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1、9/21/20241BUSINESS WRITING商务英语写作商务英语写作棘互媳豺嚷齿最打短慎枝沮卓试容岗该倪些且鹏烂羹疼暑擅规霉吾彩囊裹商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20242 Chapter 7 Routine Claims and Adjustment 日常投诉与理赔低鳞臼波耀卡绳例嗓异榜客曳迎隘剥伤瑰譬憾握矛饺乳哗型适趾锄维砒蹭商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20243Introduction nIdeal casenIn an ideal business transaction, everything is d

2、one and checked carefully with details of orders and offers, the quality of the goods supervised, and delivering of the goods prompt and accurate. No mistake is made and nothing is wrong. 磁敛梧涝宪彼竟凳痊银接酱铭哨浆孙瞄苞浊百使刷佬灶薪娜抄恐钡遂膘高商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔nProblematic CasenHowever, errors do sometimes occur

3、. Customers sometimes receive the goods of inferior quality or wrong ones. They may receive seasonal orders too late to be useful or profitable. Or they may find the goods damaged, missing or short. Under such conditions and many others, customers may make a complaint or file a claim against the sup

4、plier.9/21/20244沾仲贡虏锤酣芽旋岔希群蚊克蚤痛乞玻渤平寝揖活壹啼楞蔚安编磷戈横瘤商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20245Claims: good or bad news?nGenerally, complaints and claims situations are bad-news situations. When the news is bad, a letter in the indirect order is usually appropriate. But claim letters can be divided into two

5、groups: routine claims and persuasive claims. (possibly because of guarantees, warranties, or other contractual conditions)routinepersuasive伺鳖黑伶弓方著莫筒荆谅因啄忘踌堪遗段乎蚂骸罪板萄唱报饺驴虐疡彝缮商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20246nAssume that a request will be granted quickly and willingly, so such letters are most eff

6、ective in the direct order, for most business people want to please their customers. When customers arent pleased, businesses want to know about it and to make necessary adjustment.nAnyhow, making complaints and claims is not a pleasant business and needs to be well planned and documented. How can y

7、our complaints and claims receive best adjustment you desired?微霖希佯陶问军腋硕誉谓阉燥摘糙侦菊叠猾挺捍鹃剩种甲盾寝怂俘戍虫溪商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20247Guidelines: nBegin directly. Tell what is wrong. nIdentify the situation (invoice number, product information, etc.) in the text. Describe the story in a clear and orga

8、nized way.nPresent enough facts to permit a decision. nName specific actions to correct the problem and politely mention strong terms if you fail to get a satisfactory reply.n End positively, friendly but firm.鳃察羊重蔑驮咋硝夷衔良逛俞芯岭紫凉朵织蜕茸电原默搁层占士吐寨草滇商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20248业脆鸳珍陕因低湘丰催毯骗阮渍缸奎撂鱼帮巩

9、蚜藏岭犯撇茁盼肿升敞猜魔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔Rules for Writing Complaints and Claims1. Complain or claim immediately.2. Address the reader politely.3. Explain the problem clearly by providing specific details.4. Make a specific request.罪玲仟土蔓涯更添舒保恰龙媒菠委餐选仍疚侍萝宰韶窟还量纪曼廖坊扁墙商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/2024

10、10Letter A Claim on the Wrong Component Dear Mr. Phillips: Would you immediately replace the visual software for XP5030 with that for XP5645 which we have paid for. On June 14, we purchased the office communication system XP5645 from your sales representative John Windsor. As your file may show, we

11、paid $4,500 for it, which is $200 more than for XP5030. That payment includes free installment and 6 months trial period.勇糯警掳持汽绸减张拖玩赌泡打荒篱辟思脖辑泄圭孕易芳睫摘钳矾输操意商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202411 The software you sent us operated well at the beginning, but the system refused to work after two weeks. Af

12、ter careful examination, we found what you sent us is for XP5030, not for XP5645 we purchased. I called Mr. Windsor that same day, June 28. He said he was busy negotiating with another client at another city. He promised to arrange people to replace it. Six days has passed, but nothing happens. It i

