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1、n nMary washes before meals.n n玛丽饭前洗手。n nMary washes before going to bed.n n玛丽睡前洗漱。n nMary washes after getting up.n n玛丽起床后洗脸。n nMary washes for a living.n n玛丽靠洗衣度日。n nMary washes in a restaurant.n n玛丽在饭店洗碗碟。Unit 4 AmplificationWhat is amplification? amplification?Supplying necessary words in transl

2、ation on the basis of Supplying necessary words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original languageaccurate comprehension of the original language在原文基础上添加必要的在原文基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句单词、词组、分句或或完整完整句句,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯,在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文一致起来,使得译文在文化背景、词语联想方面

3、与原文一致起来,使得译文与原文在内容、形式和精神三方面对等。与原文在内容、形式和精神三方面对等。增词绝不是无中生有,随意增加原文的意思,增加的是虽增词绝不是无中生有,随意增加原文的意思,增加的是虽无其字但有其义无其字但有其义的词的词Why is it necessary?Why is it necessary?Different languages & historical and cultural backgroundDifferent languages & historical and cultural background1. Putting in Words Omitted in t

4、he Original增添原文中所省略的词语n n“ “If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?”grand?”n n“ “既然既然要摆要摆阔,干嘛阔,干嘛还哭还哭穷?既然穷?既然要哭要哭穷,干嘛穷,干嘛还摆还摆阔阔?” ”n nMatter can be changed into energy, and energy into Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.

5、matter.n n物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化转化为物质。为物质。n nIn the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.draft

6、ing of the final communiqu.n n晚上他先晚上他先参加参加宴会,接着宴会,接着出席出席音乐会,然后音乐会,然后观看观看乒乓球乒乓球表演,最后还得起草最终的公报。表演,最后还得起草最终的公报。n n语义性增词:为了使疑问语意明确,畅达通顺,符合汉语义性增词:为了使疑问语意明确,畅达通顺,符合汉语的表达习惯,翻译中常根据意义上的需要增加动词、语的表达习惯,翻译中常根据意义上的需要增加动词、名词、形容词、副词、量词等名词、形容词、副词、量词等n n1 1)根据意义上的需要,可以在名词前后增加动词,这)根据意义上的需要,可以在名词前后增加动词,这是因为英语中的名词在特定的上下

7、文里可以包含相关的是因为英语中的名词在特定的上下文里可以包含相关的动词动词n nSome analysts say that the banks are anticipating Some analysts say that the banks are anticipating some actions by the Federal Reserve Board.some actions by the Federal Reserve Board.n n一些分析家说,各家银行都期望联邦储备委员会能一些分析家说,各家银行都期望联邦储备委员会能采取采取一些行动。一些行动。n n2 2)在不及物动词后面

8、增加名词)在不及物动词后面增加名词n nto wash before mealto wash before mealn n饭前洗饭前洗手手n n英语中有些动词可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词,当英语中有些动词可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词,当用作不及物动词时,宾语实际上是隐含在动词后面的,译成用作不及物动词时,宾语实际上是隐含在动词后面的,译成汉语是往往需要把它表达出来。汉语是往往需要把它表达出来。n n特别是常在特别是常在抽象名词抽象名词抽象名词抽象名词后常需要增加一些名词后常需要增加一些名词n npreparationpreparationn n准备准备工作工作n ntensiont

9、ensionn n紧张紧张局势局势n nmadnessmadnessn n疯狂疯狂行为行为n n某些由某些由动词或形容词派生而来动词或形容词派生而来动词或形容词派生而来动词或形容词派生而来的抽象名词,翻译时可以的抽象名词,翻译时可以根据上下文在后面增添适当的名词。根据上下文在后面增添适当的名词。n n3)增加形容词n nWith the meeting to begin in just a couple of hours, I hadnt the time to worry about such trifles.n n不到两三个小时会议就要开始,我可没有闲功夫去操心这些琐事。Ex.Ex. n

10、nlightning rodlightning rodn n避避雷针雷针n nthe hostage debatethe hostage debaten n关于关于人质人质问题问题的辩论的辩论n narrogancearrogancen n傲慢傲慢态度态度n nAfter the football match, hes got an important After the football match, hes got an important meeting.meeting.n n他先他先观看了观看了足球比赛,之后还要足球比赛,之后还要参加参加一个重要会议。一个重要会议。n nHe dism

