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1、七年级下册 Units 581. knife (n. ) _ (pl. )刀刀2. high (adj. &adv. ) _ (adj. )(反反义词)低的低的; 浅的浅的3. bring (v. ) _ (v. )(反(反义词)拿走)拿走4. easy(adj. ) _ (adv. )容易地容易地5. win (v. ) _ (n. )获胜者者6. health (n. ) _ (adj. )健康的健康的 _ (adv. )健康地健康地kniveslowtakeeasilywinnerhealthyhealthily7. active (adj. ) _ (n. )活活动; 工作工作8. i

2、mportant (adj. ) _ (n. )重要性重要性9. always (adv. ) _ (adv. )(反(反义词)从来没有)从来没有, 决不决不10. far (adj. & adv. ) _(比(比较级)较远,更,更远 _ (最高最高级)最最远11. happy (adj. ) _ (adv. )幸福地;幸福地;满足地足地 _ (adv. )(反(反义词)不高)不高兴地,地,遗憾地憾地activityimportanceneverfarther/furtherfarthest/furthesthappilyunhappily【品品词自自测】根据句意用所根据句意用所给词的适当形式

3、填空的适当形式填空The book isnt Toms. Its _ (I). We can solve the question _ (easy). Lets eat _ (health) food. Alice is the _ (win) of the game. 答案:答案:mine easily healthy winner1. 充充满;装有;装有be filled _2. 跌落跌落fall _3. 醒;醒来醒;醒来wake _4. 放弃放弃give _5. 熬夜;醒着熬夜;醒着stay _6. 擅擅长be good _withoffupupupat7. 使某人想起或意使某人想起或意

4、识到某人到某人/某事物某事物remind sb. _ sb. /sth. 8. 想到;考想到;考虑think _9. go home_10. get to work _11. play cards_12. make snowmen_ofof回家回家开始学开始学习/工作工作玩扑克牌玩扑克牌堆雪人堆雪人13. a little_14. at the same time_15. go swimming_16. get ready to. . . _17. look forward to (doing)_18. each other_一点儿;稍一点儿;稍许同同时;一起;一起游泳游泳准准备做做期待期待(

5、做做); 盼望(做)盼望(做)互相;彼此互相;彼此1. 到吃早餐的到吃早餐的时间了!了!_ breakfast! 2. 到上学的到上学的时间了!了!_ to school! 3. 我我们同同岁。Were _ age. 4. 今天天气怎么今天天气怎么样? _ / _Time forTime to gothe sameHows the weather today?Whats the weather like today?5. 在冬天你喜在冬天你喜欢做什么做什么? What do you _ in winter? 6. 你你/你你们怎么怎么样? _ you? 7. 现在,在,轮到李明到李明讲话了。了

6、。_ speak. 8. 你多你多长时间吃一次面包圈吃一次面包圈? _ do you eat donuts? 通常情况下一天两次。通常情况下一天两次。Usually _. like to doWhat aboutNow, its Li Mings turn toHow oftentwice a day1. always adv. 总是是, 一直一直I always like a snowy day. 我我总是喜是喜欢下雪天。下雪天。They often go to school on foot. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ _ they _ to school on foot? Tony

7、 is a good student, and he is _ late for school. A. always B. usually C. often D. never【自主自主归纳】(1)频度副度副词always/usually/often/sometimes/never的相同点的相同点位置位置be动词、助、助动词、情、情态动词之后,行之后,行为动词之前之前sometimes除除了了上上述述位位置置之之外外,还可可置置于于句句首首或或句句尾尾提提问对这些些词提提问要用要用 _how often(2)频度副度副词always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ nev

8、er的不同点的不同点频度副度副词含含义图示示位置位置_总是;一直;始是;一直;始终usually通常通常always频度副度副词含含义图示示位置位置often经常常sometimes有有时;不;不时_从不从不答案:答案:How often do; go Dnever2. other adj. 别的,其他的的,其他的In other places, there is brown, wet grass. 在其他地方有棕色的湿草。在其他地方有棕色的湿草。There is a pen in this hand. Can you guess what it is in _ hand? A. anothe

9、r B. some C. other D. the otherThe banana pie tastes delicious. Could I have _ one? A. another B. otherC. the other D. othersStudents are usually interested in sports. Some like running; some like swimming; _ like ball games. A. others B. anotherC. the other D. other(1)表示)表示许多人或物中的多人或物中的“一部分一部分”和和“另

