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1、新目标英语新目标英语八年级上八年级上 Go For It Unit 0ne Whatdoyoudoonweekends?Howaboutweekdays?Howoftendoyoudo?频频度度副副词词100%alwaysalmostalwaysusuallyoftensometimesoccasionallyseldomhardlyeveralmostnever0%never其他表示频度的词其他表示频度的词everydayonceaweek/month/yeartwiceaweek/month/yearthreetimesaweek/month/yearfourtimesaweek/mont

2、h/yearDo you know?sometime 某个时某个时间间some time一段时间一段时间sometimes有时有时some times几次几次Isometimes gotoschoolbybus.IwillgotoAmericasometimethisyear.IhavebeentotheGreatWallforsome times.IwatchedTVforsome timelastnight.ActivitiesHowoftenWhenWatchTVSurftheInternetReadEnglishbooksGotothemoviesExerciseDohomeworke

3、verydayat6intheeveningTask1ImproveEnglishStudyInterviewHowoftendoyou?readEnglishbookssingEnglishsongswatchEnglishprogramslistentoEnglishtapesjointheEnglishcornerchatwithforeignerReport:ThegoodhabitforEnglishstudyReadEnglisheveryday.JointheEnglishcorneronceortwiceaweek.Task2AHealthyLifestyleA Healthy

4、 DietHowoftendoyoueatfruit?Ieatfruiteveryday.Doyoulikeit?Yes.Ilikeitverymuch.Anditsgoodformyhealth.Exercise:MalesFootballBasketballWeighttrainingJoggingBicyclingSwimmingFemalesSwimmingBasketballBicyclingAerobicsJoggingRegularfitnessprogramHow to keep healthy?AhealthydietExerciseSleepwell第一部分:听力(20分)

5、( 一 ) 听 句 子 , 选 择 恰 当 的 答 语1A.Its cloudy. B. Its Saturday. C. Its cold.2.A.Imsorry.B.Goodbye!C.Yes,Idlikesomeapples.3.A.Yes,please.B.Yourewelcome.C.Hello!4.A.Verywell.B.Excuseme.C.Certainly.Hereyouare.5.A.Goodidea!B.Goodluck!C.Imfine.1.B2.C3.B4.C5.A二、听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案6.A.EnglandB.ChinaC.America.7.

6、A.Bybus.B.BybikeC.Bycar.8.A.Some rice. B. Some fish. C. Some meat.9.A.Washinghisshirt.B.Cleaningthefloor.C.Readingabook10.A.Hewenttothezoo.B.Heplayedbasketball.C.Hesawafilm.6.C7.B8.C9.A10.C三三. .听听对话对话,填表。,填表。( (共共5 5分,每小题分,每小题1 1分分) )Calendar of BettyMONDAYMONDAYMorning: schoolAfternoon: 11._Evening

7、: study for the math testTHURSDAYTHURSDAYMorning: schoolAfternoon: 14._Evening: do homeworkTUESDAYTUESDAYMorning: schoolAfternoon: 12._Evening: help my parentsFRIDAYFRIDAYMorning: schoolAfternoon: do exerciseEvening: 15._WEDNESDAYWEDNESDAYMorning: schoolAfternoon: play volleyballEvening: 13._SATURDA

8、YGo to the parkSUNDAYSUNDAYGo to the partyhaveapianolesson.gotothemallgotothemovies.dohomeworkgotoMarysparty四、听短文和短文后的问题,然后选择正确答案16.A.Inthepolicestation.B.IntheparkC.Atthebusstop.17.A.Becausetheythoughthewasathief.B. Because he was riding around in the park.C. Because there was no name on the seat.1

9、8.AThemiddleletter.B.Hisname.C.Petersname.19.A.Bob. B. Kate. C. Peter.20.A.Therewastheboysnameontheseat.B.Petersnamewasontheseat.C.Themiddleletterofthenamewasnotclear.16.B17.A18.B19.C20.A一.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分)1.-Isherlifestylethesameas_?-No.Shelikesmeat,butIdont.-Ithinkshemusttryto


11、wlongD.Howoften5.-Youdbetternotreadinbed.-Imfeelingtired.-Butits_foryoureyes.A.goodB.badC.betterD.worse6. 6. I I dont dont like like sports, sports, but but I I like like watching watching others others _ _ . . A. play B. to play C. while playing D. when playing A. play B. to play C. while playing D

12、. when playing7.-Do you think that you have a healthy habit?7.-Do you think that you have a healthy habit?-Yes. I _ my health.-Yes. I _ my health.A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look likeA. look at B. look after C. look up D. look likeDBAB8Are 8Are you you feeling feeling all all right right