11、issed the meeting without a closing speech.He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.n n他没有他没有致致闭幕词就闭幕词就宣布宣布会议结束。会议结束。n nThey talked for almost eight hours, through dinner They talked for almost eight hours, through dinner and well into the night.and well into the night.n n他们谈了差不多八个小时,中间他们谈了

12、差不多八个小时,中间吃了吃了一顿晚饭,一顿晚饭, 接接着谈到深夜。着谈到深夜。2. Putting in Necessary Connectives增添必要的连接词语n nHeated, water will change into vapor.Heated, water will change into vapor.n n如果如果水受热,就会汽化。水受热,就会汽化。n nHowever hard she tried, nothing seemed to work.However hard she tried, nothing seemed to work.n n不管她怎么努力,好像不管她怎么

13、努力,好像还是还是没什么效果。没什么效果。n nSince this method doesnt work, lets try another.Since this method doesnt work, lets try another.n n既然这个办法不行,既然这个办法不行,那那我们就试试另一种吧。我们就试试另一种吧。n n英语连词多为“单打一”:if, because, although., unlessn n汉语连词多为“成双成对”:如果那么;因为所以;尽管但是; 除非否则n n结构性增词:省略句是英文的一大特点,要按照语结构性增词:省略句是英文的一大特点,要按照语法需要补译英文中省

14、略的各种成分,才能使译文句法需要补译英文中省略的各种成分,才能使译文句子意思完整,表达通顺子意思完整,表达通顺n nThe strongest man cannot alter the law of nature.The strongest man cannot alter the law of nature.n n即使即使最强有力的人最强有力的人也也不能改变自然法则。不能改变自然法则。n nHad we known it in time, we would have prevented Had we known it in time, we would have prevented the

15、catastrophe.the catastrophe.n n要是要是我们早点儿知道那件事,我们早点儿知道那件事,那么那么就能避免这场灾就能避免这场灾难了。难了。n nThey would not have done such a thing without They would not have done such a thing without government approval.government approval.n n如果如果政府不批准,他们是不会做这种事的。政府不批准,他们是不会做这种事的。3. Putting in Words to Convey the Concept o

16、f Plurality 表达复数概念 He stretched his He stretched his legslegs which were scattered with which were scattered with scarsscars. .n n他伸出他伸出双双腿,露出腿上的腿,露出腿上的道道道道伤痕。伤痕。n n英文中名词复数有非常严格的词形变化,但是英文中英文中名词复数有非常严格的词形变化,但是英文中没有量词,有时英语中的复数概念比较模糊:没有量词,有时英语中的复数概念比较模糊:dozens dozens of people, decades of years, for ge

17、nerationsof people, decades of years, for generationsn n汉语中名词复数没有词形变化,很多情况下也不必表汉语中名词复数没有词形变化,很多情况下也不必表达,但要表达出多数人的名词时,可以添加达,但要表达出多数人的名词时,可以添加“ “们们” ”字,字,另外汉语有习惯的量词搭配:一匹马、两座山、三条另外汉语有习惯的量词搭配:一匹马、两座山、三条河河n n语义性增词:增加表示名词单复数的词语义性增词:增加表示名词单复数的词n nThe judge let him off with The judge let him off with warnin

18、gswarnings not to cause not to cause trouble again.trouble again.n n法官对他法官对他再三再三提出警告,不得重新做案,然后才释放提出警告,不得重新做案,然后才释放了他。了他。n n1) 1) 增加重叠词表示复数增加重叠词表示复数n nThere were There were rowsrows of houses which he had never of houses which he had never seen before.seen before.n n一一排排排排的房子都是他从来没见过的。的房子都是他从来没见过的。n

19、nThe The mountainsmountains began to throw their long blue began to throw their long blue shadowsshadows over the valley. over the valley. 群群山开始向山谷投下一山开始向山谷投下一道道道道蔚蓝色长影。蔚蓝色长影。n n2) 2) 增加数词或其他词表示复数增加数词或其他词表示复数n nThe lion is the king of The lion is the king of animalsanimals. .n n狮子是狮子是百百兽之王。兽之王。n n3)

20、 3) 增加量词增加量词n nA A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. red sun rose slowly from the calm sea.n n一一轮轮红日从风平浪静的海面上冉冉升起。红日从风平浪静的海面上冉冉升起。Ex.1. This was a complete lie. 这纯粹是一派胡言。2. You might just take a look at my coat before this afternoon. See if it wants pressing. 你最好在下午前瞧一下我的外套,看看要不要熨一下。3. Very acu