13、s urgent that you adjust the issue by sending鹅障丁宴驰颂们盲窝塔遍样坝橱淖吵吭仟颇辣仑瓶垃赎受找阵誓铸螺憎盒商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202412 personnel to replace the software and install the system again. The collapse of the system has caused serious problems in our normal operation. The replacement is expected no later th

14、an June 30. Please call me at 02-30-5422818 any time before 4 p.m. Im confident that you are serious about the matter. If I havent received your call by 12:00 on Thursday, June 30, I will reluctantly turn this issue to my lawyer for actions against you. We appreciate your prompt action. Sincerely yo

15、urs,畔锄忻屡聪攀感孽泳跪稍盒掖地蚤河溅削便纸氛郎蕉锻轮钨伺隐钢弛贵美商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202413Adjustment : good newsnWhen you get a complaint or claim, you may either grant an adjustment or reject it depending on the circumstances. When you grant an adjustment, the situation is a happy one for your customer. You are c

16、orrecting an error. You are doing what you were asked to do. As in other positive situations, a letter written in the direct order is appropriate. 哈朝唾野均栓叼遁边戳稗寅逢掏闪步敞仿耽万藤烘屉颐郎亲苇阶淡柱幽拧商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔 AdjustmentsSlogan-Settle the problem and keep the customer!Suggestions: n 1. Reply promptly

17、Promptn 2. Show understandingn 3. Be tactfuln 4.Serious yet Courteous幽驻熟蘑愿汕垃号岳渤挝弃挖浮彪拙哺铱蓄腾照市螟贰迂痹祭蛊靴互切脂商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202415The direct-order plan follows these general steps:nBegin directlywith the good news.nIncidentally identify the correspondence that you are answering.nAvoid nega

18、tives that recall the problem.nRegain lost confidence through explanation or action.n End with a friendly, positive comment.壕蒋葫迁忍旱啸骂恋此紊板八描培鄙怯共牵往苞振并顷峭嚷垦撅悔淀令弃商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202416Letter B Letter of Adjustment Dear Mrs. Williams: Your repaired video game is being returned by UPS, and

19、you should receive it within a week. Skilled engineers made your video game almost as good as new. Recently Pace Electronic has acquired the assets of Four Star Games and has become responsible for repairs under warranties. Now you can be assured of prompt and reliable service. Any future repairs ca

20、n be made by one of the dealers of our expanded network (see enclosed sheet).溜苫泻骨帽马寞省毅顶侧抱菲狱喻貌奎练拷志钩哟苍疆脂真市予险辞抗恼商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202417 Also enclosed is a brochure showing some of our exciting new products, as well as Four Stars old favorites. You can order by mail, using the order form

21、 in the brochure, or call 1-800-877-PACE. We look forward to helping you enjoy your video game. Sincerely, Paul Bilenikoff Technical Services Enclosures屎酪腿戎婉序巷败茬伴卒捧赤溜氛正司烹奠烙拿半耍助磐拒圭趋鸵力株勘商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202418Questions for Comprehension1. What kind of order does claim letter adopt?2. H

22、ow does the author of adjustment begin his/her letter?3. Do the claim clearly state the problems?4. How does each author arrange the body of his/her letter?5. Is the tone of each letter polite and considerate?6. How does each author end his/her letter?7. Whats the purpose of each letter?8. Does each

23、 letter state clearly its explanation?9. Whats your impression on these letters?10. Sum up the requirements for writing routine claims and adjustments. 疹吠淮母酵嘿玩甫滔诲讣网哇操韭奇纂因盐世知婚凝二寂酵棉州彻袜鄂育商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202419Direct Claim Letter Dear Good Vibes: You call yourselves Good Vibes, but all

24、Im getting from your service is bad vibes! Im furious that you have your salespeople slip in unwanted service warranties to boost your sales. Contrast n Poor1. 发泄不满发泄不满2. 抱怨对方销售人员的过失。抱怨对方销售人员的过失。 Good Vibes 良好的共鸣,好感 匝撒永付漾为做羚搂稽癌沽哟沃妄乏妇引竟待冬捎域僧妖辅洒诸汗编妻民商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202420 When I bough

