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1、Unit 4 seeing the doctor(Sound time , Culture time & Cartoon time) Play a game!30 Non-stop speaking 一分钟不NG Play a game!30 Non-stop speaking 一分钟不NGChCharliearliechairchickenlunchmuchteach ch/ t /你可以像这样问问题!你可以像这样问问题!Who ?Where ?What does ?Does he?benbenchch长凳长凳长凳长凳China中国中国ChickenCharlie ch.Hes going

2、to Ch_ in March.(三月)三月)三月)三月) Eating chicken for his _ch.He likes Ch_ food very _ch.is sitting on a benluninainese Lets fill !(试着按照发音规则找出单词,使之完整)muLets try!Try:根据今天所学的ch的读音规则,试着拼读下面的单词和句子。chat each child rich聊天 各自的 孩子 富有的Each child has a chat with Charlie in China.Teach Charlie Chinese food in March

3、.Spring comes in March in China. And many illnesses will happen , please give Charlie some advice to help him feel well during his staying.(春天容易感冒咳嗽,请给Charlie一些建议,帮助他有一个健康快乐的中国之行!)You should You shouldnt 温度温度Whats wrong with Liu Tao?美国和一些少数英语国家使用华氏度计量温度。表示摄氏温度。表示摄氏温度。Degree Centigrade 表示华氏温度。表示华氏温度。

4、Degree Fahrenheit中国和大多数国家使用摄氏度计量温度。Lets share! Fever: (1)low fever低烧:37.5 -38 (2)middle fever中度:38 -39 (3)high fever高烧:39 freezing point (冰点)=( -32)1.8 032 boiling point (沸点)100212(102-32)1.8 = 39Differences 不同不同reduction formula (换算公式)Help Liu Tao and give him some advice!You should You shouldnt Bo

5、ok P44Should: . get up and go to bed early 早睡早起 do more exercise 多做运动Shouldnt : . eat or drink too much at a time一次吃喝太多 play computer games or mobile phone too long 玩电脑游戏或者手机时间过长 IS Bobbys treatment right? 治疗治疗No. But Bobby is very helpful and he is very happy to help them.Lets find!WhoWhats wrong?A

6、fter treatment(治疗后)(治疗后)arm hurtsear hurtsnose hurtsneck hurtscant write cant hear wellcant eat or drink?(cant breath)MonkeyRabbitElephantGiraffeTips: 请快速浏览cartoon,找一找,划出来答案。指向指向neckLets repeat!Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Happy reading! 任选一种方式哦!任选一种方式哦!ReadTogether齐读Readin roles分角色读Dub for it给动画配音Tips:请注意:请注意语音语调哦!语音语调哦!Lets think!Give a name to the cartoon!给动画起个名字吧!I know the sound of “ch”.I know the culture about “ ”and “”.I understand the cartoon and know how to help others.Bye bye!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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