21、te problems exist among them. 他们之间存在着种种尖锐问题。4. Putting in Words to Indicate Different Tenses or 4. Putting in Words to Indicate Different Tenses or SequencesSequences表达原文的不同时态或先后顺序表达原文的不同时态或先后顺序n nWe can learn what we did not know.n n我们能学会原来不懂的东西。n n英语中通过不同时态表达事情发生的先后顺序n n翻译完成时往往用“曾、已经、过、了”;进行时往往用“在

22、、正在、着”;将来时往往用“将、要、就、会、便”n n语义性增词:增加表示动词时态方面的词Ex.Ex.n nWe We wontwont give up; we never give up; we never havehave and never and never willwill. .n n我们我们不会不会放弃,我们从未放弃放弃,我们从未放弃过过,将来将来也决不放弃。也决不放弃。n nMother insisted to this day that she thought I was Mother insisted to this day that she thought I was ju

23、st joking.just joking.n n直到今天母亲还坚持说,她直到今天母亲还坚持说,她当时当时以为我只是开开玩以为我只是开开玩笑罢了。笑罢了。n nStephen looked older than his age, for he had had Stephen looked older than his age, for he had had a hard life.a hard life.n n因为史蒂芬因为史蒂芬曾曾过得很艰苦,所以看起来比实际年龄过得很艰苦,所以看起来比实际年龄要老一些。要老一些。5. Amplification by Common Sense逻辑性增词n

24、nAir pressure decreases with altitude.n n气压随海拔高度的增加而下降。n nI was taught that two sides of a triangle were greater than the third.n n我学过,三角形的两边之和大于第三边。n n英语中字面没有的意思实际已包含在句中Ex. n nHe poured out his tale of misfortunes.n n他滔滔不绝的诉说了自己的遭遇。n nThe crowds melted away.n n人群渐渐散开了。(增加副词)n nThis great scientist

25、was born in New England.n n这位伟大的科学家出生在美国东北部的新英格兰。(增加定语,增加反映背景知识的词)6. Amplification for the Purpose of Rhetoric or Coherence从修辞连贯考虑增词n nThis printer is indeed cheap and fine.This printer is indeed cheap and fine.n n这部打印机真是这部打印机真是价价廉廉物物美。(在形容词前增加名词)美。(在形容词前增加名词)n nI came to a garden of grottoes, pavil

26、ions and I came to a garden of grottoes, pavilions and shapely rocks and trees.shapely rocks and trees.n n我来到一个建有人工洞穴的花园,园中亭阁我来到一个建有人工洞穴的花园,园中亭阁玲珑玲珑, 山石山石嶙峋嶙峋, 树木树木葱郁葱郁。n nThe sooner you treat your son as a man, the The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one.sooner he will be

27、one.n n你越早把孩子当成大人,他越早成大人。你越早把孩子当成大人,他越早成大人。n n这种做法主要是为了译文的行文修辞考虑,即达到这种做法主要是为了译文的行文修辞考虑,即达到朗朗上口的目的。朗朗上口的目的。1)增补原文比较句中的省略部分n nI can say to you that the Chinese way of cooperation I can say to you that the Chinese way of cooperation is more inventive and fruitful than others.is more inventive and fruit

28、ful than others.n n=I can say to you that the Chinese way of cooperation =I can say to you that the Chinese way of cooperation is more inventive and fruitful than the way of is more inventive and fruitful than the way of cooperation of others.cooperation of others.n n我可以对你说,与别国的我可以对你说,与别国的合作方式合作方式相比

29、,中国的合作方相比,中国的合作方式更有特色,更有成果。式更有特色,更有成果。n nBetter be wise by the defeat of others than by your Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.own.n n=It is better to be wise by the defeat of others than to =It is better to be wise by the defeat of others than to be wise by the defeat of your

30、own.be wise by the defeat of your own.n n与其从自己的与其从自己的失败中吸取教训失败中吸取教训,不如从别人的失败中吸,不如从别人的失败中吸取教训。取教训。2)增加概括词n nThey talked about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution.n n他们谈到了通货膨胀、失业、环境污染等问题。n nThus he grew in body and soul.n n这样,他在身心两方面都成长起来了。7. Amplification by Repetition重复性增词n nAvoid us

