2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey——My Neighbourhood Section Ⅳ Using Language课件 外研版必修1

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey——My Neighbourhood Section Ⅳ Using Language课件 外研版必修1_第1页
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1、Module 4A Social SurveyMy NeighbourhoodSection Using Language教教材材语语篇篇细细研研disappearingforlivelierto find awheregoesto buysurvivalsadder语语言言基基础础自自测测Exchangingoccupationgallerycontactaffordtrafficorganisationemploymentunemployed professionalsurvivebacksototillfromaofitupget away frommade ita number of/

2、a great many gone up(that/inwhich) he explainedthe question that it is useful forus to stay here would be quitedifferent 核核心心要要点点探探究究inforoverwithare pouredhas been spentdownhas been broughtto staytosurvivaloninwithhave lefthave played随随堂堂效效果果落落实实be contactedto buyprofessionalupsurvivor withhave known employmenthasitarethe way (that/in which) we workcant afford to buyto get away from workand playexchange ideas with our parentscouldnt have succeeded



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