10、一部分(并非另一部分(并非全部)全部)”,用,用some. . . others/ other + 名名词复数复数. . .(2)表示)表示许多人或物中的多人或物中的“一部分一部分”和和“其余的全部其余的全部”,用用some. . . the others. . .(3)表示两件)表示两件东西或两个西或两个人中人中“一个一个另一个另一个”时,用,用one. . . the other. . .【自主归纳自主归纳】答案:答案:D A A(4)强强调确确定定数数目目中中的的 “一一个个”与与“其其余余的的”,用用one. . . the others. . . (5)表表示示不不定定数数目目中中的

11、的“一一个个”与与“另另一一个个”,用用one. . . another. . . 3. win v. 获胜,赢得得Bobs team won the game! 鲍勃勃队赢得了比得了比赛! 得知他在冲浪比得知他在冲浪比赛中中获得第一我得第一我们又惊又惊讶又又兴奋。We were surprised and excited to know that he _ the first prize in the surfing competition. Tom is good at playing chess, and he always _ me at it. A. hits B. beats C.

12、 wins D. loses如果你如果你输了了这场比比赛怎么怎么办?不用担心。我不会不用担心。我不会输给他的。他的。What will you do if you _ the match? Dont worry. I wont _ _ him. 【自主自主归纳】 win和和beat及及lose和和lose to的用法辨析的用法辨析(1)_ +race, match, game,prize(即比(即比赛、战争、争、奖 _ 品等)品等)(2)beat +比比赛、竞争的争的对手(即指人或球手(即指人或球队的名的名词 lose to 或代或代词)答案:答案:won B lose;lose towinl

13、ose4. enough adj. &adv. 足足够的(地)的(地)I dont do enough exercise. 我没做足我没做足够的的训练。有足有足够10个人吃的食物。个人吃的食物。There is _ _ for ten people to eat. The young man is _ carry that heavy bag. A. strong enough to B. enough strong toC. not strong enough D. strong enoughBill isnt tall. He cant reach the top of the door.

14、 (合合并并句句子子, 句句意不意不变) Bill isnt _ _ _ _ the top of the door. =Bill is _ _ _ he cant reach the top of the door. =Bill is _ _ _ _ the top of the door. 【自主自主归纳】 enough的用法的用法(1)作作形形容容词,意意为“充充足足的的, 足足够的的”,修修饰名名词,位位置置可可前前可可后,常在前。后,常在前。(2)作作副副词,意意为“充充足足地地, 足足够地地”,修修饰形形容容词、副副词或或动词,但必但必须后置。后置。(3)enough的常用句式:的

15、常用句式:adj. /adv. +enough+(for sb. ) to do sth. (某人)(某人) 足足够做某事做某事=so+adj. /adv. +that从句从句=too+adj. /adv. (+for sb. )+to do sth. 答案:答案:enough food Atall enough to reach; so short that; too short to reach5. How often do you eat donuts? 你多久吃一次面包圈?你多久吃一次面包圈?Usually twice a day. 通常一天两次。通常一天两次。I wonder _ y

16、oull water this kind of tree. Once a week. A. how often B. how longC. how far D. how much _ have you lived in China?Since 2011. A. How long B. How muchC. How often D. How soon答案:答案:A Ahow _ 多久一次,多久一次,对动作作发生的生的频率率进行提行提问how _多多长时间,对介介词for或或since引引导的的时间状状语进行提行提问how _多多久久才才,一一般般用用于于将将来来时,对介介词in引引导的的时间状状

17、语进行提行提问how much多多少少;多多少少钱,用用于于提提问不不可可数数名名词的的数数量量或或商商品品的价格的价格how far多多远,对事物事物间的距离的距离进行提行提问【自主归纳自主归纳】oftenlongsoon. 词汇运用运用1. (2012桂林中考桂林中考)Is it your dictionary? No, its not m_. 2. (2012宿宿迁迁中中考考)Im looking forward to _ (meet) my old friend, Jim, this Sunday. 3. (2012滨州州中中考考)Peter turned off the comput