31、ing this computer in Avoid using this computer in extremeextreme cold, heat, cold, heat, dust or humidity.dust or humidity.n n不要在不要在过过冷、冷、过过热、灰尘热、灰尘过过重、湿度重、湿度过过大的情况下大的情况下使用此电脑。使用此电脑。n nI had experienced oxygen or/and engine I had experienced oxygen or/and engine troubletrouble. .n n我曾经遇到的情况,不是氧气设备我曾

32、经遇到的情况,不是氧气设备出故障出故障,就是引,就是引擎擎出故障出故障,或两者都,或两者都出故障出故障。n n修辞性增词:大都处于译文行文上的考虑,往往增修辞性增词:大都处于译文行文上的考虑,往往增加的是不改变原文词句意思的加的是不改变原文词句意思的语气补足词语气补足词语气补足词语气补足词、强调性强调性强调性强调性副词副词副词副词或其他或其他修辞上所需要的词汇修辞上所需要的词汇修辞上所需要的词汇修辞上所需要的词汇。n nDont take it seriously. Its only a joke.n n不要认真嘛!不过是开玩笑而已。n nHer room is always kept cle

33、an and tidy though she is busy all day.n n尽管她整天忙忙碌碌,她的房间却保持得干净利落。n nAssociation with the good can only produce good, with the wicked, evil.n n近朱者赤,近墨者黑。vividvividevasiveevasivehesitatehesitatebusybusycarelesscarelessin orderin orderraggedraggedin a hurryin a hurrytardytardyclearclear栩栩如生犹犹豫豫马马虎虎破破烂烂

34、磨磨蹭蹭躲躲闪闪忙忙碌碌整整齐齐急急忙忙清清楚楚rumoursrumoursto give ordersto give orderscalmcalmto bear bitter to bear bitter hardshipshardshipsprosperousprosperousin chaosin chaos繁荣昌盛发号施令含辛茹苦乌烟瘴气流言蜚语心平气和增补原文句子中所省略的动词 n n“How shall I do it?” “Just as you wish.”n n“这事儿我该怎么办?” “你想怎么办,就怎么办。”n nSometimes their faces froze, s

35、ometimes their feet and their hands.n n有时他们的脸冻了,有时脚冻了,手冻了。n nOceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.n nnot so muchas与其说是不如说是n n与其说海洋分割了世界不如说是连接了世界。n nWhen she came to, she saw smiling faces around her.n n她一苏醒过来就看到了身边一张张笑脸。n nThe planet we live on is not just a ball of inert material.n n我

36、们居住的星球不止是一个由惰性物质组成的球体。n nThe pupil of the eye responds to the change of light The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.intensity.n n眼球的瞳孔随光线强度的变化而变化。眼球的瞳孔随光线强度的变化而变化。n n眼球的瞳孔随光线的强弱而缩放。眼球的瞳孔随光线的强弱而缩放。n nCourage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection Courage in excess becomes

37、 foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.weakness, thrift avarice.n nin excess=to excess in excess=to excess 过度,过分;过多过度,过分;过多n ndrink to excessdrink to excessn n勇气过度会变成鲁莽,喜爱过度会变成嗜好,节俭过勇气过度会变成鲁莽,喜爱过度会变成嗜好,节俭过度会变成贪婪。度会变成贪婪。n nReading Reading makethmaketh a full man; conference a ready a full

38、 man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.man; and writing an exact man.n n阅读令人充实,讨论阅读令人充实,讨论令人令人机智,写作机智,写作令人令人准确。准确。n nTheir host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.n n主人又是切肉、又是倒茶、又是上菜、又是切面包,谈笑风生、敬酒祝康。n nThis digital camera is easy to operate, versatile

39、, compact and has a pleasing modern design.n n这款数码相机操作简单,功能多样,机身轻巧,设计现代。n nA scientific hypothesis can be proven-or, perhaps more importantly, disproven-but a poem, a picture, or a piece of music, cannot.n n一个科学假设可以得到证明,或许更重要的是可以被推翻,而一首诗,一幅画或一首乐曲却不能。n nHistories make men wise; poets witty; mathemati

40、cs subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.n n历史使人睿智;诗歌使人风趣;数学使人敏锐;科学使人深奥;道德使人严肃;逻辑修辞使人善辩。n nThe sun came out and the grass dried.The sun came out and the grass dried.n n表示时间表示时间n n太阳一出来草便干了。太阳一出来草便干了。n nHe read for an hour and went to bed.He read for an hour

