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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section ALets go shopping.a shirttrousers a T-shirtshorts / / a sweater / / shoes / / socks / /How much is this bag?Its $8.$8=8 dollars93How much are these shoes?Theyre $9.973How much is this bag? Its $4.How much are these shorts? Theyre $5.$4$5$3$2$6$7$8$1$9Listenin

2、g (1b: P41)A: How much is the hat?B: The hat is six dollars.A: And how much are the shorts?B: Oh, theyre eight dollars.A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater?B: Lets see. The sweater is nine dollars.TapescriptColors green bluebrown black orangered white purpleyellowa white T-shirta black shirta

3、 green sweaterwhite socksan orange baga red hatblue shortsblack shoes$4$5How much is this orange bag?Its $4.How much are these blue shorts?Theyre $5.Practise$3$6$8$2$7$9$1a big hat How much is the big hat? How much is the small hat? $4a small hat $2Its $4.Its $2.a long T-shirt$7a short T-shirt $5Lis

4、tening (2a: P42)$5$7$9$8$2$2TapescriptConversation 1 A: How much is the green T-shirt? B: It is eight dollars.Conversation 2 A: How much is the black bag?B: It is two dollars. Conversation 3 A: How much are the red shorts?B: They are nine dollars.Conversation 4 A: I like this green sweater. How much

5、 is it?B: Its seven dollars.Conversation 5 A: I like big blue hats. Do you have one?B: Yes. I have this one here.A: How much is it?B: Its five dollars.Conversation 6 A: I like those long, blue and yellow socks. How much are they?B: Theyre only two dollars.$20注意使用购物用语注意使用购物用语A:_ I help you?B:_ , _. I

6、 _ a sweater.A:_ _ do you want?B: Orange.A:_ you are.Can YespleasewantWhat colorHere B: _ _ is it?A: 20 dollars.B: _ _ _. Thank you.A: _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _.How muchIll take itYou are welcomeThats all right/OKNot at all如何询问价格如何询问价格 How much is the red sweater? Its 8 dollars. How much is this blue T-sh

7、irt? Its 7 dollars. How much is that white bag? Its nine dollars. How much are these black pants? Theyre 10 dollars. How much are those blue socks? Theyre 3 dollars.询问价格的另一种方式:询问价格的另一种方式: How much is the bag? = What is the price of the bag?Clerk: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? We have sweat

8、ers in many color. What color do you want? Here you are. Youre welcome.购物用语购物用语Customer: Yes, please. I want a/an. No, thanks How much is it?/ How much are they? Ill take it/them. Thank you/ Thanks. / Thank you very much/ Thanks a lot.Clerk: _ I help you?Mom: Yes, _. I_ a pair of pants for my daught

9、er.Clerk: What _ _she like?Mom: Blue.Clerk: what_ this pair? Canpleasewantcolor doesabout补全对话补全对话Mom: Oh, _ _are they?Clerk: 25 dollars.Mom: Can it be cheaper?how much How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars. 这件这件T恤衫多少钱?恤衫多少钱? 七美元。七美元。Language points 购物时购物时, 要问某种物品多少钱,要问某种物品多少钱,用用how much来问来问, 意

10、思是意思是“多多少钱少钱”, 当当how much 用来询问用来询问价钱时,动词价钱时,动词be的形式要根据的形式要根据它后面的名词来变化,如果其它后面的名词来变化,如果其后面的名词是单数,就用后面的名词是单数,就用is, 如如果是复数就用果是复数就用are。如如: How much is this pen? Its three dollars. 这支钢笔多少钱这支钢笔多少钱? 三美元。三美元。 How much are these pants? Theyre 20 dollars. 这条裤子多少钱?这条裤子多少钱? 二十美元。二十美元。 how much 也通常用来修也通常用来修饰不可数名词

11、。饰不可数名词。如如: How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?瓶子里有多少水? How much milk is there in the glass? 杯子里有多少牛奶?杯子里有多少牛奶? 因因为water和和milk是不可数名是不可数名词, 所所以以动词be用用单数形式数形式is.Section B Learn these numbers and find out the rules:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirteenfourte

12、enfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetytwenty-one twenty-ninethirty-one thirty-nineforty-one forty-ninefifty-one fifty-ninesixty-one sixty-nineseventy-one seventy-nineeighty-one eighty-nine ninety-one ninety-ninehundredListening(2b:P44)TapescriptMom: O

13、h, look. I like that blue sweater. How much is it? Lisa: Fifteen dollars. Oh, look. I like these socks.Mom: Oh, no. I dont like red. Lisa: Do you like this? Mom: Mmm, yes, I do, but its eleven dollars. Lisa: Oh. How much is the green sweater? Mom: Its twenty dollars. But you have a green sweater. Li

14、sa: Mmm. Mom: Oh, look at these shorts. Lisa: Oh, yes, I like those. How much are they? Mom: Only sixteen dollars. Lisa: OK, Ill take those.1. at a very good price. 以非常便宜的价格以非常便宜的价格, at 表表“以以的的价格价格”, 如:如: We have sweaters in all colors at 6 each! 我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一件!件!Language points(3a) 2

15、. We have great bags for just 12. 最棒的书包我们只卖最棒的书包我们只卖12元!元! for just 12 只卖四美元只卖四美元 just: 只,仅仅只,仅仅3. Do you need bags for sports or school? 你需要体育用包和上学用的书吗?你需要体育用包和上学用的书吗? 这里的这里的for是是 “为为所用所用”的意思的意思4. For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only 18!我们给女孩子准备了红的我们给女孩子准备了红的, 绿的和绿的和白色的白色的T恤衫恤衫, 只卖十八元!只卖十八元! for girls: 给女孩子准备的给女孩子准备的 only: 只,仅仅只,仅仅(=just)5. Come and see for yourself ! 到到Huaxing来来, 为你自己购物吧!为你自己购物吧! come and see来看看来看看Thank you for listening! Thank you for listening!



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