25、t my Panasonic VCR from Good Vibes, Inc, in August, I specifically told the salesperson that I did NOT want a three-year service warranty. But there it is on my VISA statement this month! You people have obviously billed me for a service I did not authorize. I refuse to pay this charge. 4.自己对问题的态度。自

26、己对问题的态度。3. 问题产生的过程。问题产生的过程。吴余呈坎旨絮裸垄栖丸为粱饯太股佬申尾贮逼龋纯揣菊孝带凿尺黑溅毯钟商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202421 How can you hope to stay in business with such fraudulent practices? I was expecting to return this month and look at CD players, but can you be sure that Ill find an honest dealer this time? Sincerely

27、,5. 对对方提出怀疑。对对方提出怀疑。6. 表示自己可能再次购买表示自己可能再次购买, 暗示对方这次要诚实。暗示对方这次要诚实。fraudulent practices徇私舞弊;欺诈徇私舞弊;欺诈 壹哼蘸必抢跺赚痘拾即嘉趋双彰绳丝藏另秀纫紫咀坡爽隶空昼改汤诸洁肇商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202422 1201Lantana. Court Lake Worth, FL33461 September3, 2012 Mr. Sam Lee, Customer Service Good Vibes, Inc. 2003 53 rd Street West Pa

28、lm Beach, FL33407 Dear Mr. Lee: Please credit my VISA account, No.0000-0046- 2198-9421, to correct an erroneous charge of $299. n Improved1. 提出请对方改正错误的方法。暑逝寺蔓抨龟耽嚼领载痊究晶次碗芳氰早思俩侨俺氖光踪坑温籽吕摆裹圭商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202423 On August 8, I purchased a Panasonic VCR form Good Vibes, Inc. Although th

29、e salesperson discussed a three-year extended warranty with me, I decided against purchasing that service for $299. However, when my credit card statement arrived this month, I noticed an extra $299 charge from Good Vibes Inc. I suspect that this charge represents the warranty I declined.2. 详述问题发生的过

30、程和及其可能原因。蛆改迟森撅安窗续腥锚垒哦夏宦猴掩饭茸跪扰赘恩倦两农项矛靳奎卿技乙商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202424 Enclosed is a copy of my sales invoice along with my VISA statement on which I circled the charge. Please authorize a credit immediately and send a copy of the transaction to me at the above address. Im enjoying all the

31、 features of my Panasonic VCR and would like to be shopping at Good Vibes for a CD player shortly. Sincerely, Keith Cortez Enclosure3. 提出具体改正方法。4. 表扬产品性能,表达再次光顾的愿望。酌纂品塌歇串论育拯驯雹掸赞饭呼测枯喳胸图鲤芭俺麻弛瘟箩命瑚怎采树商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202425n这是一封因对方误收服务费提出投诉的信函。写这封信的目的,主要是让对方退回误收的款项。第一封信开头段就表示强烈的不满情绪,整片在抱

32、怨,指责对方,使用的负面语言如bad vibes, furious,以及 fraudulent practices等,语气太重了,不利于双方友好感情,无助于问题的解决。主体段简要地说明了抱怨的理由,指出问题-收取了作者未授权的服务费用,因而要求退付,信函中没有提及账户以及金额,为了搞清楚这些, 对方可能不得不花一些时间。第二封信,在开头就明确要求对方在Visa 账户贷记299元,以改正错误的收费。并给出Visa账号。读者一看就知道要求他做什么,然后讲明问题发生的过程,同时附上销售发票和Visa账单,处处体现为对方着想,结尾,赞扬产品的性能,暗示对对方的信任,有利于双方的友好感情的维系,为自己接

33、下去购买CD做了铺垫。比皖眺妨赣纬版蹭非哆村广耳唆署过订咀螺脖寥带约忠页梯孩薪筏髓讣誓商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/2024262. Letters of Adjustment Dear Keith Cortez I am sorry to know that you are angry with us for the mistake our salesperson made. After receiving your letter I checked the matter. The salesperson supposed that you wanted

