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1、阅读与表达【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件基本认识n文字量不低于300字07年:34608年: 30609年:347n能力考查全面 一般疑问句 简单判断 语法: 选择疑问句 类型 细节事实 特殊疑问句 概括提炼【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件n不是容易题题型比较成熟5题10分每小题都有机会读、表、达三个层次【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件近三年中考题n第一题11. Will people have to diet in the future?17.Was Chico born in Brazil? 75. Is Earth Day o

2、n April 22? 【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件n第二题12. Will most people work at home or in an office in 20 to 30 years time?18.How did young Chico get money? 76. What caught fire on the Cuyahoga River?【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件n第三题13. What can help you take and send a picture in the future?19.How many things

3、 did Chico do after the forest was burned?77. How many countries take part in the celebration each year now?【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件n第四题14. Why is the future traffic safer?20.When was Chico murdered? 78. Why did Chinese people have Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week?【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件n第五题15. W

4、hat will life be like in the future?21. What did Chico achieve in his life? 79. What are the purposes of celebrating the Earth Day?【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件审题能力审题能力一一得分点得分点二二”善解人意善解人意“背背后后三三target answer四四不能短视不能短视 五五 阅卷反思【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件课文课文1有针对性有针对性2模拟题和真题模拟题和真题3学生斗学生学生斗学生4平时教学的落实【最新】九年级

5、英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件Cats are very clean animals. They frequently bathe themselves by licking their fur with their tongue. A cats tongue has many small bumps. These bumps help brush and clean the fur. A cat also uses a litter box and may get upset if its owners do not keep it clean.The paragraph tells mainlyA.why cats eatB.Who keeps a cat cleanC.That cats want to stay clean【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件我们的目标 保810全10美争9【最新】九年级英语上册 阅读与表达课件 外研版 课件



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