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1、2021/8/21Unit 5Unit 5 The Far and the NearThomas Wolfe GroupFive2021/8/222021/8/232021/8/24 1.Wolfe was born in 1.Wolfe was born in Asheville, North Asheville, North CarolinaCarolina, the youngest of eight children of , the youngest of eight children of William Oliver Wolfe (18511922) and Julia Will

2、iam Oliver Wolfe (18511922) and Julia Elizabeth Westall (18601945).Elizabeth Westall (18601945). 2.His father, a successful stone carver, ran a 2.His father, a successful stone carver, ran a gravestonegravestone business. His mother took in business. His mother took in boarders and was active in acq

3、uiring boarders and was active in acquiring real real estateestate. . 1.Thomas Clayton Wolfe (October 3, 1900 September 15, 1938) was a major American novelist of the early 20th century. 2.Wolfe wrote four lengthy novels, plus many short stories, dramatic works and novellas. He is known for mixing h

4、ighly original, poetic, rhapsodic, and impressionistic prose with autobiographical writing. 3.His books, written and published from the 1920s to the 1940s, reflect vividly on American culture and mores of the period, albeit filtered through Wolfes sensitive, sophisticated and hyper-analytical perspe

5、ctive. He became very famous during his own lifetime. 4.He remains one of the most important writers in modern American literature, as he was one of the first masters of autobiographical fiction. He is considered North Carolinas most famous writer.2021/8/26WorksLook Homeward, Angel (1929)Of Time and

6、 the River (1935)From Death to Morning (1935)The Story of a Novel (1936)The Lost Boy (1937)The Web and the Rock (1939)You Cant Go Home Again (1940)The Hound of DarknessThe Hills Beyond (1941)Mannerhouse: A Play in a Prologue and Four Acts (1948)A Western Journal: A Daily Log of the Great Parks Trip,

7、 June 20-July 2, 1938 (1951 by University of Pittsburgh Press)The Letters of Thomas Wolfe (1956)Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe (1961)The Mountains: A Play in One Act; The Mountains: A Drama in Three Acts and a Prologue (1970)Welcome to our City: A Play in Ten Scenes (1983)Beyond Love and Loyalty: The

8、Letters of Thomas Wolfe and Elizabeth Nowell edited by Richard 2021/8/271.Outskirt 【常作常作s】n.outlyingdistrictsofacityorlargetown.E.g.1.Thehotelissituatedintheoutskirtsofthecity.outskirts/peripherycityn.WeliveinNewYorkCity.townn.HewasborninasmalltownfiftymilesawayfromChicago.countryn.Welivedinthecount

9、ryformorethantenyears.countrysiden.Hegrewupinthecountryside.downtowna.Ourdowntownofficestaysopentilleleven.urbana.Insomedevelopingcountriesmoreandmorepeoplearemigratingtourbanareas.Words and phrases:2021/8/282.ghastly a.causinghorrororfear.E.g.So,thesooneryoucooperate,ThesoonerIcanfinishupwiththisgh

10、astlyAngelbusiness. Ifeelghastlyaboutit./fearful/horrible/dreadful/frightful3.timorous a.shyortimid. 2021/8/294.clusterklstn:(同类事物或人的)一串,一束,一簇,一群,一组E.g.Aclusterofgrapes/flowers/bees一串葡萄/一束鲜花/一群蜜蜂v:使集成一串,群集,丛生E.g.Themenclustered togetherforwarmth.2021/8/2106.thoughtfulsaqaciouswoodenseamedweatheredme

11、ager(pinched)excited(cheerful)floridglossycharmingbeautifulcutesmoothfairsmilingsallowweary(tired)2021/8/211TheOrganizationofthePassage The FarThe NearHeimagethatthetownandthewomanarebeautifulandunchangeabledandtheyhasafatherslovetowardsthetwowomenthetownseemssounfamiliarmuchdifferentfromhowithasloo

12、kedfromhistraincabandthewomanwhomhehasidealizedallofthoseyearsappearsdifferent.2021/8/212Part1(Paragraph1): Thearticlestartsoutwithadescriptionofalittletown,whichcontainsasmallcottageonitsoutskirts.Part2(Paragraph2-6): Formorethantwentyyears,theengineerremainsfocusedonthevisionofthetwowomen,animaget


