accordance with st

29、h 按照或依据某事物Paragraph 445Given by the estimator on the enquiry form to suppliers是information的定语,可译为由造价师在询价表上提供给供应商的。(Note )Paragraph 4 (5.discount)译为,尽管造价师可能不要求折扣,但有些供应商为了在交货日期后若干天内得到及时付款而主动提供折扣,付款时间和折扣就成为报价的条件的一部分,在30天内结帐有2%的回扣是通常的做法。(Note 6)46Exercises: .Match the words in closest meaning1. previous

30、 a. get2. collection b. constrain3. begin c. rate4. prospective d .criterion5. obtain e. special6. conventional f. request7. supply g. potential8. restrict h. commence9. specification i. gather10standard j. provide11. require k. norm12. particular l. former13. incorporated m. insertlihgacjbkdfem47.P

31、ut the following Chinese into English.1.材料价格2.分包商的报价3.机具设备租赁费4.向供应商询价5.工程量清单6.墙砖7.防潮层8.水泥9.粗骨料10.回扣material price subcontractors quotationequipment hire ratesenquire supplierbill of quantities wall tiesdamp-proof courses cementraw aggregatesdiscount48Unit Six1New Words and Expressions2Text Study 3Ex

32、ercises491New Words and Expressions1. weakness n.缺点,弱点,薄弱 weaken v.使某人/某事物变弱 e.g. Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution. weakling n.软弱的人或动物 weak a. 弱的,无力气的4. schematic a.纲要的,图解的 schema n.图解,图表5. layout n.布局,安排,设计e.g. The layout of room in a building.(建筑物内房间的布局)50 6. elevation n.高度,海拔;(建筑物

33、的)正视图,立视图e.g. The side elevation of a house.(一座房子的侧面立视图)12. appropriate a.适当的,恰如其分的 v.挪用,窃用15. assess v.对进行估价,确定的金额e.g. The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.(由这个委员会评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存) assessor n.估评员,评税员17. submit v.呈递,提交,提出;使服从 e.g. He submits an estimate.(他提出一项估价)51二二.Text Study

34、Contract documents: Paragraph 11) as a minimum ; at minimum; at least至少(Note1)2) schematic layouts and elevation.图解式平面图和立面图(Note2)3)It is usual, therefore, for this to be detailed句中的this指the quality and performance of the materials and workmanship expected.contract drawings: Paragraph 44) occasional

35、ly it is due tobecause of duo to 由于 because of 因为,由于52Exercises: .Match the words in closest meaning.1. advantage a. commitment2. feasible b. catch3. avoid c. shun4. appropriate d. employer5. perform e. possible6. grasp f. strength7. obligation g. suitable8. client h. administration9. purpose i. und

36、ertake 10. regulation j. aimfecgibadjh53 .Put the following Chinese into English.1.平面布置图和立面图2.规划许可3.建筑业管理许可4.工程质量5.装修工程的造价6.合同文本7.合同图纸8.承包人义务9.指定供应商和分包商10.开工和竣工时期11.中期付款12.缺陷责任期schematic layouts and elevationsplanning permissionbuilding regulations approvalproject qualitydecoration projects estimate

37、contract documentscontract drawingscontractors obligationsspecified suppliers and subcontractorsstart and completion datesinterim paymentdefect obligation period54Unit Seven1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises551New Words and Expressions1. precedence n. 领先,优先e.g. The needs of community mu

38、st take precedence over individual requirements.公众的利益高于个人的利益 precedent n.可援为先列的事列;先列 precede v.在某时物之前,先于4.Eventuality n.可能发生的事,不测事件 event n.事情,事件;比赛项目 eventually a.最后的,最终的7. initially ad.最初地,开始地 initial a.最初的,词首的; v. 草签 5616. seal n.印记,图章;海豹 v.盖章于22. nominate v.任命,指定e.g. The board nominated her as t

39、he new director.董事会指定她为新董事 nomination n.提名,任命24. fluctuation n.波动,起伏27. in the event of 万一,在情况下57二二.Text StudyParagraph 11) interpretation 解释,口译2) case law 判列法(Note 1)Paragraph 23) to the contrary 与此相反4) modification 修改,改善Paragraph 65) department of customs and Excise 税务局(Note2) 58Exercises: .Match

40、the words in closest prise2.alteration3.devise4.cite5.resolve panyg.modificationh.designi.happenj.settlek.clearl.accurateeghdjilbfcak59 .Put the following Chinese into English1.法律框架2.相关各方3.标准文本4.标准条款5.特殊条款6.业主姓名7.工料测量师8.公共机构9.签名和印章10.印花税a.legal frameworkb.interrelated partiesc.standard formsd.standa