41、 and went to bed.n nHe said hello and told her what had happened.He said hello and told her what had happened.n n他向她问好然后就给她讲了发生的情况。他向她问好然后就给她讲了发生的情况。n n表示时间表示时间n n他读了一小时的书然后就上床睡觉了。他读了一小时的书然后就上床睡觉了。n nHe did the work, and he did it very well.He did the work, and he did it very well.n nWe have to make

42、 a decision, and soon.We have to make a decision, and soon.n n我们必须要做决定了,而且要尽快。我们必须要做决定了,而且要尽快。n n【用于补充说明或限制,常含有强调意味用于补充说明或限制,常含有强调意味】而且而且n n他完成了工作,而且完成的很好。他完成了工作,而且完成的很好。n nOne step more, and you are a dead man.One step more, and you are a dead man.n nA mere glance at him and I realized thatA mere g

43、lance at him and I realized thatn n我只朝他瞥了一眼便知道我只朝他瞥了一眼便知道n n【表示结果表示结果】那么,则那么,则n n再往前一步你就死定了。再往前一步你就死定了。n nI went to his house, and he came to mine.I went to his house, and he came to mine.n n表示转折表示转折n n我去了他家,他却来了我家。我去了他家,他却来了我家。n nHe is so rich and live like a beggar.He is so rich and live like a be

44、ggar.n n【表示对比表示对比】但是,可是但是,可是n n他很富有但生活却像乞丐一样简朴。他很富有但生活却像乞丐一样简朴。n nThese parts are made of woods or plastics and not These parts are made of woods or plastics and not metals.metals.n n表示相反表示相反n n这些部件是木头或者塑料制成的,而不是金属。这些部件是木头或者塑料制成的,而不是金属。n nRust is abrasive and can cause damage to the Rust is abrasive

45、 and can cause damage to the injection components.injection components.n n表示结果表示结果n n铁锈有腐蚀性,所以会损坏喷射部件。铁锈有腐蚀性,所以会损坏喷射部件。n nThe solution was to place many filters in the The solution was to place many filters in the system and hope for the best.system and hope for the best.n n表示目的表示目的n n过往的做法是在系统内放置多个

46、过滤器,以达到最过往的做法是在系统内放置多个过滤器,以达到最佳效果。佳效果。n nChemical splashes can cause eye irritation and Chemical splashes can cause eye irritation and permanent eye damage.permanent eye damage.n n表示递进表示递进n n化学物质溅入眼睛会导致眼睛发炎,甚至永久性损化学物质溅入眼睛会导致眼睛发炎,甚至永久性损伤。伤。n nThis means drying the oil before it enters the system and,

47、 to be sensible, ensuring that the air above the oil is dry.n n表示强调n n这意味着要先对润滑油脱水才能让它进入系统,谨慎的说,也就是要保证润滑油上方的空气是干燥的。n nHe analyzed the dependence of pressure on temperature and concluded that pressure decreased with increasing temperature.n n表示后果n n他先分析了压强与温度的依存关系,然后得出结论,即压强随温度升高而降低。n nI stayed till

48、noon, when I went home.I stayed till noon, when I went home.n n表示先后表示先后n n我一直呆到中午,然后才回家。我一直呆到中午,然后才回家。n nWhen you cross the river you are safe.When you cross the river you are safe.n n一一就就n n一过河你就安全了。一过河你就安全了。n nHe usually walks when he might ride.He usually walks when he might ride.n n表示让步表示让步n n虽然

49、可以乘车,但他通常选择走路。虽然可以乘车,但他通常选择走路。n nHow can I convince him when he wont listen?How can I convince him when he wont listen?n n表示让步,既然,在表示让步,既然,在的情况下的情况下n nHow can he succeed when he wont work?How can he succeed when he wont work?n n既然他不肯工作,那他怎么会成功呢?既然他不肯工作,那他怎么会成功呢?n n他都他都/ /又不听,我如何能说服他呢?又不听,我如何能说服他呢?n

50、nWhen one is older, one is also more experienced.When one is older, one is also more experienced.n n表示伴随表示伴随n n年龄大了,自然就更有经验了年龄大了,自然就更有经验了n nWhy are you here when you should be in school?Why are you here when you should be in school?n n表示责怪表示责怪n n你本该在学校的,怎么会在这儿?你本该在学校的,怎么会在这儿?n nThey had only three t