34、the three-year extended warranty service, so he included additional $299 in the charge. I am sorry for the mistake and the incontinence that has caused you. I hope you can understand and am looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours Tony Lee Sales manager n Poor 1. 为错误道歉。2.解释问题产生的可能原因。3.为错

35、误再次道歉4.希望对方理解,并盼望回复。茧摈课涸烬羔冉旭装蓖地摊沪咳纸之午色氦得瞻缓汐缩鬼违撼广搀删瘩扦商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202427 Dear Keith Cortez $299 has been credited to your VISA account, No.0000-0046-2198-9421 this morning. Mr. Cortez, it is true that the extra $299 charge was for a three-year extended warranty. I am sorry for the

36、 mistake our salesperson made in the transaction. Though according to some customers, spending $299 for the service may save you $500 for repair charge in the future, your decision should be respected and executed. Mr. Cortez, We are glad you are enjoying all the features of your Panasonic VCR, and

37、expect to provide you with a CD player that you will like best. Sincerely Tony Lee Sales manager nImproved1.告知错误已经得到纠正。3. 暗示销售人员并无恶意, 故意忽视对方决定。2. 说明问题产生的原因。 4. 提及产品性能,进行促销。 皑振梳蛆稗劈凰景疚樊坯釉镊逼匡酣歉逛佛乖诡摆屎累奈众噬莫放界沙挪商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202428n这是封答应退回多收取的服务费的理赔信。对对方来说,这是个好消息,一般应采取直接法写作。第一封信的开头不太明确,

38、在道歉,但道歉的理由含混。主体段讲明原因,但没给品名和账户。结尾再次道歉。信中始终没有提及纠正错误的办法,反复道歉对对方来说没有意义。第二封信开头就告诉对方,改正错误的具体做法,退299元。然后讲明事情发生的可能原因, 即包括三年的超期维修对用户来说是划算的,暗示销售人员这样做也是为你好, 既然你不需要,我们尊重你的选择。结尾,提及对方对已购买的VCR的满意之处,并期望为对方提供最令他们满意的CD。信的作者既满足对方的要求,又促销了自己的产品。 刻郡皋紫很糟雍臃萌喻愚蜡彤年猛预伙赋幽礼檬兢碾给毛旱架兼驳户党瓣商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202429 Cla

39、im OpeningnWould you immediately replace the visual software for XP5030 with that for XP5645 which we have paid for.1. 提出请对方改正错误的方法。挑璃测浆埃朗幻生肇慌贯梯奈颠沉图雷价经屿苇富阁玲抢翟暂皮峨浦凄鞭商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202430nThe consignment of the clothing materials we ordered on August 10 is not the quality as shown in

40、 the samples. nThe consignment arrived yesterday, but on checking the materials with the samples you sent us, we are surprised to find that they do not match each other. Their quality seems inferior to the samples, so they do not meet our customers requirement.2. 点名问题。3. 具体阐明问题所在。画颁玻庆涛泉律凛碧崇副块盎轮墙酣痴专忆

41、烧屠焉疤棋决末羌连胃涕疲钙商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202431nWe havent got the personal computers we ordered on June 3. nOn June 3, we placed an order for ten sets of personal computers. When we discussed the matter on delivery, you promised that it would be made before June 20. However, it is 10 days past

42、the deadline, and your goods still have not reached us. 1.点名问题。2.详述问题。褂镑谅侠延棒靳握体膏习渺打节膀揍瓷肝螺箕党亥辉享卯憋性颧贝献氨见商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202432Adjustment OpeningnThe correct consignment of the clothing material will reach you within 20 days. 1. 告知错误已经纠正。呕硝秃揣炼咆邮闹骋打携灾挟练雁助医摹误扯秉孔挨敦硕眯菜蹬敬池序告商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务

43、英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202433nThank you for your letter of March 3rd and we will take care of your broken-down sewing machines. 1. 感谢对方来函。2. 表明接受对方的投诉。贺藤招洗留扬瘟脐嘴炮柑尤东芍衔腊无记贾什粱舶染桑删塞稼碾碳令叶利商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202434nYou call yourselves Good Vibes, but all Im getting from your service is bad vibes!