41、rd clausese.special clausesf.the names of the employerg.quantity surveyorh.public body i.signature and sealj.stamp duty60Unit Eight1New words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises611New words and Expressions1. package n.包,件;一揽子交易e.g. Ministers are trying to put together a package that will end the di

42、spute. 大臣们力图搞一揽子交易结束这场争论 packing n.包装材料,包装工作 pack n.包;小纸盒; v.收拾,装,挤进e.g. The show played to packed houses.那节目演出时场场爆满3. evaluate v.估价,评价(assess)9. hydraulic a.水压的,液压的 hydraulics n.水力学6212. pavement n.路面,铺砌层;人行路 pave v.用石或砖铺(路) e.g. The path is paved with concrete slabs.这路是用混凝土板铺成的18. reimburse v.偿还,付

43、还(款项) e.g. All expenses will be reimbursed.一切费用都报销63二二.Text StudyParagraph 21)Whether the final quantities are greater or less than those句中whetheror 不管还是,less than 少于2)paragraph 4 hydraulic structures 水工建筑物(构筑物) 此句中,containing liquidated damages for early 是分词短语,修饰construction contracts (Note1)Paragr

44、aph 6 643)A cost-plus contract may be either,whichor a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract.此句中which是非限制性定语从句修饰前一句,eitheror表示在两者中任选择其一Paragraph 74)the public agency with 和the contractor作为provide的并列宾语(Note2)Paragraph 95) purchasing process known contract administration采购过程即合同管理65Exercises: .Match the words i

45、n closest meaning.1.bid2.price3.base4.purchase pensateg.buyhjigkdl668. administration 9. contain10. encounter11.incentive12. approve13. reimburse14.sumh. tenderi. basisj. ratek. take in l. subsoilm. includen. meetamncbfe67 .Put the following Chinese into English1.投标明细或价值明细表2.污水处理厂3.地下管线4.道路改建5.开挖与回填

46、6.筑堤7.延长英尺8.平方英尺9.延期罚款条款10.工程造价11.管理费和利润12.合同管理bid breakdown or schedulewastewater treatment plantunderground utility linesroads or street improvementsexcavation and backfillembankmentextends feetsquare feetpenalty clauses for delayproject estimateadministration costs and profitscontract administrat

47、ion68Unit Nine1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises691New Words and Expressions3. erection n.建造,安装,直立 erect v.建造,设立 erect a monument. 竖立纪念碑10. interpolation n.内框,插植,篡改 interpolate v.插入(言语等)13. composite a.合成的,复合的,混成的 composition n.作品;作文,散文;合成物质 e.g. a composition floor 合成地板 7017. surplus n

48、.过剩,盈余; a.过剩的,多余的18. release v.释放,发行,发表19.finalise v.把(计划等)定下来e.g. She has finalized the plan.她已经把计划定下来了 finality n.终结,定局71二二.Text StudyParagraph 11) building have widely ,perform diversity of function , serve the needs of a variety building clients . 此句中have, perform和serve并列, a diversity of: a vari

49、ety of 多种多样的,不同的 Paragraph 52) sometimes referred to as the interpolation method. refer to 说到,提到(某事物)72 interpolation method.内推法(Note3)Paragraph 63)distribute v.分发,分配某事物The quantity surveyor translatesinto, allowance for translateinto,将变为(Note4) allowance for sth ,考虑到某事物Paragraph 84)each element is

50、investigated in turn in turn 依次73Exercises: .Fill in the blanks with the given below and change their forms if necessaryresult in in particular devise conformterm assess theme inception1.The client met the quantity surveyor last week to discuss the building design and the cost.2.It has been necessar

51、y to a systematic cost planning3.He has been associated with preparing an outline cost plan of the project since its in Mayassessdevise inception 744.The quantity surveyor will be in a position to give general guidance on costs and, to evaluate the financial effect of different solutions to any spec

52、ific design problems.5.The question of building finance and costs is within both the clients and the architects of referenceIn particulartheme75.Translate the following Chinese into English1.工程量估算员/工料测量师2.建筑设计阶段3.可行性分析阶段4.概算5.施工图设计阶段6.建筑面积7.成本效益分析8.养护费quantity surveyorbuilding design stagefeasible a

53、nalysis stageinitial estimatedrawing design stagefloor spacecost and profit analysismaintenance cost76Unit Ten1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises771New Words and Expressions1. representative n.典型,代表 v.有代表性的,典型的 representation n.代表,代理 represent v.表现;描绘;代表5. volume n.卷;体积,容积量7. indoctrinat