18、er after he finished _ (write) an e-mail. 答案:答案:1. mine 2. meeting 3. writing 4. (2011乌鲁木木齐中中考考)Dao Langs songs are quite _ (流流行行)today in the whole country. 5. (2011梧梧州州中中考考) I bought a new _ (雨雨伞) in the shop last weekend. 6. (2011凉凉山山中中考考)My sister studies hard; she often finishes her homework _

19、(容易容易). 7. (2011南南充充中中考考) He spends more than an hour _ (锻炼) every day. 答案:答案:4. popular 5. umbrella 6. easily 7. exercising. 单项选择1. (2012安徽中考安徽中考)Whose pen is this? Oh, its _. I was looking for it everywhere. A. you B. yours C. me D. mine【解解析析】选选D。由由“我我正正在在到到处处寻寻找找它它”可可知知上上一一句句应应该该是是“哦,它是我的哦,它是我的”。

20、故选。故选D。2. (2012河南中考河南中考)Do you have any plans for this weekend? Im not sure. I _ go climbing Mount Yuntai. A. must B. need C. may D. can【解析解析】选选C。may在此表示推测,意为在此表示推测,意为“可能可能”。3. (2012东营中考中考)Whats on _ side of the hill, mum? A big lake. A. other B. others C. another D. the other【解析解析】选选D。在山的另一边用。在山的另一

21、边用the other。4. (2012六六盘水水中中考考)The little girl is not old enough to go to school. A. too young B. too oldC. too small D. too big【解解析析】选选A。not old enough意意为为“不不够够大大”,意意为为“too young(太小太小)。”5. (2012南南 充充 中中 考考 )Dont _ up English. Its very important. A. give B. hurry C. stay【解析解析】选选A。give up是固定词组,意为是固定词组

22、,意为“放弃放弃”。6. (2012泰泰安安中中考考)Dont _ so often. Its bad for your health. A. get up B. stay upC. look up D. come up【解解析析】选选B。get up起起床床;stay up熬熬夜夜;look up抬抬头头, 查查字字典典;come up走走过过来来。句句意意:不不要要这这么么经经常常熬熬夜夜,对对健健康康有有害害。故故选选B。7. (2012临沂沂中中考考)English is my favorite subject and I am good _ it. A. for B. to C. a

23、t D. of【解析解析】选选C。be good at擅长擅长。8. (2011德德州州中中考考) I _ go to the theatre, because I dont like operas at all. A. always B. oftenC. sometimes D. never【解解析析】选选D。这这是是一一个个由由because引引导导的的原原因因状状语语从从句句。由由because I dont like operas at all“因因为为我我一一点点也也不不喜喜欢欢戏戏剧剧”可可知我从不去剧院。知我从不去剧院。9. (2011连云港中考)云港中考)Oh, the tra

24、ffic is so heavy. Lets change _ route to the airport. A. other B. others C. the other D. another【解解析析】选选D。考考查查不不定定代代词词。题题干干为为“换换别别的的路路线线”,而而other为为“另另外外的的”;others后后不不能能加加名名词词;the other为为“两两者者当当中中的的另另一一个个”;another表表示示“再再,又又;别别的的,其其他他的的;任任何何一个一个”,指三者或三者以上中的任何一个。,指三者或三者以上中的任何一个。10. (2011哈哈尔尔滨中中考考)Boys

25、and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become _ in the exam. So please take a deep breath and calm down. A. runners B. winners C. players【解解析析】选选B。根根据据in the exam可可知知句句意意为为“要要成成为为考考试试中中的的获获胜胜者者,关关键键是是心心态态平平和和”。runner奔奔跑跑者者;winner获获胜胜者者;冠军;冠军;player队员;球员。队员;球员。11. (2011广广元元中中考考)For a foreig

26、ner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, _ I enjoy living in China. A. the better B. the moreC. the best【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:对对于于像像我我这这样样的的外外国国人人来来说说,我我对对中中国国历历史史了了解解得得越越多多,我我就就越越喜喜欢欢住住在在中中国国。由由句句意意可可知知,这这是是“the +比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级”结构。结构。12. (2011北北京京中中考考)I knocked on the door, but _ answered.

