(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1

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(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1_第1页
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(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1_第2页
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(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1_第3页
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(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1_第4页
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(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1_第5页
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《(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新课标)2019年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Life Choices Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)课件 北师大版必修1(86页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Life ChoicesSection Language Points()(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)语语言言基基础础自自测测charitydowntownfeaturefunctionsgraduatedsufferedintendedpositioncontactedabsolutelysufferentirelytensionorganiseapplyprofessionalinspireindependentlyattractivelaughtercontributionfromtotoinfromofupwithforasgraduated fromas

2、well asdeal withTo be frankdue togave upreading a newspaper Driving a car Not everything What we need If he studied atthis school 核核心心要要点点探探究究sufferings tobytypicallyofto tryinspiringapplicationthemselvesshould cometo getoverto与打交道处理与做生意涉及howwhatbut alsoiscontributedtointended to have doneto seeGene

3、rally to that afterto attainnotBothwhatwhat语语法法专专项项突突破破描述事物说明人描述事物说明人disappointedexcitedsurprisingworryingfrightenedinterestedmovedpleasedinterestingsatisfying随随堂堂效效果果落落实实whatforcontributioniswhatto makeapplicantsinspiringInStrictlyintended to prevent accidentswhat I want to tell youas well as in winterinspired us with courageam eager for a chance



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