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1、Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc1Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc2Identify Needs 确认需求确认需求Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc3IdentifyIdentifyneedsneeds确认需求确认需求确认需求确认需求Design theDesign theprogrammeprogramme设计课程设计课程设计课程设计课程Set Set objectivesobjectives设立目标设立目标设立目标设立目标Select methods

2、Select methodsof measurementof measurement选定评估方法选定评估方法选定评估方法选定评估方法Measure theMeasure thechange in change in performanceperformance评估行为评估行为评估行为评估行为 / / / /表现上的改变表现上的改变表现上的改变表现上的改变Run theRun theprogrammeprogramme 执行课程执行课程执行课程执行课程The Training Cycle 训练循环图训练循环图Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc4Com

3、bine Three Approaches 三种方法的结合三种方法的结合Top DownTop Down由上而下由上而下由上而下由上而下Bottom UpBottom Up由下而上由下而上由下而上由下而上IntrospectionIntrospection由内而外由内而外由内而外由内而外Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc5Top Down 由上而下由上而下 Ask HOC for input when the annual plan is being put together Ask HOC for input when the annual pl

4、an is being put together September/OctoberSeptember/October拟年度计划时拟年度计划时拟年度计划时拟年度计划时( ( ( (九月九月九月九月/ / / /十月十月十月十月),),),),向向向向HOCHOC徵询意见徵询意见徵询意见徵询意见. . . . Ask discipline and department heads Ask discipline and department heads 询问部门主管及各分公司总经理询问部门主管及各分公司总经理询问部门主管及各分公司总经理询问部门主管及各分公司总经理 Pay particular a

5、ttention to non advertising disciplines Pay particular attention to non advertising disciplines whose needs can pass un-noticed amid the whose needs can pass un-noticed amid the clamourclamour of our of our core advertising businesscore advertising business特别注意非广告的公司需求特别注意非广告的公司需求特别注意非广告的公司需求特别注意非广告

6、的公司需求, ,因为很容易被忽略因为很容易被忽略因为很容易被忽略因为很容易被忽略 Dont forget Mindshare/The networkDont forget Mindshare/The network不要忘了不要忘了不要忘了不要忘了MindshareMindshareOgilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc6Top Down (Contd) 由上而下由上而下 ( (续续) ) Use open questionsUse open questions选用开放式问题选用开放式问题选用开放式问题选用开放式问题 Make sure that spe

7、cialist training needs and teachers are Make sure that specialist training needs and teachers are identifiedidentified确认特定的训练需求及讲师确认特定的训练需求及讲师确认特定的训练需求及讲师确认特定的训练需求及讲师. . . .Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc7Examples of Questions 问题举例问题举例 Why do you think our training was so (Why do you think

8、our training was so (in)effectivein)effective last year? last year?你认为为什麽我们去年的训练是这麽你认为为什麽我们去年的训练是这麽你认为为什麽我们去年的训练是这麽你认为为什麽我们去年的训练是这麽( ( ( (没没没没) ) ) )有效率有效率有效率有效率? ? ? ? It would help me if you could tell me what the Board are saying It would help me if you could tell me what the Board are saying abo

9、ut trainingabout training如果你能告诉我董事会对训练的看法可能会有些帮助如果你能告诉我董事会对训练的看法可能会有些帮助如果你能告诉我董事会对训练的看法可能会有些帮助如果你能告诉我董事会对训练的看法可能会有些帮助. . . . How do you see the role of training in helping us achieve next How do you see the role of training in helping us achieve next years plan? Where are the areas of stretch where

10、training can years plan? Where are the areas of stretch where training can help?help?训练在达成明年的计划中扮演著什麽样的角色呢训练在达成明年的计划中扮演著什麽样的角色呢训练在达成明年的计划中扮演著什麽样的角色呢训练在达成明年的计划中扮演著什麽样的角色呢? ? ? ? 训练可以训练可以训练可以训练可以帮助延伸帮助延伸帮助延伸帮助延伸什麽目标什麽目标什麽目标什麽目标? ? ? ?Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc8Examples of Questions (Cont