44、nIm furious that you have your salespeople slip in unwanted service warranties to boost your sales. 1. 发泄不满。2. 抱怨对方销售人员的过失。眠倡悲虑仿幅冷叙泌晕由旬狄耍搭即要所秆滋页嘻磷傀觅焦鉴肠轩窒律荒商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202435nPlease credit my VISA account, No.0000-0046-2198-9421, to correct an erroneous charge of $299.nOn August

45、8, I purchased a Panasonic VCR form Good Vibes, Inc. Although the salesperson discussed a three-year extended warranty with me, I decided against purchasing that service for $299. However, when my credit card statement arrived this month, I noticed an extra $299 charge from Good Vibes Inc. I suspect

46、 that this charge represents the warranty I declined.1. 提出请对方改正错误的方法。2. 详述问题发生的过程和及其可能原因。秉簿彬塞壬舌属陶躲乓忙御佰椿判比云仗魔舟酌审磺盔谷借予狱箔磺屠阔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202436nI am sorry to know that you are angry with us for the mistake our salesperson made. nAfter receiving your letter I checked the matter. The

47、salesperson supposed that you wanted the three-year extended warranty service, so he included additional $299 in the charge. 1. 为错误道歉。2.解释问题产生的可能原因。看魏指博枉农愧哨共箔逗暖您磕卧虞钟茅色作竟胞胳匹冕墩患汁粟巍亦汲商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202437n$299 has been credited to your VISA account, No.0000-0046-2198-9421 this morning

48、. nMr. Cortez, it is true that the extra $299 charge was for a three year extended warranty. I am sorry for the mistake our salesperson made in the transaction. nThough according to some customers, spending $299 for the service may save you $500 for repair charge in the future, your decision should

49、be respected and executed. 1.告知错误已经得到纠正。2. 说明问题产生的原因。3. 暗示销售人员并无恶意, 故意忽视对方决定。滨掉旁脂辅熙褐浙坷萤靠具锹溃禁瘁疹钥枢涅踏匠钮耀帅妊隙绣盘急爹细商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202438Useful Sentence Patterns支稚寿变续玖庄涤媒交截鱼安铣纠虚邯杆呈哩滨笋姨蚊奸孙切幽犯劳酗疚商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202439A. Claims 1. Describe the problem1) On examination, we fo

50、und all the goods were wetted. 经检验,我们发现所有的货物都已受潮。2) We checked some of the items and found they were in damaged condition. 我们检查了部分产品,发现它们已严重受损。3) It contained articles different from what we have ordered. 这批货物与我们订购的物品不符。4) The goods we ordered from you on June 6 havent arrived yet. 我们6月6日订购的货物至今仍未到达

51、。5) The quality of this lot of goods is so far below the standard that we cannot use them for our purpose. 这批货物的质量远远低于标准,我们无法使用。蒂丑蔗隶夜顾婴以辽淤牲疯葛伙包怀诺透矿儡嫁拙核卯框蹦骤寻揽霜磊斌商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/2024406) We are disappointed to find that the items delivered dont match the samples. 我们遗憾地发现所运货物与样品不符。7) Y

52、our incorrect delivery has caused a great deal of trouble to us. 你们的错误给我们带来了巨大的麻烦。8) Delivery of the goods ordered on March 3 is now considerably overdue. 3月3日订购的货物的交付时间现已逾期甚久。9) The goods are not up to the standard. 货物没有达到标准。10) We regret that only 20 sets have been received to date whereas our ord

53、er indicates 25. 我方非常抱歉地通知您,迄今为止我们只收到了20台货物,而我们订购的是25台。抓脏假墩胺积嘴溺经廉睁闺局学妇广瑟境祈央涛句民分续秃扼吱蝎绘为锯商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202441n2. Name specific actions to remedy the problem1) Would you please send someone to repair it today? 您能今天就派人来修理吗?2) Please send us the replacement no later than June 20. 请于6月2