27、 A. somebody B. nobodyC. anybody D. everybody【解解析析】选选B。考考查查不不定定代代词词。由由句句中中but可可知知此此处处应应该该是是没没有有人人应应答答。somebody 某某人人,有有人人;nobody没没有有人人;anybody任任何何人;人;everybody每个人。故选每个人。故选B。13. (2011遵遵义中考中考) Sometimes I take a No. 31 bus to work. A. by B. catch C. get【解析解析】选选B。take a bus =catch a bus 乘坐公共汽车。乘坐公共汽车。14

28、. (2011荆州中考)州中考) What _ do you like? I run every morning, and often play tennis at weekends. A. sports B. music C. art D. subjects 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词词词义义辨辨析析。由由run“跑跑步步”和和play tennis“打网球打网球”可知所做之事均属可知所做之事均属sports范畴,故选范畴,故选A。. 按要求完成句子按要求完成句子1. (2012宿宿迁迁中中考考)我我们已已经好好多多年年没没有有见面面了了,但但是是我我们不不时地通地通邮件。件。We

29、 havent seen each other for many years, but we send emails _ _ _ _ . 2. (2011乌鲁木木齐中中考考)Im surprised to find great changes have taken place in China. (改改为同同义句句)_ my _, I find great changes have taken place in China. 答案:答案:1. from time to time 2. To; surprise 3. (2011广广安安中中考考)My daughter is looking fo

30、rward to _ (收集收集) more stamps. 4. (2011天天津津中中考考)如如果果你你对这个个俱俱乐部部感感兴趣趣,请填填写写这张申申请表。表。If you are interested in this club, please _ _ this application form. 答案:答案:3. collecting 4. fill in 调查报告告是是近近几几年年中中考考书面面表表达达题目目的的新新型型题目目,其其中中多多以以初初中中生生身身边的的事事物物为调查内内容容。在在写写作作此此类话题作作文文过程程中中可以在原有提示内容的基可以在原有提示内容的基础上上结合身

31、合身边现实情况加以佐情况加以佐证补充。充。【典典题示例示例】(2012宿迁中考宿迁中考) 江江苏省省教教育育厅5月月7日日公公布布的的2011年年学学生生体体质健健康康调查结果果显示示,学学生生近近视率率仍仍维持持在在高高位位水水平平,且且越越来来越越低低龄化化。请根根据下表所提示的内容,用英据下表所提示的内容,用英语写一篇短文,并写一篇短文,并发表自己的表自己的观点。点。 现状状大大约70%的学生眼睛近的学生眼睛近视主要原因主要原因1. 睡眠不足睡眠不足2. 长时间看看书、做作、做作业、用、用电脑等等预防方法防方法1. 做眼保健操,多做眼保健操,多进行体育活行体育活动2. 养成正确的用眼养成

32、正确的用眼习惯你的你的观点点(至少一条)(至少一条)注意:注意:1. 词数数80左右。开左右。开头已已经写好,不写好,不计入入总词数;数;2. 内容必内容必须包括上表中的要点,可作必要的包括上表中的要点,可作必要的发挥;3. 条理清楚、条理清楚、语句句连贯;4. 文中不得出文中不得出现真真实的地名、校名和人名等信息。的地名、校名和人名等信息。 (参考(参考词汇:近:近视的的 shortsighted) The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a very young age. At present, _【审

33、题谋篇篇】 1. 本本篇篇文文章章要要求求根根据据调查报告告写写一一篇篇有有关关学学生生体体质健健康康的的说明明文文,主主要要考考查学学生生根根据据所所给提提示示信信息息,综合合理理解解和和运运用用语言的能力。言的能力。 2. 人称:第三人称;人称:第三人称; 3. 主要主要时态:一般:一般现在在时 4. 高分模板:高分模板:【佳作佳作诵读】 The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a very young age. At present, about 70% of students are shortsi

34、ghted. Here are some main causes. Some students dont have enough sleep. Some students spend too much time reading or doing their homework without a rest. Some students even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time. In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye exercises every day. We can

35、 also try to do more sports in our spare time. We should have the good habit of using our eyes. I think all of us should understand the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect our eyes. 【名名师点睛点睛】 (1)本本文文通通过at present, here are. . . , in order to, I think等等短短语和句型的运用使文章和句型的运用使文章衔接自然、接自然、结构合理。构合理。 (2)最最后后一一段段提提出出了了保保护眼眼睛睛的的倡倡议,使使主主题得得以以深深化化,达达到了首尾呼到了首尾呼应的目的。的目的。



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