11、d) 问题举例问题举例 ( (续续) ) How do you feel the changes in the economy and our business How do you feel the changes in the economy and our business need to be reflected in what we do in training?need to be reflected in what we do in training?你认为那些经你认为那些经你认为那些经你认为那些经济上或我们生意上的改变济上或我们生意上的改变济上或我们生意上的改变济上或我们生意上

12、的改变, , , ,是可以反应在训练上的呢是可以反应在训练上的呢是可以反应在训练上的呢是可以反应在训练上的呢? ? ? ? Thinking ahead to next year, what do you think are the new Thinking ahead to next year, what do you think are the new training needs we need to address?training needs we need to address?展望明年展望明年展望明年展望明年, , , ,你认为训练有那你认为训练有那你认为训练有那你认为训练有那些

13、新的需求呢些新的需求呢些新的需求呢些新的需求呢? ? ? ?Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc9Bottom-up 由下而上由下而上 Include questions in staff surveysInclude questions in staff surveys在员工调查中列入问题在员工调查中列入问题在员工调查中列入问题在员工调查中列入问题 egeg Annual survey (NZ) Chili Audit (KL) Annual survey (NZ) Chili Audit (KL) Ask staff to tell you wh

14、at they want - via notice board, staff Ask staff to tell you what they want - via notice board, staff magazine or suggestions boxmagazine or suggestions box藉由公布栏藉由公布栏藉由公布栏藉由公布栏, , , ,员工杂志或意见箱员工杂志或意见箱员工杂志或意见箱员工杂志或意见箱, , , ,让他们告诉你他们想要什麽让他们告诉你他们想要什麽让他们告诉你他们想要什麽让他们告诉你他们想要什麽Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT

15、/2NEEDS/rc10Bottom-up (Contd) 由下而上由下而上 ( (续续) ) Pick up from the appraisal system (most formats have a Pick up from the appraisal system (most formats have a section where people are asked what training they would like) section where people are asked what training they would like) and consolidate. B

16、e sensitive to confidentialityand consolidate. Be sensitive to confidentiality 由评估表中由评估表中由评估表中由评估表中选取选取选取选取( ( ( (大部份的表格中都会问他们喜欢什麽样的训练大部份的表格中都会问他们喜欢什麽样的训练大部份的表格中都会问他们喜欢什麽样的训练大部份的表格中都会问他们喜欢什麽样的训练) ) ) )对机密对机密对机密对机密保持敏感度保持敏感度保持敏感度保持敏感度) ) Go back over the reviews of last years sessions to look for Go

17、back over the reviews of last years sessions to look for gaps and unfulfilled needsgaps and unfulfilled needs 回头检视去年的训练评估表回头检视去年的训练评估表回头检视去年的训练评估表回头检视去年的训练评估表, , , ,并找并找并找并找出训练及实际需求间的落差出训练及实际需求间的落差出训练及实际需求间的落差出训练及实际需求间的落差. . . .Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc11Introspection 由内而外由内而外 What di

18、d you feel went badly wrong last year that you can put What did you feel went badly wrong last year that you can put right - after all you are likely to be the closest to knowing this?right - after all you are likely to be the closest to knowing this? 你认为那些是去年做错的而可以修正的部份你认为那些是去年做错的而可以修正的部份你认为那些是去年做错

19、的而可以修正的部份你认为那些是去年做错的而可以修正的部份? ? ? ? What are other countries doing? Does that suggest any hidden What are other countries doing? Does that suggest any hidden needs?needs?其他国家在做些什麽呢其他国家在做些什麽呢其他国家在做些什麽呢其他国家在做些什麽呢? ? ? ?是否暗示了任何隐藏的需求呢是否暗示了任何隐藏的需求呢是否暗示了任何隐藏的需求呢是否暗示了任何隐藏的需求呢? ? ? ? Do you know of anything

20、 our competitors or outside training Do you know of anything our competitors or outside training companies are doing that suggest things we are missing?companies are doing that suggest things we are missing?是否有任何事是议是竞争对手或外界的训练中心在做是否有任何事是议是竞争对手或外界的训练中心在做是否有任何事是议是竞争对手或外界的训练中心在做是否有任何事是议是竞争对手或外界的训练中心在做,

