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2、求道:上帝,我能得到一便士吗?上帝回答:过一秒钟.基本概念什么是主语?找出下列句子主语主主语语从句从句I like EnglishTo see is to believeSmoking is bad for healthWhat he has said is true他通过了考试让老师很高兴He passed the examIt made the teacher very happyHe passed the exam made the teacher very happyThat he passed the exam made the teacher very happy他何时再来还不清楚

3、When will he come?It is not clear.When will he come is not clearWhen he will come is not clear理解主理解主语语从句从句1 1That he will come is certain.That he will come is certain.2 2Whether it will please them is not easy to Whether it will please them is not easy to say.say.3 3What seems easy to some people se

4、ems What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.difficult to others.4 4Which side will win is not clear.Which side will win is not clear.5 5Why he did it remains a mystery.Why he did it remains a mystery.6 6When they will start is not known yet.When they will start is not known yet.7 7H

5、ow he became a great scientist is known How he became a great scientist is known to us all.to us all.8 8Who will take part in the meeting has not Who will take part in the meeting has not been decided.been decided.9 9Whoever breaks the law will be punished.Whoever breaks the law will be punished.101

6、0Where she is from is unknown.Where she is from is unknown.思考 主语从句引导词有哪些?如何选用?找出主找出主语语从句从句引导词 从属连词 that 和 whether 连接代词 who whoever what whatever which whichever连接副词 when where how why语序 陈述语序主主语语从句特点从句特点依据依据“ “缺什么缺什么补什么什么” ”原原则确定正确的确定正确的连词。所。所谓“ “缺什么缺什么补什么什么” ”是指句型是指句型结构与构与连词之之间的关系。的关系。如果句子中缺主如果句子中缺主

7、语,指人用,指人用whowho,指物用,指物用whatwhat;如;如缺缺宾语,指人用,指人用whomwhom,指物用,指物用whatwhat;如缺;如缺时间状状语用用whenwhen;地点状;地点状语用用wherewhere;原因状;原因状语用用whywhy;方式状方式状语用用howhow;定;定语用用whatwhat或或whichwhich;什么都不;什么都不缺用缺用thatthat。引引导词导词的的选择选择. _ he didnt attend the meeting yesterday wasnt quite clear._ team will win the match is sti

8、ll unknown._ comes to the party will receive a present._ Mary has left is still a question.-surprised me most was that the little girl could play the violin so well.-we shall hold our sports meeting is not decided.-she was chosen made us very happy.用用用用what/ which /whoever /whywhat/ which /whoever /

9、whywhat/ which /whoever /whywhat/ which /whoever /why /when/whether/that /when/whether/that /when/whether/that /when/whether/that 填空填空填空填空Why which whoever whether what when thatWhat 与 that 引导的主语从句What you said just now is rightThat she is still alive is a great news to us规则: what 引导的主语从句在句子中充当成分 如主

10、语,宾语 表语;That 引导的主语从句在句子中只起连接作用但不能省略。主主语语从句从句规则规则由 that 引导:1. That we shall be late is certain.2. That the earth is round is known to all. (地球是圆的)3. That you missed the chance is a pity. (你错过了这次机会)that 无意义, 后接一个完整的句子。that 不可省。为了避免主语冗长, 句子头重脚轻, 经常用it作形式主语, 主语从句放在后面作真正的主语.That we shall be late is certa

11、in.- Its certain that we shall be late.1. That the earth is round is known to all.- 2. That you missed the chance is a pity.主主语语从句后置从句后置It is known to all that the earth is round It is a pity that you missed the chance (1)It + be + (1)It + be + 形容形容词 thatthat从句从句It is necessary that It is necessary

12、that 有必要有必要It is important that . It is important that . 重要的是重要的是It is obvious that It is obvious that 很明很明显(2)It + be + -ed(2)It + be + -ed分分词 thatthat从句从句It is believed that It is believed that 人人们相信相信It is known to us/all that . It is known to us/all that . 众所周知众所周知It has been decided that It has

13、 been decided that 已已经决定决定(3)It + be + (3)It + be + 名名词 thatthat从句从句It is common knowledge that It is common knowledge that 是常是常识It is a surprise that . It is a surprise that . 令人惊奇的是令人惊奇的是It is a fact that It is a fact that 事事实是是(4)It + (4)It + 不及物不及物动词 thatthat从句从句It appears that It appears that 似

14、乎似乎It happens that . It happens that . 碰巧碰巧It occurred to me that It occurred to me that 我突然想起我突然想起用用it it形式主形式主语的的thatthat从句有以下四种不同的搭从句有以下四种不同的搭配:配:When will he come is not knownWhen he will come is not known 主语从句一律用陈述语序即 主语在前 谓语在后主主语语从句需注意的几个从句需注意的几个问题问题He made an important speech at the meeting w

15、as true.That he made an important speech at the meeting was true.That 无意义无意义 但是不能省但是不能省If well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather引导主语从句只能用whetherWhat I say and think are none of your business.What I say and think is none of your busines

16、s.主语从句谓语动词多用单数What was once regarded as impossible has come true .Whether you like him is none of my business .When they will start and what they will do are still not knownWhat you left are only several old books.What you said is of great importance.“what”引导主语从句时, 谓语动词: 常与其后的名词作表语一致 小小试试牛刀牛刀他所需要的是食

17、物What he needs is foodWhether he is my child remains a question他是不是我的孩子仍然是个他是不是我的孩子仍然是个问题That Tfboys will come to chengan makes me very happyTfboysTfboys要来成安的消息使我非常要来成安的消息使我非常高高兴兴What I need most is rest我最需要的就是休息我最需要的就是休息1. _ he didnt attend the meeting 1. _ he didnt attend the meeting yesterday was

18、nt quite clear.yesterday wasnt quite clear.2. The Foreign Minister said, “It is our 2. The Foreign Minister said, “It is our hope _ the two sides will work hope _ the two sides will work towards peace.”towards peace.”3. _ Mary has left is still a question.3. _ Mary has left is still a question.4. It

19、s reported _ three people were 4. Its reported _ three people were killed in the accident and five were hurt badly.killed in the accident and five were hurt badly.5. _ he solved the problem successfully 5. _ he solved the problem successfully interested all of us.interested all of us.6. It is a fact

20、 _ English is being accepted 6. It is a fact _ English is being accepted as an international language.as an international language.7. _ is to be sent there to solve the 7. _ is to be sent there to solve the problem hasnt been decided.problem hasnt been decided. 即学即用即学即用I. I. 用适当的用适当的词词填空,使填空,使句子意思完整。句子意思完整。1.why2. that3. whether 4.that5.whether6.that7.who



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