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1、基础检测基础检测1.Hurry up, _ youll be late for school again.2. A. and B. or C. so 3.2. _ we had finished all the work, we went home.4. A. Then B. After C. Though5.3. I am not sure _ my father will come back home tomorrow or not.6. A. if B. whether C. what7.4. When are you going to tell the bad news to Sall

2、y?8. -_she come back.9. A. As soon as B. Unless C. Since5. The party didnt start _ all the guests arrived. A. when B. until C. after6. The malls are crowded with people _ the New Year comes. A. during B. when C. if7. I play soccer after school everyday, _ does Tom. A. and B. so C. neither8. She is _

3、 careful that she always looks over her exercises to make sure there are no mistakes. A. so B. such C. too考点一:认知连词考点一:认知连词1.并列连词并列连词用来连接平行对等的、并列的词、词组和句子。用来连接平行对等的、并列的词、词组和句子。并列连词主要有:并列连词主要有:and, but, or, so, bothand, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also.2.从属连词从属连词用来引起从句,它在主句和从句中间起连接作用来引起从句,它在主句和从句

4、中间起连接作用。从属连词主要引起名词从句和状语从句。从属连词用。从属连词主要引起名词从句和状语从句。从属连词主要有:主要有:that, than, if, when, while, as, whether, if, because, as, before, after, though, although, as soon as.考点二:常用连词的用法及区别考点二:常用连词的用法及区别 1. when & while1)当表示某事正在进行,又发生了另一件事,当表示某事正在进行,又发生了另一件事,两者都可。两者都可。 e.g. _we were walking down the street, w

5、e saw an alien getting into a souvenir shop. 2)当两个延续性动作同时进行的时候,最常用的是当两个延续性动作同时进行的时候,最常用的是_.e.g. _I was cooking, my father was playing games with my son.3)当从句的动作先于主句的动作时,常用当从句的动作先于主句的动作时,常用_.e.g. _ he finished washing, he watched TV.4)当从句是瞬间动作,主句是延续性动作时当从句是瞬间动作,主句是延续性动作时, ,常用常用_.e.g. _the alien arriv

6、ed, she was dancing.While/whenWhileWhenWhenwhilewhenwhen 2. whether & if1) _都可作都可作“是否是否”讲,引导宾语从句时一讲,引导宾语从句时一般可以互换。般可以互换。 e.g. She asked me _ he was coming with his friends.2) 引导主语从句和表语从句时,只能用引导主语从句和表语从句时,只能用_.e.g. _ he will attend the meeting is unknown.3) 句尾有句尾有 “or not”只能用只能用_.e.g. I want to know

7、_ you will go to Canada tomorrow or not.whether/ ifif 和和whetherwhetherWhetherwhetherwhether3.so that& such that1) “so that”中的中的so是个副词,其后只能跟是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或者副词;而形容词或者副词;而“suchthat”中的中的such是形容词,后接名词或名词短语。是形容词,后接名词或名词短语。e.g. She is _ happy _ she forgets to go back. Tim is _ a good player _ we all like hi

8、m.sothatsuchthat2) 如果在名词前有如果在名词前有many, much, little, few, little时,时,用用so,不用不用such.e.g. They are so many cars on the road that I can hardly go ahead. 前两者注意动词采取前两者注意动词采取“就近原则就近原则”,而,而bothand.连接连接两个主语时,其后的谓语动词通常用复数形式。两个主语时,其后的谓语动词通常用复数形式。e.g. Either his father or his mother _ a teacher. Neither you nor

9、 I _ wrong. Both Tom and Jack _famous. isamare5. notonlybut also&as well as两者强调的对象不同,两者强调的对象不同,not only but also强调的是强调的是but also 之后部分之后部分,而而as well as则强调其则强调其之前部分之前部分。e.g. Not only you but also she speaks good English. Mr. Smith, as well as his wife and children, has come to Dong Guan for a visit.4.

10、 neithernor,eitheror& bothand1.though、although2.引导的从句引导的从句不能不能与与but, however连用,连用,但可以但可以与与yet, still 连用。连用。3.2. as soon as 4. 翻译为翻译为“一一就就”全真实测真实测粤考真题试身手粤考真题试身手粤考真题试身手粤考真题试身手历年广东省各市中考真题历年广东省各市中考真题1.During the earthquake, Many buildings fell down. _ the people there didnt give up their hope.2. A. But

11、B. So C. Or3.2. -_ will the new school be finished?4. -In two years.5. A. How long B. How soon C. How often6.3. The party will not begin _ 7:30 pm.7. A. when B. after C. until4. I am afraid I can not go to the party tomorrow. - _ you told me you would. What has happened? A. And B. So C. But5. Tony k

12、nows little Japanese, _ he cant read the instructions of his new camera. A. so B. but C. or6. My uncle has taught in this school _ he was twenty years old. A. since B. until C. after7._ his father _ his mother speaks English, 8. they both speak Chinese.9. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and 8

13、. _ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with Chinese students very well. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and 9. We should _ help each other, _ learn from each other. A. either; or B. neither; nor C. not only; but also 10. I was reading a newspaper _ he came in. A. as soon

14、as B. while C. when11. _ he was out of the room, he turned back and knocked at the teachers door again. A. Before B. Since C. As soon as11. _ Mum had asked Mike to close the windows before he went out, _ Mike forgot to do so. A. Though; / B. Though; but C. Till; / 12. Your dream wont come true _ you

15、 know what your dream is. A. after B. unless C. while 13. -Hurry up. The bus is coming. -Wait a minute. Dont cross the street _ the traffic lights are green. A. after B. until C. while 14. Please give Miss Black a call _ you go to see her. A. and B. before C. or 能力提高能力提高用适当的连词填空。用适当的连词填空。1. Dont get

16、 off the bus _ it stops.2. Ill give her the message _ I see her. 3. I will go to the park _ it rains tomorrow.4. Hurry up, _ youll be late for the meeting. 5. _ you work harder, you will certainly succeed6. My mother is cooking _ my father is reading the newspaper.7. He is very old, _ he still works

17、 hard. 8 You must do more speaking _ you want to learn English well.untilwhenunlessorIfwhileifbut9. Use your head, _ youll find a good way. 10. _ I worked all day, I couldnt finish the job in time.11. Its two years _ they saw each other in Shanghai. 12. Ill wait for you _ you come back. 13. I didnt go for a picnic _ I got a bad cold last Sunday. 14.I went to bed _ I had watched the new film.15. It doesnt matter _ I rest or not. 16. I know you, _ I forget your name. andAlthoughsinceuntilbecauseafterwhetherbut



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