21、 , , , 而我而我而我而我们没有的们没有的们没有的们没有的? ? ? ?Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc12Combine Needs From the Three Sources 从三项资源中结合需求从三项资源中结合需求 List them allList them all 全部列举全部列举全部列举全部列举 PrioritisePrioritise them using the strategic impact matrix them using the strategic impact matrix藉由策略性冲击方阵来找出优先顺序藉由策略

22、性冲击方阵来找出优先顺序藉由策略性冲击方阵来找出优先顺序藉由策略性冲击方阵来找出优先顺序 Ask for 20 minutes at the next board meeting to do thisAsk for 20 minutes at the next board meeting to do this在下一次的董事会议中花在下一次的董事会议中花在下一次的董事会议中花在下一次的董事会议中花2020分钟来做这件事分钟来做这件事分钟来做这件事分钟来做这件事 Or do it with an inside group of training enthusiastsOr do it with a

23、n inside group of training enthusiasts或者和一群内部训练的热中者来做或者和一群内部训练的热中者来做或者和一群内部训练的热中者来做或者和一群内部训练的热中者来做 (either way you will build ownership and commitment)(either way you will build ownership and commitment)( ( ( (藉由这二种方法你都可以建立所有权及承诺藉由这二种方法你都可以建立所有权及承诺藉由这二种方法你都可以建立所有权及承诺藉由这二种方法你都可以建立所有权及承诺) ) ) ) Then s

24、elect starting with the highest Then select starting with the highest prioritisedprioritised needs needs 然後开始选择最优先的需求然後开始选择最优先的需求然後开始选择最优先的需求然後开始选择最优先的需求Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc13Strategic Impact Matrix 策略性冲击方阵策略性冲击方阵A simple tool for a group to use to agree priorities A simple tool

25、for a group to use to agree priorities between a number of issues or action proposalsbetween a number of issues or action proposals一个能帮助一群人在众多事项或行动计划中一个能帮助一群人在众多事项或行动计划中一个能帮助一群人在众多事项或行动计划中一个能帮助一群人在众多事项或行动计划中做下决定的简单工具做下决定的简单工具做下决定的简单工具做下决定的简单工具Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc14Strategic Impac

26、t Matrix 策略性冲击方阵策略性冲击方阵7 78 89 94 45 56 61 12 23 3U UR RGGE EN NC CY Y紧紧紧紧急急急急度度度度1 2 31 2 34 5 64 5 67 8 97 8 9IMPORTANCEIMPORTANCE 重要度重要度重要度重要度Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc15How to Use It 如何使用如何使用 Before rating each item, make sure the owner of the item clarifies Before rating each item

27、, make sure the owner of the item clarifies it to the group so there are no misunderstandingsit to the group so there are no misunderstandings在评估每一个项目之前在评估每一个项目之前在评估每一个项目之前在评估每一个项目之前, , , ,确定大家对各项条件都非常清楚确定大家对各项条件都非常清楚确定大家对各项条件都非常清楚确定大家对各项条件都非常清楚, , , , 没有没有没有没有任何认知上的错误任何认知上的错误任何认知上的错误任何认知上的错误 The gr

28、oup are invited to call their ratings for both importance The group are invited to call their ratings for both importance and urgencyand urgency整群人都应该将整群人都应该将整群人都应该将整群人都应该将 重要度重要度重要度重要度 及及及及 紧急度紧急度紧急度紧急度 The score for importance should always be called first, the score The score for importance shoul

29、d always be called first, the score for urgency secondfor urgency second 重要度重要度重要度重要度 的分数应摆在第一顺位的分数应摆在第一顺位的分数应摆在第一顺位的分数应摆在第一顺位, , , ,而而而而 紧急度紧急度紧急度紧急度 的分数则在第二的分数则在第二的分数则在第二的分数则在第二. . . . Each member of the group has one chance only to vote. Or to Each member of the group has one chance only to vote.

