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1、寻不到花的折翼枯寻不到花的折翼枯叶蝶叶蝶永远也看不见凋谢永远也看不见凋谢江南夜色下的小桥江南夜色下的小桥屋檐屋檐读不懂塞北的荒野读不懂塞北的荒野梅开时节因寂寞而梅开时节因寂寞而缠绵缠绵春归后又很快湮灭春归后又很快湮灭独留我赏烟花飞满独留我赏烟花飞满天天摇曳后就随风飘远摇曳后就随风飘远断桥残雪断桥残雪断桥是否下过雪断桥是否下过雪我望着湖面我望着湖面水中寒月如雪水中寒月如雪指尖轻点融解指尖轻点融解断桥是否下过雪断桥是否下过雪又想起你的脸又想起你的脸若是无缘再见若是无缘再见白堤柳帘垂泪好白堤柳帘垂泪好几遍几遍 singer composer lyricistXu SongBirthplace : A

2、nhui , 1986Brokerage firm: Ocean Butterflies ManagementAchievements: one of the ten top youths of Anhui ,2008;the most popular singer in the 9th Asian- Pacific music chart(亚太音乐榜亚太音乐榜 ); the most popular new singer in the global Mandarine pop( Mandopop) chart ,2011; An idol of the post-1990 generatio

3、nFast reading1.Where did he graduate from? What did he major in?2.How did he become famous?3.Why is he so loved by the post-1990 generation?4. Why do parents encourage their children to look up to Xu?1.hold on to ones dream2.more and more people3.attractive and easy to remember( para4)4. refuse 5. a

4、ctivity done in order to increase the sales of a product or service(para7) 6. mention sth because it is important or interesting( para8) 7. the state of being famous as an actor , a singer, etc(para11) 8. attract ones attention 2. a growing number of people3. catchy4. turn down5. promotion 6.note7.

5、stardom8.catch ones eye1. stick to ones dreamGroup Work:What qualities does Xu Song have? Find some facts to support your opinion.Opinions : ( I think ) Xu Song is a person who Facts :.What does the title mean? A self- made musicianXu Song was born in Anhui in1986. He is known as a singer, producer

6、, c_ and lyricist. His road to success is very different from other singers. He didnt enjoy o_ fame. Though he m_ in medical management, in his spare time at college, he often uploaded his songs online, which c_ a g_ number of peoples eye. But Xu t_ _ the record companys offer because he wanted to f

7、inish his college and wanted to sing the songs that he wanted to sing. After graduation , Xu released two albums . He did all of the work by himself. Last year ,he signed with Ocean Butterflies Management , _ will only be in charge of p_.The reason _Xu Song is so popular is that he is a s_ musician

8、and his heartfelt music always s_ a c_. As many parents n_ ,his success encourages young people to s_ _ their dream. In a word , Xu Song is an i_ of the p_ -1990 generation. Can you guess who he is ?他是一位摇滚歌手,但是他的声音很自然、清他是一位摇滚歌手,但是他的声音很自然、清新,新,很吸引人。很吸引人。他他特别提到特别提到他很他很崇拜崇拜摇滚明星,摇滚明星,如崔健、汪峰,但是不喜欢模仿他们。他在

9、如崔健、汪峰,但是不喜欢模仿他们。他在选选秀节目秀节目中中一夜成名一夜成名。他。他真诚的真诚的表演表演动人心弦动人心弦, 吸引了很多人。吸引了很多人。尽管他现在还是大学生,但是尽管他现在还是大学生,但是他很努力他很努力坚持坚持自己的成为专业自己的成为专业( professional)歌手和作曲家的歌手和作曲家的梦想梦想。He is a rock singer . But his voice is natural , clear and catchy . He noted that he looks up to rock stars, such as Cui Jian and Wang Feng

10、, but he doesnt want to copy them. He enjoyed overnight fame in a talent show. His heartfelt performance struck a chord , which caught peoples eye. Though he is just a student at College, he works very hard to stick to his dream of becoming a professional singer and composer.If you had a chance to i

11、mprove yourself, what aspects of your life would you want to change?1.What five things that people want to change are mentioned in the chart? 2.Which aspect do men want to change most? What about women?3.How many people participated in the survey? Which institute (机构)机构)made the survey?List the top

12、five things you want to change in your life.Think : Can we improve these things?health ; self-esteem; bad grades;poor communication How?Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. God helps those who help themselves.Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that can not fly.Constant dropping wears the stone.



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