14、 Analysis The engineer was the hero of this fiction. The woman and the girl were the symbol of beauty in the heart of the engineer.2021/8/214The psychological description of the engineer. In the train: the two women gived him the most extraordinary happiness and everything about the two women was be

15、autiful. In reality: everything about the two women was strange, unreal and disquieting.All the beauties bursted like a soap bubble. 所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。 2021/8/215The description of the woman and the girl. In distance( (远距离远距离):): they waved their hands boldly, freely with enthusiasm. Face-to

16、-face( (近距离近距离):): they were unfriendly and their faces were full of suspicion, timidity and anxiety .What a great contrast!一个巨大的反差。一个巨大的反差。2021/8/216Character Analysis The engineer is the hero of this article. A lot of words are used to describe him, especially for his psychological description. Th

17、e woman and the girl are the symbol of beauty in the heart of the engineer.2021/8/217The psychological description of the engineer. In the train: the two women give him the most extraordinary happiness and everything about the two women is beautiful. In reality: everything about the two women is str

18、ange, unreal and disquieting.All the beauties burst like a soap bubble. 所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。 2021/8/218The description of the woman and the girl. In distance( (远距离远距离):): they wave their hands boldly, freely with enthusiasm. Face-to-face( (近距离近距离):): they are unfriendly and their faces are ful

19、l of suspicion, timidity, anxiety .2021/8/219Purposeofthetext Wolfesmotivesbehindthestory .Thepreviousdecade,the1920s,hadbeenaverypositivetime,sincethenationhadastrongeconomy.Manypeopleassumedthattheeconomy,andlifeingeneral,wouldcontinuetoimprove.Inthe1930s,whenWolfewrotethestory,theUnitedStateswasc

20、aughtinthegripoftheGreatDepression,manypeoplewereovercomewithdespairandhopelessness,justliketheengineer.2021/8/220Purposeofthetext Wolfesmotivesbehindthestory Inthestory,theengineerstakedhisfaithonanidyllicvisioninthepast,whichhasfailedtocometrueinthepresent.Infact,thepresentrealityishorribleforhim,



23、beginning.Thisdistinctdifferencebetweenthetwohalvesofthestorygivesitmoreimpact.Thisessayisfilledwithagoodamountofphilosophicalmeaning.itmaybeperfectWhenitisfar;itissobadwhileitisnear.the distancemakes beauty 2021/8/2222021/8/223Distance lends enchantment to the view 距离产生美距离产生美Itgoeswithoutsayingthat

24、thedistancebringoutlotofbeauty.SuchasthethingsCaoLingpresented.Beside,italsobringsomeotherbeautytous.Nowwewilltalkaboutthis.Therulestillworkswhenitcomestothecontactofhumanbeings.2021/8/224Distance lends enchantment to the view Example:The distance was destroyed little by little. So was the beauty.He


26、5Distance lends enchantment to the view Example:Whentheyaretogether00000Severalyearago,Whentheboywaswooing(追求)thegirlItseemsthattheyaremadeforeachother.2021/8/226Distance lends enchantment to the view Example:Severalyearago,Whentheboywaswooing(追求)thegirlHewasgentlemanlike,cute,romantic,considerate,a

27、ndsoon.Whentheyaretogether2021/8/227Distance lends enchantment to the view Example:Severalyearago,Whentheboywaswooing(追求)thegirl.Hewasgentlemanlike,cute,romantic,considerate,andsoon.Shewasthegoddess.Shewasthequeen.Shewaspretty,tender,andirreplaceable.Whentheyaretogether2021/8/228Distance lends encha

28、ntment to the view Example:Severalyearago,Whentheboywaswooing(追求)thegirlHewasgentlemanlike,cute,romantic,considerate,andsoonShewasthegoddess.Shewasthequeen.Shewaspretty,tender,andirreplaceableWhentheyaretogether.Heisslovenly(邋遢),indifferently(冷淡),Sheisnagging,shehasabadtemper,shejustlookslikeatigres