51、ransistors when they needed They had only three transistors when they needed five.five.n n表示转折表示转折n n他们只有他们只有3 3个晶体管,可是他们需要个晶体管,可是他们需要5 5个。个。n nTurn off the switch when anything goes wrong with Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.the machine.n n表示不测表示不测n n机器一出问题就关掉开关。机器一出问题

52、就关掉开关。n nWhen the teacher had left the classroom, the pupils When the teacher had left the classroom, the pupils started talking.started talking.n n表示先后表示先后n n老师一出教室,小学生就开始说话。老师一出教室,小学生就开始说话。n nWhen that man says “To tell the truth”, I suspect When that man says “To tell the truth”, I suspect that h

53、es about to tell a lie.that hes about to tell a lie.n n表示频率表示频率n n只要那个人说只要那个人说“ “老实说老实说” ”,我就怀疑他要撒谎了。,我就怀疑他要撒谎了。n nHow could you do it when you knew that this might How could you do it when you knew that this might damage the apparatus?damage the apparatus?n n表示原因表示原因n n既然你都知道这样会损坏器械,怎么还要这样做呢?既然你都知道

54、这样会损坏器械,怎么还要这样做呢?n nWell go to the countryside at the beginning of Well go to the countryside at the beginning of June, when the summer harvest will start.June, when the summer harvest will start.n n表示同时表示同时n n六月初我们要去乡下,那时候夏收刚开始。六月初我们要去乡下,那时候夏收刚开始。n nWhen I am opposed to such actions on general prin

55、ciples, When I am opposed to such actions on general principles, how can I make this case an exception?how can I make this case an exception?n n表示强调,在表示强调,在的情况下的情况下n n根据总则,我反对采取此类行动,这种情况下,怎么能让这根据总则,我反对采取此类行动,这种情况下,怎么能让这件事例外呢?件事例外呢?n nInsurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of Insurance c

56、ompanies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance.valid period of insurance.n n表示条件表示条件n n只要投保物品在保险有效期内丢失或受损,那么保险公司就只要投保物品在保险有效期内丢失或受损,那么保险公司就必须赔偿。必须赔偿。n nWhen there

57、is really planned and proportionate When there is really planned and proportionate development, our national economy will achieve sustained, development, our national economy will achieve sustained, stable and high-speed growth.stable and high-speed growth.n n表示条件表示条件n n只要发展真正按照规划、均衡协调,国民经济就可以实现持只要发

58、展真正按照规划、均衡协调,国民经济就可以实现持续、稳定、高速的增长。续、稳定、高速的增长。n nTwo BillsTwo Billsn n两位比尔大人两位比尔大人n nWhen Bill Clinton and Bill Gates played golf on Marthas Vineyard a few When Bill Clinton and Bill Gates played golf on Marthas Vineyard a few years ago, they didnt click.years ago, they didnt click.n nclick v. click

59、v. 合得来合得来n nIf we click with them, well be set for London.If we click with them, well be set for London.n n如果和他们合得来,我们就准备去伦敦。如果和他们合得来,我们就准备去伦敦。n n几年前,比尔几年前,比尔. .克林顿和比尔克林顿和比尔. .盖茨曾在马萨葡萄园一起打高尔夫,可他们盖茨曾在马萨葡萄园一起打高尔夫,可他们并没有一见如故。并没有一见如故。n nThe President gave Gates a heavy dose of the Clinton treatment, ooz

60、ing The President gave Gates a heavy dose of the Clinton treatment, oozing charm and seeking emotional common ground in the fact that both had charm and seeking emotional common ground in the fact that both had recently lost their mothers.recently lost their mothers.n nooze ooze vtvt. give a powerfu

61、l impression (of a quality) . give a powerful impression (of a quality) 显示出,表现出,洋溢显示出,表现出,洋溢n ncharm n. the power of quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating charm n. the power of quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating othersothersn nground n. An area of knowledge or subject of d

62、iscussion or thoughtground n. An area of knowledge or subject of discussion or thought(讨(讨论、工作等的)范围、领域论、工作等的)范围、领域n n两人当时都刚刚失去母亲,总统先生便给盖茨开了大剂量的克林顿式药方,两人当时都刚刚失去母亲,总统先生便给盖茨开了大剂量的克林顿式药方,热情招待,试图从这件事上找到二人情感上的共通之处。热情招待,试图从这件事上找到二人情感上的共通之处。n n当时两人的母亲都离世不久,总统先生便给盖茨开了大剂量的克林顿式药当时两人的母亲都离世不久,总统先生便给盖茨开了大剂量的克林顿式药