54、ion n.灌输,教训 indoctrinate v.向某人灌输11.Acquaint v.使认识,使了解 acquaintance n.对某事物了解,泛泛之交 7819. subscribe v.签署,同意,赞成 subscription n.订阅;捐助;签署23. update v.使现代化,更新 e.g. Update computer systems.更新计算机设备24. liaison n.联络,联系 liaise v.联络26. facilitate v.推进,促进e.g. I would facilitate matter if you were more co-operativ

55、e.要是你再合作些就省事了79二二.Text StudyParagraph 2M/E : mechanical / Electrical 机/电(Note2)Paragraph 7it is incumbent upon sb to do sth 义不容迟地做某事 (Note3)He will readily subscribe to its requirements.此句中subscribe to sth 同意,赞成 The owners staff representative3. impending 即将发生的80The project manager5. log 日志7.Negotia

56、te 协商,协议10. compliance 听从,遵守The construction manager5. sequence 有次序的事情6.Process 审查The mechanical / electrical coordinator1.Expedite 加快9.Verify 证实,核对81Exercises: Match 5 position in column A with the respective responsibilities in column B1. the owners representative2. the construction manager3. the

57、architects representative4. the mechanical /electrical Coordinatora. maintains records and filesb. maintains community relations publicity c. arbitrates disputes d. approves procedures and timinge. approves shop drawings and samples f. approves extra work b, d, f, mlj, e, h, ck, i825.The project man

58、agerg. approves payments requesth. approves subcontractors and material suppliersi. verifies as-built drawingsj. certifies payments to contractors k. insure adherence to construction schedule. l. controls temporary facilitiesm. insure prompt paymentn. insures compliance with regulationsn, g, a83 . P

59、ut the following Chinese into English. 1.确保及时付款2.提出和批准变更3.主持现场会议4.谈判变更令5.加快验收和批准6.评估索赔7.深化图和样品insures prompt paymentinitiates and approves changeschairs present meetingsnegotiates change ordersfacilitates inspection and approvalevaluates claimsapproves shop drawings and samples848.管理机电分包9.控制临时设施10.执

60、行施工计划11.确认竣工图12.解释合同文件13.仲裁争端14.监督实验程序manages M/E trades subcontractorcontrols temporary facilitiesimplements construction plansapproves shop drawingsinterpret contract documentsarbitrates disputesmonitors testing procedures85Unit Eleven1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises861New Words and

61、 Expressions1. routine a.日常的,常规的 n.列行公事6. anticipate v.预期,期望(expect)8. deteriorate v.使退化,消耗,降低e.g. The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.10. imperative a.迫切的,绝对必要的 n.必要的事,紧迫的事 e.g. Survival is our first imperative.我们当务之急是设法生存下来11.self-intersst n.自身利益,自私自利 selfishness n.自私8715. stipulated

62、 v.规定,约定e.g. I stipulated red paint, not black.我已讲明要红漆,不要黑漆 stipulation n.讲明,规定;条件,协定25. as s means of 作为的工具 by means of 用,依靠e.g. We made a fortune by means of industry.我们靠勤劳致富88二二.Text StudyParagraph 11) set into motion: begin to operate self-regulating mechanism 自我调节机制 conform to: be consistent wi

63、th (Note1)Paragraph 32)The contractor being obligated by contract to meetand to finish to meet 和to finish 并列 be obligated to do sth: to forced to do sth89被迫做某事 (Note2)Paragraph 44)cost-plus contracts 成本加酬金合同Paragraph 54) subject to sth 服从或顺从5)ranging from preliminary to final rang from A to B 在A和B之间

64、变化和变动90Exercises: .Match the words in closest meaning.1.sufficient2.anticipate3.accomplish4.initial5.estimate6.emphasis7.constraint8.shifting9.established pletej.enoughjaihgfedcb91 .Put the following into English. 1.项目经理2.现场管理3.项目成本和时间控制4.技术复杂性5.施工方法6.设计阶段7.材料替代8.管理机构9.材料和设备供应商10.材料和设备的运输时间project m

65、anageron-site managementproject cost and time controltechnical complexityconstruction methodsdesign stagematerial substituteregulatory agencymaterial and equipment suppliersthe delivery times of materials and equipment92Unite Twelve1New Words and Expressions2Study Text3Exercises931New Words and Expr

