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1、精通版精通版五年级上册五年级上册Fun time 1Fun readingLets read and actShan Shan has a new storybook. The story is about a famous scientist.珊珊有一本新的故事书。珊珊有一本新的故事书。这个故事是关于一个著名的科学家的。这个故事是关于一个著名的科学家的。Whos this?Her name is Marie Curie.What did she do?She was a scientist.Marie Curie was a smart and pretty woman. She lived

2、 in France. She had short hair and big blue eyes.玛丽玛丽居里是一个既聪明又漂亮的女人。她住在法国。居里是一个既聪明又漂亮的女人。她住在法国。她有短头发和蓝色的大眼睛。她有短头发和蓝色的大眼睛。She was pretty and smart.Ask and Answer1. Was she from Britain?2. Was she beautiful?3. Was she an actress?Marie studied science and maths. Her father was her teacher. Her mother w

3、as a school teacher.玛丽学习科学和数学。她的爸爸是她的老师。她的玛丽学习科学和数学。她的爸爸是她的老师。她的妈妈是一所学校的老师。妈妈是一所学校的老师。What did her mother do? Can you guess?Can you guess?doctornurseteacherfactory workerpolicewomanMarie was a famous scientist. She was active and kind. She helped many people. People all over the world know about her

4、 good work.玛丽是一位著名的科学家。她既活泼又友好。她帮助了玛丽是一位著名的科学家。她既活泼又友好。她帮助了许多人。全世界的人们都了解她的伟大工作。许多人。全世界的人们都了解她的伟大工作。Lets act, Shan Shan. Im Marie Curie.OK. Im her father.What do you want to be in the future, Marie?You can also act the story of other famous people.Whats his/her name?Whos he/she?Where does he /she com

5、e from?Is he/she good at his/her school work?How old is he/she?What does he/she do?Cultural linkChildren all over the world celebrate Childrens DayChildrens Day in China is on June 1st. This girl is doing a Silk Ribbon Dance.在中国儿童节是在在中国儿童节是在6 6月月1 1日。这个日。这个女孩正在跳丝带舞。女孩正在跳丝带舞。Students in Singapore cel

6、ebrate Childrens Day on the first Friday in October with their teachers.新加坡的同学们在新加坡的同学们在1010月的第一个月的第一个星期五和他们的老师一起庆祝儿星期五和他们的老师一起庆祝儿童节。童节。Children in Australia celebrate Childrens Day on the fourth Wednesday in October.澳大利亚的孩子们在澳大利亚的孩子们在1010月的第月的第四个星期三庆祝儿童节。四个星期三庆祝儿童节。Children in New Zealand celebrate Childrens Day on the first Sunday in March.新西兰的孩子们在新西兰的孩子们在3 3月的第一月的第一个星期日庆祝儿童节。个星期日庆祝儿童节。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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