63、方,热情招待,大打亲情牌,找到二人的共通之处。方,热情招待,大打亲情牌,找到二人的共通之处。n nClinton must have been disappointed by the cool response Clinton must have been disappointed by the cool response of Gates, who saw the subject as unduly personal.of Gates, who saw the subject as unduly personal.n nUndue adj. unwarranted or inappropri

64、ate because Undue adj. unwarranted or inappropriate because excessive or disproportionateexcessive or disproportionaten n因为盖茨认为这个话题属于个人私事,不适合作为话题,克因为盖茨认为这个话题属于个人私事,不适合作为话题,克林顿肯定对盖茨冷淡的反应颇感失望。林顿肯定对盖茨冷淡的反应颇感失望。n n因为盖茨认为这个话题属于个人私事,不适合作为话题,他因为盖茨认为这个话题属于个人私事,不适合作为话题,他冷淡的反应肯定令克林顿颇感失望。冷淡的反应肯定令克林顿颇感失望。n n克林顿

65、肯定对盖茨冷淡的反应颇感失望,而盖茨认为这个话克林顿肯定对盖茨冷淡的反应颇感失望,而盖茨认为这个话题过于私人,不愿分享。题过于私人,不愿分享。n nGates, for his part, was put off that Clinton didnt engage Gates, for his part, was put off that Clinton didnt engage him on his favorite topic, technology.him on his favorite topic, technology.n nfor ones partfor ones part就个人

66、来说就个人来说n nput off =cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasmput off =cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasmn nengage v. occupy or attract (someones interest or engage v. occupy or attract (someones interest or attention)attention)n n就他而言,克林顿对他最喜欢的科技话题却只字未提,这也就他而言,克林顿对他最喜欢的科技话题却只字未提,这也让他觉得索然

67、无味。让他觉得索然无味。n nWhen the golfing ended, the two men went their separate ways. Gates didnt take sides in the Clinton-Dole election a couple of years later. Clinton let his Justice Department pursue a potentially devastating antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.n n打完高尔夫,两人也就此分道扬镳。几年后,在克林顿与戈尔的总统角逐中,盖茨选择了

68、中立,并没有站到克林顿一边。而克林顿放任司法部对微软提起反垄断诉讼,很可能使微软陷于灭顶之灾/毁灭。n nIts not hard to see why these two larger-than-life Its not hard to see why these two larger-than-life figures-one is the worlds most powerful man, the figures-one is the worlds most powerful man, the other is the richest-didnt become fast friends:

69、 the other is the richest-didnt become fast friends: the two Bills are as different as the two ends of the two Bills are as different as the two ends of the baby-boom generation they represent.baby-boom generation they represent.n n不难看出这两位传奇人物(一位是全世界最有权的人,不难看出这两位传奇人物(一位是全世界最有权的人,另一位是最有钱的人)没有迅速成为朋友的原

70、因:两另一位是最有钱的人)没有迅速成为朋友的原因:两位比尔可以说是截然不同,分别代表着生育高峰时代位比尔可以说是截然不同,分别代表着生育高峰时代开头和结尾的两代人。开头和结尾的两代人。n n一位掌管着全世界最高的权利,另一位坐拥全世界最一位掌管着全世界最高的权利,另一位坐拥全世界最多的财富,尽管都颇具传奇色彩但却并没有惺惺相惜,多的财富,尽管都颇具传奇色彩但却并没有惺惺相惜,其原因不难看出,两位比尔分别代表着二战后美国生其原因不难看出,两位比尔分别代表着二战后美国生育高峰期的首尾两代人,思想上可谓是截然不同。育高峰期的首尾两代人,思想上可谓是截然不同。n nClinton, who enter

71、ed college in 1964, is dripping with Sixties values: a John F. Kennedy-style belief in public service as a calling; an Age-of-Aquarius focus on emotional connection; and a countercultural streak of sex, drugs, and rock n roll.n n克林顿1964年迈入大学,可谓是六十年代价值观的典范:秉持着约翰.肯尼迪式的信条,投身于公众服务,并以此为职;和所有大同时代的人一样,看重情感