54、0 日之前将替换品送来。3) We would like someone to come and fix it now. 我们希望现在有人来进行修理。4) Please look into this matter at once and let us know the reasons for the delay. 请立即对此事进行调查,尽早通知我们迟延的原因。5) We hope that the goods will be sent immediately. 希望货物即刻发运。爸爵镁酚嫁潦乓佳亢汉弃喷岛渴末摆颠琐眉残痛忠裂偶详鞠穴郸壁投砧暗商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与

55、索赔9/21/202442n3. Courteous demand for action1) We shall be glad to learn from you that you are preparing to make some allowance for the damage. 希望贵方能对我方造成的损失做出补偿。2) We would be much pleased that the case be settled on an amicable basis. 诚望此事友好解决。3) In view of our friendly business relations, we are

56、sure that the matter will be settled appropriately. 鉴于我们之间友好的业务关系,我方相信此事定会得到妥善解决。4) We are looking forward to a satisfactory conclusion of the matter. 我方期待此事有一个令人满意的结局。5) Your quick dispatch will be most appreciated. 请尽快发运,我方不胜感激。深俭哑蔼风怕住架通涉鸵桅泡殷硼泣风盂皋缕胃哗砰玻吉民椿毛哺讲漠坡商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/20244

57、3n4. Strong demand for action1) If you cannot deliver the goods within ten days, well reluctantly turn this matter to our attorney. 如果在10日内不能送达货物,我们不得不付诸法律。2) Unless your assignment reaches us no later than. , we will cancel our order. 除非你们的货物在前到达,我们将取消订单。3) If you cannot provide qualified goods wit

58、hin 3 days, well ask for a refundment. 如果在3日内不能提供合格产品,我们将要求退还货款。4) Youll have to make compensation for all our costs. 你们要赔偿我们的全部损失。5) I hereby inform you that I am lodging a formal complaint with your company. 特此通知贵方,我公司将正式投诉贵公司。纷陡瘁俩确姿灌拈丘剖句姻宏弃蓟于所扎软咱似贵肌优椭揉偏资凸拙低慰商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202444

59、B. Adjustment (beginning)1) . should reach you in three days. 应该在三天内达到你处。2) The attached check for. is Newtons way of assuring you that your satisfaction is very important to us. 通过随信所寄的支票,牛顿公司向您保证您的满意对我们十分重要。3) By. (time), your three Dove Bicycles should reach you at. shop. 在日之前,您订购的三台飞鸽牌自行车将到达商店。久

60、匣沃惰怔嘻命裙员哥顺必账沽炎贸肾涅纲莎礼挖饯足叔龙海砂汲浇巾悦商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202445Patterns and Substitutionsn1. The quality of the goods shipped against our order No. 9823 has been found not in conformity with the agreed specification.我们发现,根据我方第9823号订单运来的货物质量与议定规格不符。轮街罗苯僻筋律滚峦霜翟召毫龋嚎胸漳堕倘箕爽坎祟挑丈羊殿各孺猾雹倍商务英语写作7日常投诉与索

61、赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202446Patterns and Substitutionsn2. On comparing the goods received, we were surprised to find that theyn-are not the same as your sample.n-are not up to the sample we received from you.n-do not agree with the original patterns.n-have not turned out to our satisfaction.虹莹煌弗封溃惰允涉愁

62、铭芦斗蝶幢诌嘲狰折韧龟松莱悟旭录盏徒浑榨椒铡商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202447Patterns and Substitutionsn3. Upon examination, we found thatn-several bales were seriously damaged owing to negligent packing.n-16 boxes were split open.n-you have sent us a substitute article instead of what we ordered.顽正旋模蒂倾唬帖禄倒踢婉淋森苏叠疫剔

63、宏憋绞读趣昂雏钎尺沪癌撇灸阶商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202448Patterns and Substitutionsn4. We much regret that we have to complain about the way in which the consignment just received has been packed.来货刚刚收到,但我们对这批货的包装不得不提出投诉,深感遗憾。沦掩讥提咕院呐古让插砖圆据砂格命醋英非栅呼虚微泡野讫假嚷剔灌涝屡商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202449Pattern

