2018秋九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time课件 (新版)外研版

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2018秋九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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2018秋九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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《2018秋九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time课件 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time课件 (新版)外研版(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 8Sports lifeUnit 1Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1You need to make a d_ on this by next week.2Please give me a reasonable _ (借借口口) for being late for class.decision excuse 3You must be m_ to do such a thing.4We had good _ (座座位位)at the front of the

2、 theatre.5Tim was so angry that he _ (踢踢) the door.mad seats kicked .用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1What was the score?Our team 90 points _ theirs 88.2My father was very mad _ me for my bad behavior.3Im afraid Ive got no chance _ visiting your city. I have to leave now.to at of 4Its great fun watching a live ma

3、tch _ other fans in the stadium.5They are all training hard these days _ the Citys Football Competition.with for .单项选择。单项选择。(导学号:导学号:34094064)()1.Our class will play _ Class Three.Really? Well, youve got no chance of winning the match.【高频考点高频考点】AforBintoConDagainstD ( )2.(2017合合 肥肥 38中中 月月 考考 )Lucy,

4、 whats your _ for taking this afternoon off?Well, Ill have to take care of my sick mother at home.ApointBdecisionCexcuseDaction( )3.(2017合合肥肥模模拟拟)I hope Linda wont go to America._ the truth. She has booked the plane ticket.AFaceBAvoidCLikeDRefuseC A ()4.What does CCTV _?Astand forBstand atCstand toD

5、stand()5.Do you think Tim will apologize to me?_. He never says sorry to anybody.ANo wayBNice workCGood luckDI think soA A .根据汉语意思完成下列句子。根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1我我们都不明白都不明白这个个标志代表什么。志代表什么。None of us knows what the sign _ _.2我决不我决不对发生的事情生的事情负责。In _ _ am I responsible for what has happened.stands for no way 3那不

6、是你那不是你迟到的理由。到的理由。_ _ _ for your being late.4迟早我早我们得面得面对事事实。Well have to _ _ _ sooner or later.5我没有回答他我没有回答他问题的机会。的机会。_ _ _ _ to reply to his question.Thats no excuse face the truth Ive got no chance 6干得好!干得好!报告写得真不告写得真不错。_ _ on the report. It was excellent.7记住关上所有住关上所有门窗。窗。_ _ close all the doors an

7、d windows.8他他为没赶上火没赶上火车而而恼火。火。He _ _ _ missing his train.Nice work Remember to was mad at .同义句转换。同义句转换。1We didnt win the basketball match last week.We _ _ in the basketball match last week.2I think you are wrong.【高频考点高频考点】I _ _ you are _.3Are you in the school football team?_ you _ _ the school foot

8、ball team?were defeated/beaten dont think right Do play for 4The woman began to exercise every morning to lose weight.The woman began to exercise every morning _ _ _ lose weight.5He bought his children some pens.【高频考点高频考点】Some pens _ _ _ his children by him.in order to were bought for .补全对话。补全对话。(其中

9、有两项多余其中有两项多余)A: Hello! May I ask you some questions?B: Of course.A: 1._B: Basketball.A: 2._B: Yao Ming, of course. 3._D A G A: When and where was he born?B: 4._A: When did he start playing basketball?B: He started playing basketball in 1989, at the age of nine.A: 5._B: For about eight years.A: Thank

10、 you for answering my questions.B: Youre welcome.B E .完形填空。完形填空。(导学号:导学号:34094065)We had Sports Day at school on Saturday. I entered the 100 meters, 400 meters and high jump for older boys.I didnt win the 100 meters but I came in _1_. My friend Peter came in first. I really thought I was going to be

11、at him. But he managed to run just a little bit _2_ than me over the last 20 meters and broke the tape a fraction of a second before me. Next year, Ill beat him!I won the 400 meters. I think I am probably a better _3_ at the longer distances. Next year, I might enter the 1,000 meters. To win the sho

12、rt distance races, you need to get a very good start. With the longer distance races, however, you have time to _4_ if you get off to a slow start.Although I won the _5_, it was a slow race compared with last year. I was 2 seconds behind my personal best. I know _6_. I havent been doing enough train

13、ing. Next year, I must get into training at least a month _7_ Sports Day. I will run _8_ half an hour every morning.I thought I was going to win the high jump but I _9_ the bar in my third jump. My left foot touched the bar just enough to knock it down. I need to _10_ more if I am going to win this

14、event next year.()1.A.firstBsecondCthirdDfourth()2.A.faster BslowerChappier Dearlier()3.A.jumperBrunnerCwalker Dswimmer()4.A.hand up Bshow offCcatch up Dend up()5.A.400 meters B100 metersChigh jump Dlong jumpBABCA()6.A.what BwhyChow Dwhich()7.A.duringBafterCbeforeDof()8.A.for BatCto Don()9.A.knocked

15、 down Bbroke downCwent downDturned down()10.A.studyBwork Cpractice DwriteBCAAC.阅读短文,从方框中短文,从方框中选择适当的句子适当的句子补全短文。全短文。Football is the most popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this.One of the most surprising things about football in England to a stranger i

16、s the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. 1._ He has photos of them and knows the results of a large number of matches. E 2._ Most schools in England take football seriously much more seriously than all the other European schools, where lessons are the most importa

17、nt and games are left for private arrangements. 3._ And one of the best ways of training character is by means of games, especially team games, where the boy has to learn to work with others for his team instead of working selfishly for himself alone. 4._ Football is a good team game. It is good exe

18、rcise for the body. It needs skills and a quick brain and it is cheap. 5._D B C A AAs a result, it is the school favorite game in winter.BIn England, it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boys mind with facts in a classroom, education also means character training.CThe school therefore arranges games and matches for its pupils.DHe will tell you proudly who he expects will win the game, and his opinion is usually right.EHe can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams.



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