66、essions2. claim n.要求; v.索赔e.g. She claims ownership of the land.9. dominant a.支配的,显著的 dominant n.支配,控制e.g. He dominated the meeting by sheer force of character.10. pursue v.追求,寻求 pursuit n.追求,从事,进行e.g. She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure.她一身都在追求享乐9413. prevail v. 占优势;说服;流行 e.g. Virtue wi

67、ll prevail against evil.美德定将战胜邪恶23. waive v.放弃,延期进行 waiver n.弃权26. stem form 由产生 e.g. Discontent stemming from low pay.由工资低产生的不满情绪95二二.Text StudyParagraph 31) domino effect 多米诺效应,指一件事情引起的连锁反应。(Note1)2)此句中,由who引出定语从句修饰the parties,此从句中又由how引出宾语从句作show的宾语。(Note2)Paragraph 43) put everything in writing

68、白纸黑字Paragraph 6 meticulously a.极精细的 96Exercises: .Match the words in closest meaning.1.defer 2.furnish 3.oversight4.critical5.arise6.incur7.disputea.solveb.appearc.conflictd.carefule.delayf.neglectg.provideegfhbic978.meticulous9. settle10. pertinent11. realistic12. updated13. allocate14.fatalh. cruc

69、iali. causej. latestk. assignl. deadlym. relevantn. practical danmkjl98.Put the following Chinese into English1.总承包商2.业主3.影响费用4.间接损失5.项目总进度计划6.项目网络图7.变更条款8.备忘录9.延迟提交索赔10.提出索赔general contractorowner impact costsconsequential damageoverall progress programproject networkchange clausememorandadefer cla

70、imsfile a claim99Unit Thirteen1New words and Expressions2Text Study3Exercises1001 New Words and Exercises 1. profession n.职业,专业,表白,宣布 professional n.专业人士;职业运动员;内行7.execution n.实行,执行 execution a.经营的,行政的 n.经理,董事,行政人员8. appraisal n.评估,估量,估价(assessment)10. draw up 起草,制定 e.g. We have drawn up a holiday p

71、lan.我们已制定了一个假期计划10117. refurbishment n.整修,翻新 refurbish v.重新装饰e.g. The flat will be refurbished.这套房子将重新粉刷19. underwriter n.担保人,保险商102二二.Text studyParagraph 11) prominent 突出的2)quantity surveyor 预算师或造价师(Note1)3)The commonwealth of Nations 英联邦国家(Note2) 4) specialize in sth 专门从事Paragraph 65) discipline 学

72、科6) financial institutions 金融机构 Tender and contractual documentation 1031. take into account 考虑2.in conjunction with sb 与某人打交道Paragraph 9 7)mediation 斡旋Paragraph 118.in addition to 除以外104Exercises: .Decide the following statements are true or false.1.During the construction process, QS contact with

73、client and other consultants to determine clients initial requirements.2.Only when major construction work is carried out that the QS is called, otherwise. Qs is not necessary.3.If the progress of construction time is out of control, QS will find reasonable cause.4.The project progress from initial

74、stage to tendering is influenced only by architect.TFFF105 .Put the following Chinese into English.1.总进度计划2.项目的实施3.竣工验收4.工程量表5.实际完成的工程量general progress planningproject executioncompletion acceptancebill of quantitiespractical completion quantity 106Unit Fourteen1New Words and Expressions2Text Study3

75、Exercises1071New Words and Expressions4. monitor n.监控,监听,监测,监视 v.监视,监听e.g. Each students progress is closely monitor.每位学生的学习情况都受到密切关注6. delicate a.需要小心处理的,微妙的 delicacy n.柔软;细嫩;精巧;小心的处理7. issue n. v.问题,争论,争议,发行10. substantiation n.证实,证明108二二.Text StudyParagraph 11) play a role in sth 在某物中扮演一个角色Paragr

76、aph 32) at regular intervals 每隔一段时间Paragraph 43) in respect of sth 关于某事物4) final claim statement 决算表5) final account 结算(Note 5)109Exercises: .Decide the following statements are true or false.1.Before price tender, QS examines tender documents so as to ensure that contractual risks are reduced to a

77、minimum.2.QS control costs and initial budget through managing of costs of labor, plant and materials procurement arrangement.3.QS will usually charge sublet parts of work to smaller, more specialized construction companies (known as subcontractors) and pay to them.4.QS always attends meetings and negotiates with Clients representative or the clients private TTFF110 . Put the following Chinese into English.1.工期索赔2.费用索赔3.合同价格的变动4.费用的估价5.证明材料time claimscost claimscontract price fluctuationcost estimatesubstantiation material



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