64、s and Substitutionsn5. We have examined the goods duly received and foundn-the packing was soaked.n-half the goods broken (torn, beyond repair, unusable, unsaleable)n-Case No. 3 & No. 6 are broken and their contents badly damaged.n-35 pieces were missing the rest unfit for use.样儿牡赋溃茅画谅逮鸡幌裳忠家泛茹廊侦亿递置平

65、囱舱阁粕骨戳惠贮余爱商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202450Patterns and Substitutionsn6. We very much regret to point out that a shortage in weight of 430 lbs. was noticed when the food arrived.我们遗憾地指出,食物到达时发现短重430磅。篱鼠杠孟疫出粤刻络技瘫隆甲拇砂图缴恿巡咀卡侵汲龙剐漠惧练歼栖祷裔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202451Patterns and Substituti

66、onsn7. After inspection, we found thatn-your shipment of our order No.123 was short in weight.n-there is a shortage of 535 kilos, though the packing remains intact.n-Case No. 32 only contains 25 toy cars instead of 55 on the packing list.针葡娄然垮咱酋爽嫡汁寿折宗北儒陋辊梢声貌拥蛙许汕兹米间袄淫庙笆枢商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/

67、21/202452Patterns and Substitutionsn8. We have to inform you that the DVD sets we ordered from you last month have not arrived here, nor have we heard anything from you concerning the shipment.我们不得不通知你方,上月我们所订购的DVD机尚未到货,亦未收到你方关于该货的任何消息。混库函么查故壹媳佰繁贵涎揖梳拎妒脓劲历额只挠伦弥悼衅瓜疗棒轩撵闻商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21

68、/202453Patterns and Substitutionsn9. In view of this, we have no other choice but to return the faulty sets to you and must ask you to replace them.鉴于这种情况,我们只好将有缺陷的几套退回,请务必予以调换。褥雨贞桅履跟靖奔雪努诣伐甥仔刀集默辙蒜擅歧镇晃遍岩辞很酿瑞谍戏斩商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202454Patterns and Substitutionsn10. Under these circumsta

69、nces, wen-have to return the goods to you at your expenses.n-request you to dispatch a duplicate shipment within one month.n-are sending you a list of the inferior goods for your replacement.n-shall hold the goods at your disposal pending your reply.钵练寂拳掳片锌委斩速傣郁权诧妻强袖械彪滤渣知才被猖闭爬串吩榷疥庆商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语

70、写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202455Patterns and Substitutionsn11.It is clear, however, that we are entitled to some compensation, and we should be glad to hear of the allowance you prepare to make to meet the case. 然而,我公司享有要求赔偿的权利,我们希望了解你方准备给予的补偿金额,以解决此事。欠吉恼串戏水株蟹查握龋舷冗毙兜喘慨念厨窝遇辖甥菲团氛阿刚马民刨滓商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索

71、赔9/21/202456Patterns and Substitutionsn12. Our customers say that they would oblige us by retaining these goodsn-if you will reduce the price, say, by 15%.n-at a reduction of 12% on the invoice amount.n-if you can allow us a 5% compensation.凑戊糊冬案殊雇衍论详痹茨怔竞瘤缀盏珐概垫恭崎叫件烛旷谐闹聊揖若霜商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索

72、赔9/21/202457obligento do a service or favor for施恩惠于,帮助nThey obliged us by arriving early.n他们来帮了我们一个大忙耗危昏括氓劈袄鄙赡贾农面僳深蓬戳克柠图檀两篱稍篇救烁谦瓢裕歼簇七商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202458Patterns and Substitutionsn13. We are compelled, therefore, ton-lodge claims on the shipment ex S.S. “Kunlun” as follows:n-make

73、a claim against you for USD 70,000.n-request you to make up for the loss of USD 234,152 we sustained.沾窃效肆施刀算钞痹锚凋魏恿层证答捂咽症患屠窍卓贸毡日词脓辆释褒拒商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202459ex S.S. “Kunlun”n由“昆仑”号轮船运来。ex表示由船装运来,per 指由船装运出口。nS.S. 为steamship的缩写。 缀螟逸罚翰眷缓辉荫坞烙徒搁拜眷荤助冕艺浇渍圾蹭媳艾犬缸杆票泰捎侍商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉

74、与索赔9/21/202460Claimnto lodge / file / enter / make / raise a claim against / with sb. on a certain shipment for a certain reason for amount of moneyn对某批发货由于某种理由向某人提出索对某批发货由于某种理由向某人提出索赔金额为赔金额为咱牙钨思盘项闺瓜钻确翻拍庭滇讯侍灶彼沂廊量如吓搁盏稠陨婚程卿摸录商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202461ClaimnBuyers have lodged a claim on th

75、is shipment for RMB 10,500 yuan for short weight. n由于重量不足,买方对这批货索赔人民币由于重量不足,买方对这批货索赔人民币10,500元。元。nWe have already raised a claim against the insurance company for $3,100 for damage in transit. n因货物运输中受损,我们已向保险公司提出要求赔因货物运输中受损,我们已向保险公司提出要求赔偿偿3,100美元。美元。欣匀侮仍莱旭碾锹崖蛙叼葡鸥厩厌账泳仗藐鞍窃裤扇杭臃蝇诡耳先友赖替商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英

76、语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202462Practicen假设你公司从假设你公司从 Brother Industries, Ltd.公司购买了公司购买了2,000台台XL-2600 型缝纫机。型缝纫机。货到后发现其中货到后发现其中78台严重损坏,检验台严重损坏,检验报告表明该破损是由包装不当所致。报告表明该破损是由包装不当所致。现写信给卖方要求对方换货,并补偿现写信给卖方要求对方换货,并补偿人民币人民币4,500元。元。毫撞噎缨矩必吗椰专刨蓄甫洱甩游文堰禄力伶卷无献镍畦目霜丈跌彬马扼商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202463Patterns and Su

77、bstitutionsn1. We have received your letter of 2nd April, and very much regret the delay in delivering the goods.我们已收到你方4月2日来信,对于货物交付过程中的耽搁深感抱歉。堰碗孔所呻哈舱鹤面漠稚随廷笛爸辉婶鞋雁劈匙缩银矩侍裤迹郧症材怜炸商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202464Patterns and Substitutionsn2. On investigation, we find that the mistake was indeed m

78、ade in the packing due to confusion of numbers.免桨童伍敢才碗异稍以纷观着淀砂砒少堪谴研腾年盅时倒汪荒增落房谤丹商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202465Patterns and Substitutionsn3. We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once and shall be obliged if you will send back the wrong cases. 赚童夸干搪阎呈赏吸伺凛珊宋蓑耙瞄猛橡涡仙苯幅爬

79、眩蹭皮烘嚷猛脉奥辣商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202466obligento make indebted or grateful使感谢或使感谢或感激感激nI am obliged to you for your hospitality.n我很感谢你的款待。我很感谢你的款待。姚迟熟烁犯江箩吐蔬暇痔溺沂窘豺泪英澄憾竞熬癣客屿桐郝篇钙趴偷疗房商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202467Patterns and Substitutionsn4. We are arranging Mr. Cheng to call on you l

80、ater this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples from which you ordered them.我们将安排程先生本周晚些时候拜访你们,以便把所提供给你方的布料和你方据以订货的样品相比较。艳故雀慈谎惠刃九旁汽去搓厢狰茂汹匆舵顾沸纂播兄膝致述讯天盘渗及债商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202468Patterns and Substitutionsn5. Our check for USD 3,000 has been airmailed to you today in settlement of your claim for short-weight of 500 lbs.今已航空邮寄出3000美元支票一张,以支付你方对短重500磅的索赔。肃莫桔旦渐珠拽侄贼汁明昔忻搁泻奉曾经编塘缸齐壶刑萌叭胳赎攒稽滥花商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔9/21/202469Have a good day!爷谣田范汾怎军审沛慌宏泉褐溉垮诊晃摘查娃闺官予砾啄拎出楔砰席辱阉商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔商务英语写作7日常投诉与索赔



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