29、s.Allofthethingsgetworse.Heisslovenly(邋遢),indifferently(冷淡)andmindchanging.2021/8/229ItmustbedeclarethatImnotintendedtopersuadeyounottogetmarried.Ijusttoldthetruth.2021/8/230 Theendingofthenovelfullofgrief.hisactofhopeandtendernessultimatelyfeelslikeashamefulone,andattheendofthestory,hemustlivewitht

30、hetragedyoftaintedmemoriesandafaileddream.itisakindofsentimentthatallgoodthingslikesoapbubblesburst:heknowallthebeautifulfantasyflashaway,andneveragain. 1:InthenovelDistancecantproducebeauty2021/8/231Distanceproducebeauty,andthiskindofbeautycantbetouched;Peoplecanonlywantedagood,nocommunicationbetwe


32、ontknowwhetherfriendscanfindcommonlanguageyet.Notinthesamespace,weevendontknowtheotherpartysdifficulties.Sometimesneedadeepfeelingoflookintheeyes,awarmembrace,butcannotalwaysinafewsentenceswordsinsteadof.Andgraduallyitbecomethebeautyofmemoryandthenbythetimememorywillslowlyfade. 2:Intherealworld2021/


34、Beautyisinourheart,ithasnothingtodowiththenearandfar,andhasnothingtodowithdistanceBeauty is in our heart2021/8/235 The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you dont know that I love you The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand i

35、n front of youYet you cant see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet can not be together The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when plainly I can not resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart The furthest distance in t

36、he worldIs not you have never been in my heartBut using ones indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you 世界上最遥远的距离世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死之间的距离不是生与死之间的距离 而是我站在你面前而是我站在你面前 你却不知道你却不知道我爱你我爱你 世界上最遥远的距离世界上最遥远的距离 不是我站在你面前不是我站在你面前你却看不到我对你的爱你却看不到我对你的爱 而是感受到对方坚定的爱意而是感受到对方坚定的爱意 却不能在一起却不能在一起

37、世界上最遥远的距离世界上最遥远的距离 不是相爱的人不能在一起不是相爱的人不能在一起 而是明明不能停止思念而是明明不能停止思念却装作对方从未走进自己心间却装作对方从未走进自己心间 世界上最遥远的距离世界上最遥远的距离不是我的心里没有你不是我的心里没有你 而是用冷漠的心而是用冷漠的心 为爱你的人为爱你的人挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟 The furthest distance in the world2021/8/2362021/8/2372021/8/238Moonlightcity.Youjustcouldntseeanendtoit.ItwasntwhatIsawthatst





42、ng,musicIdontknowhowtoplay.Icannevergetoffthisship.Atbest,Ididntstepoffmylife.Afterall,Idontexistforanyone.陆地?陆地对我来说是一艘太大的船。太漂亮的女人,太长的旅程,太浓烈的香水,无从着手的音乐。我永远无法走下这艘船。这样的话,我宁可舍弃我的生命。毕竟,我从来没有为任何人存在过2021/8/241这是每个人讲完之后引入下一个人的台词曹:At first,welcome 王志凯 to talk something about the author Tomas wolfe for us王志凯

43、: Its no doubt that the author is a laborious writer ,for he create so many good works for us in his short life. Ok, next, lets welcome 贵元香 to lead us to learn some important vocabularies of the text.贵元香:自己准备一下啊卢小庆:As we know ,in a novel , the description of the characters is very important. So , in

44、 this novel ,how so did the author describe the characters?, next ,please allow 何少青 talk something about it for us .welcome !何少青: ok , these are the texts Figure description characteristics. So , what did the author want to express in the novel ? Next,Let 肖家福 tell us something about it . Welcome !肖家

45、福没有台词曹:Ok, until now , I believe you already have a knowledge of this text。 In this text ,Tomas want to tell us that distance can make beauty and some things may be perfect when it is far ,but be bad while it is near. But today ,we live in a diffferent times and environment . Are you still agree with Tomas? OR ,you will have the different points . Next , please allow 郑从光、蒲芳、杨源 and 陈燕梅 to share their standpoints with us. 2021/8/242部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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