七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Period 4课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B 2a-2c 1根据图片和文章标题等,预测新课内容。根据图片和文章标题等,预测新课内容。2通过不同的阅读策略,整体感知文章结构通过不同的阅读策略,整体感知文章结构 (总分)、搜寻主题句、关键词捕捉文章信息。(总分)、搜寻主题句、关键词捕捉文章信息。3通过完成一系列问题掌握文章的写作手法、通过完成一系列问题掌握文章的写作手法、 写作顺序、写作结构,熟练掌握目标语言结构:写作顺序、写作结构,熟练掌握目标语言结构: Last weekend was but; sothat; seedoing; feeldoi

2、ng和大量的动词短语。和大量的动词短语。4通过了解蛇和印度文化,拓宽视野。通过了解蛇和印度文化,拓宽视野。【学习目标学习目标】Brainstorming: Can you list animals we have learned? What kinds of animals are you sometimes afraid of? (Put a for being afraid of) Why? AnimalsBe afraid ofWhyPresentation While reading (2b)Para. 1Para. 3Para. 2Para. 1Para. 3Para. 21.Loo

3、k at the picture and the topic “A Weekend to Remember” and predict: How was Lisas weekend? A BKeys: It was interesting but scary.2. Skim the passage and check your answer. Skim the passage again, and answer the questions.How many paragraphs are there in the story?Whats the structure of the story? Ch

4、oose A or B.3. Scan Para. 1 and answer:When did her sister finish high school? Where did she and her family go last weekend?Key: Two weeks ago. They went to India. 4. Scan Para. 2 and Para. 3 and answer: By what sequence was the story written? Underline the key words.Keys: time sequence (时间顺序时间顺序) F

5、irst; On the first night; The next morning5. Read Para. 2 carefully. Answer the questions.How was Lisas weekend on the first day? And why? What did they do? Underline the verbal phrases.Keys: It was interesting. Because they went camping in a small village in India. took a long bus ride; put up a te

6、nt; made a fire; cook food on; sat under the moon; told each other stories; went to sleep early.went campingFirst, (_) to a lake in the countryside. There (_) and (_) to keep us warm and (_). On the first night, (_) and (_).But so tired that (_).Fill in the blanks by using the verbal phrases without

7、 books.6. Read Para. 3 carefully. Answer the questions.How was Lisas weekend? How do you know that? Underline the key words.Keys: It was scary. got a terrible surprise; so scared that I couldnt move; shouted toabout the danger.Read Para. 2 aloud and complete the blanks.The next morning, Lisas sister

8、 and she _ a terrible _. When they _ _ _their tent, they _ a big snake_ near the fire. She was _scared _ she couldnt_. They _ _their parents to _them _ about the danger. Her dad _to _ _ _ _ in their tent. This _ the snake _ and it _ _ the forest near the lake. Her dad _ her later that snakes dont ha

9、ve _ but can _ things _. He also _ her it was _ _ _ go near a snake. This was a very _ _ for her.Answer the questions without books.How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?What did Lisa and her sister do?What did their parents do? Why did they do that?What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend?Key

10、s: She was so scared that she couldnt move. They shouted to their parents to let them know about the danger. Her father jumped up and down to scare the snake. Dont go near snakes./Snakes cant hear but they can feel movements.观察与思考观察与思考1. But I was so tired that I went to sleep early. I was so scared

11、 that I couldnt move.英语中英语中“sothat”结构表示结构表示_,so后跟形容词或副词,后跟形容词或副词,that后引出结果状语从句。例如:后引出结果状语从句。例如: 那时我很忙,一连三天都没睡觉。那时我很忙,一连三天都没睡觉。I was _ _ at that time _ I didnt go to sleep for three days. 这个游戏是如此有意思,以至于我都不想停下来。这个游戏是如此有意思,以至于我都不想停下来。This game is _ _ _ I dont want to stop playing it.Keys: so busy; that

12、 so interesting that 2. we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.My dad told me later that snakes can feel things moving.英语中表示感官的动词,例如英语中表示感官的动词,例如see, hear, feel等动词后可以接等动词后可以接动词动词-ing形式,表示形式,表示“看到、听到、觉得某人或物在做(某事)看到、听到、觉得某人或物在做(某事)”。例如:例如:我能听见孩子们在教室里唱歌。我能听见孩子们在教室里唱歌。I can _ the child _ in the class

13、room.我往窗外望去,看见一些男孩子在操场踢球。我往窗外望去,看见一些男孩子在操场踢球。I looked out of the window and _ some boys _ soccer in the playground.Keys: hear ;singing saw ;playing跟踪跟踪训练 单项选择。1.The TV is _expensive _I cant afford(负担担) it. A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as to D. enough; that 2. Miss Gao asked a question, but it wa

14、s _that nobody could answer it. A. very difficulty B. too difficulty C. enough difficult D. so difficult 3. I saw him _soccer on the playground just now. A. is playing B. playing C. to play D. played4. She feels something _onto her back. A. climb B. climbing C. climbed D. climbs5. Its important _nea

15、r a snake ,when you see it. A. not go B. not to go C. not going D. went 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B1.Put the phrases in order according to the passage. _ snake went into the forest_ put up our tents and cooked food on_ learned a useful lesson_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help_ snakes cant he

16、ar but feel things moving_ my dad jumped up and down in his tent_ took a bus to a small village in India_ told stories under the moon, then went to sleepKeys: 6-2-8-4-7-5-1-32. Use them to retell the story. 【课堂练习课堂练习】一、根据汉语意思完成句子。一、根据汉语意思完成句子。1街道如此吵闹以至于我没有听见你。街道如此吵闹以至于我没有听见你。The street was _ noisy _

17、 I didnt hear you.2我们正在搭帐篷。我们正在搭帐篷。We are _ _ the tent.3你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。You have to help _ _ to finish the work. 4不要把我弄醒,我想睡一会儿。不要把我弄醒,我想睡一会儿。Dont _ me _. I want to sleep.5他们上周去野营了吗?他们上周去野营了吗?Did they _ _ last week?1. so; that 2. putting up 3. each other 4. wake; up 5. go camping二、

18、根据二、根据图画内容及所画内容及所给提示,以提示,以Mikes Sunday为题介介绍Mike上周日的活上周日的活动。可适当。可适当发挥。(口。(口头完成)完成)提示:提示:图1和和图2是上午的活是上午的活动;图3和和图4是下午的活是下午的活动;图5和和图6是晚上的活是晚上的活动。whywherewhenhowwhowhat【课堂小堂小结】同学同学们,写故事性文章,写故事性文章时需要注意六要素需要注意六要素(how, what, who, when, where, why),),你你们在构思在构思sbs weekend时可以可以联想到以下六想到以下六维图。sbs weekend【家庭作业家庭作业】1.听录音,模仿听录音,模仿2b,用自己喜欢的方式背诵课文,用自己喜欢的方式背诵课文(如:关键词提示、问题提示、表格提示及图片提示等)。(如:关键词提示、问题提示、表格提示及图片提示等)。2. 把把【课堂练习课堂练习】二中的看图说话二中的看图说话“Mikes Sunday”写下来,写下来, 鼓励在此基础上拓展内容,让文章更丰富。鼓励在此基础上拓展内容,让文章更丰富。3. 小组合作把小组合作把2b改编成一个小话剧,在活动课上为大家表演。改编成一个小话剧,在活动课上为大家表演。



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