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1、Crossing-the-Bridge noodles A Dish with a StoryIts no secret that Chinese love to eat. In a culture that treasures a good meal, its no surprise that. many dishes have their own legends and history. Crossing-the-Bridge noodles, a staple in Yunnan Province, is one such dish. 众所周知中众所周知中国人爱好吃。国人爱好吃。在珍视美

2、食在珍视美食的文化传统的文化传统中,这毫不中,这毫不足奇。很多足奇。很多菜都有自己菜都有自己的传说和历的传说和历史。云南省史。云南省的主食的主食过过桥米线,就桥米线,就是这样的一是这样的一个菜。个菜。 Crossing-the-Bridge noodles, a classic Yunnan dish, is simple enough: A bowl of boiling chicken broth, a handful of rice noodles and a mixture or meat and vegetables.But the dish has its own legends

3、and history. 过桥米线过桥米线这道云南这道云南小吃其实小吃其实再简单不再简单不过了过了:一碗一碗鸡汤一把鸡汤一把米线、再米线、再加些蔬菜加些蔬菜和肉。但和肉。但是它却有是它却有悠久的历悠久的历史和动听史和动听的传说。的传说。在清朝在清朝(1644-1911),在),在云南东南部云南东南部的南湖湖畔的南湖湖畔住着许多学住着许多学者。美丽的者。美丽的景色当中,景色当中,他们每日用他们每日用功读书,准功读书,准备考取功名备考取功名 。 During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),many scholars lived on the shores of Sout

4、h Lake in southeastern Yunnan. Amongst the beautiful scenery,they poured over their texts and dreamed of becoming officials. One man, Yang, sat and read each day at the pavilion in the middle of the lake. Although his wife always took him meals, Yang was so absorbed in his studies that he often forg

5、ot to eat. By the time he would look up from his texts and see the dishes, the food would be cold. 一个姓杨的一个姓杨的书生,终日书生,终日在湖心亭用在湖心亭用功读书。妻功读书。妻子每天给他子每天给他送来饭菜,送来饭菜,但杨秀才读但杨秀才读书刻苦,往书刻苦,往往学而忘食。往学而忘食。当他读书不当他读书不经意间看到经意间看到饭菜时,饭饭菜时,饭菜早已凉了。菜早已凉了。 Concerned about Yangs health, his wife mulled over the problem, bu

6、t she couldnt figure out a solution. One day, she killed a hen, cooked it and took the chicken and soup to her husband. When she returned to collect the empty bowl, she discovered her husband hadnt touched his food. 为了秀才的为了秀才的身体健康,身体健康,他妻子焦虑他妻子焦虑心急,但找心急,但找不出解决的不出解决的办法。一天办法。一天妻子炖了鸡妻子炖了鸡连汤送来给连汤送来给丈夫滋补

7、身丈夫滋补身体,当她回体,当她回到收集空碗到收集空碗时发现食物时发现食物原封没动。原封没动。 她叹了口气捡她叹了口气捡起汤罐,想将起汤罐,想将饭菜取回重热。饭菜取回重热。令她惊讶的是令她惊讶的是汤罐还是热的。汤罐还是热的。揭开盖子汤表揭开盖子汤表面覆盖着一层面覆盖着一层鸡油、加上汤鸡油、加上汤罐传热慢,把罐传热慢,把热量存在汤内。热量存在汤内。她终于找到了她终于找到了一种能确保她一种能确保她的夫总吃到热的夫总吃到热饭的方法。饭的方法。 With a sigh, she bent down to pick up the pot, planning to reheat the soup for Y

8、ang to eat later. To her surprise, the pot was still warm. When she lifted the lid, she discovered a layer of chicken oil floating on the top. The oil and the pot helped keep in the heat. She had finally found a way to ensure her husband always ate a hot lunch. Since Yang and his wife had to cross t

9、he bridge to reach the pavilion, rice noodles cooked in a ceramic pot with chicken broth became known as Guoqiao Mixian (Crossing-the-Bridge rice noodles).” 由于杨秀由于杨秀才从家到才从家到湖心亭要湖心亭要经过一座经过一座小桥,大小桥,大家就把这家就把这种吃法称种吃法称之之过桥过桥米线米线 米线是云米线是云南的主食。南的主食。北方人用北方人用小麦粉做小麦粉做面条和饺面条和饺子,但水子,但水稻和大米稻和大米的食品,的食品,占了南方占了南方人的

10、大部人的大部分饮食。分饮食。 Rice noodles are a staple food in Yunnan. Northern Chinese fill up on noodles made from wheat flour and dumplings, but rice-and foods derived from rice-makes up the bulk of southerners diets. 来自云南南来自云南南部的民族的部的民族的宝清是北京宝清是北京一家傣族餐一家傣族餐厅的老板,厅的老板,她说她每天她说她每天都吃米线甚都吃米线甚至早饭。至早饭。“在北京打工在北京打工的云南人,的云南人,特喜欢吃米特喜欢吃米线,尤其是线,尤其是是午饭。是午饭。”BaoQing, owner of Dai Ethnic Restaurant in Beijing and a native of southwest Yunnan, says she eats rice noodles everyday, even for breakfast.“People from Yunnan, who are working in Beijing, love to eat rice noodles, especially for lunch,”she says.



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