13、today today ? ? Not really. Not really. _ _ . .A. A. Oh, Oh, I I see see B. B. It It doesnt doesnt mattermatterC. Youd better be happy D. Im sorry to hear thatC. Youd better be happy D. Im sorry to hear that9.Can 9.Can I I get get you you a a cup cup of of tea tea ? ?_ _ . .A. A. Thank Thank for for

14、 the the tea tea B. B. With With pleasurepleasureC. It tastes great D. Thats very nice of youC. It tastes great D. Thats very nice of you10.Thank 10.Thank you you for for the the delicious delicious food.food._ _ . .A. A. Im Im glad glad you you enjoyed enjoyed it it B. B. It It doesnt doesnt matter

15、 matter C. I dont think its good D. Dont say soC. I dont think its good D. Dont say soADD二. 完型填空(15分)but Im pretty 1 . I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. And my eating habits are 2 good. I try to eat 3 vegetables, usually ten to eleven 4 a week. And I eat fruit every day and

16、 I drink milk every day. Of course, I love junk food too, 5 I try to eat it only once a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look 6 my health. And it makes a big difference to my grades. Good food and exercise help me to study much 7 .1. A health B. healthy C. unhealth D. unhe

17、althy2. A. too B. so C. pretty D. even3. A. a lot of B. lot of C. kind of D. every4. A. time B. times C. hour D. hours5. A. and B. but C. so D. or6. A. at B. like C. for D. after7. A. good B. well C. better D. best1.B2.C3.A4.B5.B6.D7.CThereisasmallshop_ourschool.It2alotofthings.Fromtheshopwecanbuyso

18、meschool things, 3 pens, pencils, rulers,erasers, pencil-boxes and exercise-books. Wecanalsobuysome4,likeapples,pears,bananas,cakes,milkandorange.Thethingsintheshoparentdear. Theyare5.The6sometimesgotheretobuysomeschoolthings.and sometimes go there to have a drink, Thepeopleintheshopare7.Welikethema

19、ndtheylikeus,8.( )、A. on B. to C. near D. for( )、A. has B. sells C. makes D. buys( )、A. like B. are C. for D. with( )、A. bread and tea B. food and drink C. eggs and coffee D. many things( )、A. new B. good C. nice D. cheap ( )、A. teachers B. women C. children D. students( ) 7、A. friends B. nice C. fr

20、iendly D. many()8、A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.1.C2.B3.A4.B5.D6.C7.C8.A第三部分 阅读理解(A)OnedayDaddyandIwentoutforawalk.Onthewaywesawalotofpeople.Wewentupandhadalook.Ohdear!Whatdidwesee?Therewasadonkey(驴)inthemiddleoftheroad.Itwouldnotmove.Thecarsandbusescouldnotgetpast.Thenapolicemancame.“Whosedonkeyisthis?”heas


22、dacarrotandshowedittothedonkey. Whenthedonkeysawthecarrot,itjumpedupandwalkedafterthefarmer.Allthecarsandbusescouldgetpastatlast!1.Iwentoutforawalk_.A.withmygrandmaB.withmyDaddyC.bymyselfD.withmyfriend2.Thedonkeywas_.A.onthewaytoworkB.thestrongestanimalC.inthemiddleoftheloadD.pleasedtoseesomanycarsa


24、astoolateC.ithasarestD.helikedthecars4.D5.A(B)InEngland,peopledontusuallytalkmuch.Youcangoonabus,orinatrain,andeveryonesitslookingoutofthe window. Often they read. They read books andnewspapers.Buttheydonttalkmuch.WhenyoumeetEnglishpeople,theyoftentalkaboutonething,theweather.Sowhenyoumeetsomebodyin

25、England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time ofyear!”“But it was a little cold yesterday,” somebody mayanswer.“Butitgotabitwarmerlater,”youcansay.Talklikethis,andtheEnglishwillthink“Howfriendlyyouare!”6.Englishpeopleoften_onabus.A.talkmuchB.talkaboutC.eatsomethingD.readpapers7.WhenyoumeetEnglish

26、people,talklikethis:_A.Howdoyoudo!B.Howareyou!C.Niceweather!D.Nicetomeetyou!8. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they willthink_.A.youarefriendlyB.youarerightC.youareEnglishD.youtalktoomuch9.Englishpeoplealwayshopetheweatherwillget_.A.betterB.warmerC.colderD.hotter10.Whichisright?_.A.EnglishpeopleliketotalkonabusB.EnglishpeopledidntenjoythebestweatherC.EnglishpeoplearethemostfriendlyD.Englishpeopledonttalkmuch6.D7.C8.A9.A10.D



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