72、交流;并在纵欲、吸毒、摇滚乐等问题的看法上具有反文化特点。n nGates, who came of age in the 1970s, has a Gates, who came of age in the 1970s, has a Watergate-year detachment from politics, a mind-Watergate-year detachment from politics, a mind-set more me-generation than “love-in”, and a set more me-generation than “love-in”, an

73、d a passion for the great revolutionary force of his own passion for the great revolutionary force of his own decade: the personal computer.decade: the personal computer.n ndetachment n. the state of being objective or aloof detachment n. the state of being objective or aloof 超脱,公正,不偏不倚超脱,公正,不偏不倚n n

74、passion n. strong and barely controllably emotionpassion n. strong and barely controllably emotionn n相比之下,盖茨在相比之下,盖茨在2020世纪世纪7070年代成年,如同年代成年,如同“ “水门水门事件事件” ”年代的人一样,在政治问题上秉持客观公正年代的人一样,在政治问题上秉持客观公正的态度,思维方式上更专注于自我,而非嬉皮士类的态度,思维方式上更专注于自我,而非嬉皮士类的爱情聚会,而且执着钟情于个人电脑,他所缔造的爱情聚会,而且执着钟情于个人电脑,他所缔造的这一划时代力量也让自己在十年间功

75、成名就。的这一划时代力量也让自己在十年间功成名就。n nBut Clinton and Gates are remarkably alike in other But Clinton and Gates are remarkably alike in other ways, particularly in their flaws. Both have almost ways, particularly in their flaws. Both have almost limitless drive and self-absorption and a willingness limitless

76、drive and self-absorption and a willingness to push the rules to the edge- or pass it-to get to push the rules to the edge- or pass it-to get what they want. When called to account, both have what they want. When called to account, both have been dismissive of the legal process and have had been dis

77、missive of the legal process and have had a strained relationship with the truth.a strained relationship with the truth.n nstrained adj. produced by deliberate effort rather strained adj. produced by deliberate effort rather than spontaneously; artificial or forcedthan spontaneously; artificial or f

78、orcedn n但是克林顿和盖茨在其他方面,特别是缺点上,也但是克林顿和盖茨在其他方面,特别是缺点上,也不乏共同点。为了达到目的,两人都魄力十足,醉不乏共同点。为了达到目的,两人都魄力十足,醉身自我,会把规则推到一边或者干脆越过规则。但身自我,会把规则推到一边或者干脆越过规则。但要他们解释自己的所作所为时,两人都曾表现出法要他们解释自己的所作所为时,两人都曾表现出法律程序不屑一顾,甚至于捏造事实。律程序不屑一顾,甚至于捏造事实。n nThese qualities have landed both men in similar binds: Clinton is waiting to hear

79、 if he will be removed from office; Gates is fending off the Justice Departments effort to rein in, or even carve up, Microsoft. Their flaws will take center stage this week, as both men mount defenses in their respective trials.n n这些特质也让两人陷入了类似的困境:克林顿正等待庭审,决定他是否要离职;盖茨则全力阻挠司法部的做法,对方打算要由政府掌控甚至分割微软。因为

80、两人都在各自的审讯中为自己辩护,所以两人的这些缺点自然也就占据了这周的中心舞台,成为街头巷尾热议的话题。n nBoth men found their callings early. Clinton was elected a senator at Boys Nation at 16. On a Washington field trip that year, he shook hands with President Kennedy-an iconic moment captured in a photo. After Yale Law School and a Rhodes Scholar

81、ship, Clinton, at 32, became governor of Arkansas.n n两人早年都找到了未来的职业。16岁时克林顿就当选为男孩国家的参议院。同年在参加在华盛顿举办的一次校外活动中,他就与肯尼迪总统握手,这一历史性的时刻也在照片保留下来。之后他步入耶鲁法学院,获得罗兹奖学金,最终32岁时当选为阿肯萨斯州州长。n nThe single-minded rise to political power is a timeless story, but Clintons came with the distinctive trappings of his era: th

82、e scruffy beard and antiwar protests while at Oxford, the experimentation with pot, the civil rights movement sensibility and the feminist wife who kept her name-at least initially.n n克林顿一心追逐政治权力,这在任何时候都是谈资话题,但他身上也不乏他这个时代的特色。在牛津读书时,他也曾留着邋遢的胡子高呼反战口号,曾经试着吸过大麻,对民权运动很敏感,还任由带有女权主义思想的老婆婚后保留自己的名字,即便只有婚后最初保留了一段时间,最终还是改过来了。



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