30、 Or to abstain if the group rating is agreed withabstain if the group rating is agreed with每个成员只有一次投票机会每个成员只有一次投票机会每个成员只有一次投票机会每个成员只有一次投票机会, , , ,否则以弃权论否则以弃权论否则以弃权论否则以弃权论. . . .Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc16How to Facilitate It 如何运用如何运用 Start with the marker on the centre 5.5 positionSta

31、rt with the marker on the centre 5.5 position从从从从5.55.5的中心点开始评估的中心点开始评估的中心点开始评估的中心点开始评估. . . . Remember that we are looking for an average of all the calls Remember that we are looking for an average of all the calls 请记住我们找寻的是每个人意见的平均值请记住我们找寻的是每个人意见的平均值请记住我们找寻的是每个人意见的平均值请记住我们找寻的是每个人意见的平均值 Resist the

32、 temptation to be overly influenced by the last call or by Resist the temptation to be overly influenced by the last call or by the call of the most senior person presentthe call of the most senior person present防止由防止由防止由防止由 最终发言者最终发言者最终发言者最终发言者 或或或或 最资深者最资深者最资深者最资深者 发言之意见为结论发言之意见为结论发言之意见为结论发言之意见为结论

33、. . . . Listen for the calls of the quieter members of the group. When there Listen for the calls of the quieter members of the group. When there are no more bids, mark the point and move onare no more bids, mark the point and move on聆听一组中较安静聆听一组中较安静聆听一组中较安静聆听一组中较安静成员的声音成员的声音成员的声音成员的声音. . . .在没有其他的意

34、见後在没有其他的意见後在没有其他的意见後在没有其他的意见後, , , ,标下分数标下分数标下分数标下分数 并继续进行并继续进行并继续进行并继续进行 When the group is When the group is polarisedpolarised on an issue, mark the minority view as on an issue, mark the minority view as well as the majority viewwell as the majority view在出现两极化的声音时在出现两极化的声音时在出现两极化的声音时在出现两极化的声音时, ,

35、 , ,同时记录下两种不同的意见同时记录下两种不同的意见同时记录下两种不同的意见同时记录下两种不同的意见. . . .Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc17Plan onePlan oneMonthMonthResponseResponse计划计划计划计划一月期回覆一月期回覆一月期回覆一月期回覆Act NowAct Now开始行动开始行动开始行动开始行动PlanPlan3-Month3-MonthResponseResponse计划计划计划计划三月期回覆三月期回覆三月期回覆三月期回覆7 78 89 94 45 56 61 12 23 3U UR R

36、GGE EN NC CY Y紧紧紧紧急急急急度度度度1 2 31 2 34 5 64 5 67 8 97 8 9IMPORTANCEIMPORTANCE 重要度重要度重要度重要度Strategic Impact Matrix 策略性冲击方阵策略性冲击方阵Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc18MonitorMonitorQuarterlyQuarterly每季测试每季测试每季测试每季测试HalfHalfYearlyYearlyReviewReview半年度回顾半年度回顾半年度回顾半年度回顾ReconsiderReconsider再考虑再考虑再考虑再考

37、虑Plan onePlan oneMonthMonthResponseResponse计划计划计划计划一月期回覆一月期回覆一月期回覆一月期回覆AllocateAllocateResponRespon- -SibilitiesSibilities责任分配责任分配责任分配责任分配AnnualAnnualReviewReview年度回顼年度回顼年度回顼年度回顼Act NowAct Now开始行动开始行动开始行动开始行动PlanPlan3-Month3-MonthResponseResponse计划计划计划计划三月期回覆三月期回覆三月期回覆三月期回覆MonitorMonitorQuarterlyQua

38、rterly每季测试每季测试每季测试每季测试7 78 89 94 45 56 61 12 23 3U UR RGGE EN NC CY Y紧紧紧紧急急急急度度度度1 2 31 2 34 5 64 5 67 8 97 8 9IMPORTANCEIMPORTANCE 重要度重要度重要度重要度Strategic Impact Matrix 策略性冲击方阵策略性冲击方阵Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc19青苹果出品青苹果出品 必属精品必属精品http:/ / 企业管理人力资源全套企业管理人力资源全套 / 品牌策划资料品牌策划资料/行业分分析报告析报告/PPT模板模板等。Ogilvy & MatherRef:TRAINING/TT/2NEEDS/rc20青苹果出品青苹果出品 必属精品必属精品http:/ / 企业管理人力资源全套企业管理人力资源全套 / 品牌策划资料品牌策划资料/行业分分析报告析报告/PPT模板模板等。



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