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《中考英语 写作话题汇总复习 制定计划课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 写作话题汇总复习 制定计划课件 人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第三部分第三部分 高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导八年八年级(上)级(上)Units 9-10制定计划制定计划写作导图写作导图 分分析析湖湖南南近近3年年42套套中中考考真真题题可可知知,湖湖南南各各地地市市对对“制制定定计计划划”的的话话题题考考查查频频率率较较高高,主主要要从从“假假期期计计划划”的的命命题题角角度度设设题题。如如:2012怀怀化化中中考考真真题题要要求求以以“My Vacation Plan”为为题题,写写一一篇篇短短文文,谈谈谈谈自自己己的的假假期期计计划划;2012株株洲洲中中考考真真题题要要求以邮求以邮件件的的形形式式真真题题要要求求以以邮邮件件的的形形式式告告知

2、知笔笔友友自自己己假假期期喜喜欢欢做做的的事事情情;2012常常德德中中考考真真题题要要求求以以“What to do this summer vacation? ”为为题题,根根据据给给出出的的表表格格提提示示,写写出出两两个个同同学学以以及及自自己己的的假期打算及理由。假期打算及理由。 全全国国各各地地市市考考查查该该话话题题时时,命命题题角角度度还还会会涉涉及及到到:制制定定对对学学习习、班班级级活活动动和和学学校校活活动动的的计计划划;制制定定学学习习计计划划、人人生生奋奋斗斗目目标标或或理理想想等等长长远远的的计计划以及最终要实现的愿望或期待等。划以及最终要实现的愿望或期待等。 以下

3、以以下以2012怀化中考真题为例分析此话题:怀化中考真题为例分析此话题:亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常常用用句句型型:He wants to relax and learn something in the countryside.推推荐荐句句型型:He wants to not only relax but also learn something in the countryside.He prefers to stay in the countryside for that he can relax and learn something there.He wishes to go to t

4、he countryside in order that/so that he can relax and learn something there.常常用用句句型型:I have to do some research to make a plan.推推荐荐句句型型:To work out a plan, I have to start with some research.In order to work out a plan, I have to start with some research.I have to start with some research if I want

5、to work out a plan.开头句开头句:1. How time flies!2. Im very happy to have the chance to show you my plan for the graduation ceremony.3. Summer vacation is coming and I will have a two-month holiday.4. Im looking forward to the coming summer holiday.5. The summer vacation is coming, and I prepare to visit

6、 my grandparents in the countryside.6. Lets make a plan for the coming vacation together.中间句中间句:1. I hope/wish/want to go abroad for further study.2. We will climb the mountain if the weather is fine.3. He wants to not only relax but also learn something in the countryside.4. He plans to go sightsee

7、ing.5. Itll take about two hours to get there by bus.结尾句结尾句:1. I am looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 2. I am going to make some preparations.3. This is what we will do. I hope you will choose my plan. 4. Im sure I can do better in the coming school new year. 5. We will have a wond

8、erful vacation.(常常用用词词汇汇见见本本书书“28天天话话题题词词汇汇分分类类速速记记表表”话话题(九)计划与安排)题(九)计划与安排)典例剖析典例剖析(12怀化怀化) 初初中中学学业业水水平平测测试试即即将将结结束束,愉愉快快的的假假期期马马上上就就要要开开始始了了。下下面面是是 Tony 和和他他的的几几个个好好朋朋友友的的假假期期计计划划。请请你你仿仿照照范范文文,以以“My Vacation Plan” 为为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的假期计划。题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的假期计划。注意注意:1. 文章中请勿使用真实校名和姓名;文章中请勿使用真实校名和姓名; 2. 词数

9、:词数:70左右;左右; 3. 文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Tony and his good friends vacation plan Summer vacation is coming. After such a long-time study, they decide to relax themselves. First they are going to play computer games and see some exciting movies together. Then they will do some sports, such a

10、s going swimming, going hiking, going camping and climbing mountains. Next they are traveling tosome places of interest, because it can open their eyes to the outside world and increase their knowledge. Finally, they will do something useful and meaningful. They plan to be volunteers, they will go t

11、o the old peoples house to make them happy, and help the police to keep the traffic in order. They will have a wonderful vacation.【审题指导审题指导】细读所给文字提示,可以提取以下信息:细读所给文字提示,可以提取以下信息:1. 文文章章已已经经给给出出范范文文,考考生生首首先先要要细细读读范范文文,并并从从中中提提取取信信息息,或或可可仿仿照照范范文文的的行行文文思思路路和和句句型型描描述述自自己己的假期计划;的假期计划;2. 描描述述个个人人计计划划的的时时候候,

12、可可分分步步骤骤,逐逐步步陈陈述述,故故要要用一般将来时,人称为第一人称;用一般将来时,人称为第一人称;3. 文章词数在文章词数在70词左右,不能使用真实姓名和校名。词左右,不能使用真实姓名和校名。【高分范文高分范文】My Vacation Plan Summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. After a tiring school year, Im going to relax myself. I will spend my vacation with my grandparents and stay with

13、 them for about three weeks. Of course, I amgoing to help them do some housework. Perhaps we will take some short trips. Besides, I am going to visit some of my friends and relatives. I think we will have a happy time together. Whats more, I will be a senior school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations.【检测菜单检测菜单】1. 和某人呆在一起和某人呆在一起 _2. 除此之外除此之外 _3. 并且,更加并且,更加 _4. 做一些准备做一些准备 _stay with sb.besideswhats moremake some preparation



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