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1、1About “Smoke”1. smoke (n.) U烟烟 smoke from factory chimneyC吸烟吸烟 They stopped work to have a smoke (v.) 抽抽(香烟等香烟等) smoke a cigarette2. smoker (n.)吸烟者吸烟者3. smoky (adj.)冒烟的冒烟的4. smokeless (adj.)无烟的无烟的2Why do so many people smoke?31 Reduce pressure.2 Curiosity.3 Popular actors and kids do it.4 It is coo

2、l.5 Mothers or fathers smoke.6 Brothers or sisters smoke.Top 6 reasons for young students smoking. 4IntroductionSome Facts of Smoking and New Vocabulary5Choose the answers you think are correct. 1) During the 1990s, (21,000/21,000,000) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2) A quarter of yo

3、ung people who smoke more than (10/20) cigarettes a day will die prematurely(过早地过早地) as a result of smoking.63) In the United Kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000)deaths a year.4) Thirteen people die (every hour every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer , bronchitis and h

4、eart disease.5) Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.7Todays Highlight(最重要(最重要的事件)的事件) in History禁烟日禁烟日May, 31stNo smoking Day firstly started in America in 1984. It aimed at (针对)(针对)all people who would like to give up smoking,

5、 including teenagers. Each year, many countries carry out (进行进行) all kinds of campaigns (活动活动) on this day to help smokers to quit.(停止,放弃)(停止,放弃)81.During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. as a result of because of on account of + n. pron. v-ing 由于粗心驾驶的结果由于粗心驾驶的结果,

6、 他最后被送进了医院他最后被送进了医院. He ended up in hospital as a result of his careless driving.9He gave me a hand, _ I succeeded at last.There was a terrible accident, _, I was late for school. Many people died _ smoking. so as a result 表示结果表示结果;as a result of 等等表示前面的原因表示前面的原因. soas a resultas a result of102. Thi

7、rteen people die every hour from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. die of (内因内因) cold, hunger, sadness, cancer, old age, thirst11die from(外因外因) wound, lack of food, accident, smokingdie a death 死的死的(heros英雄般的;英雄般的;peaceful安详的安详的 glorious光荣的光荣的)123. r

8、elate vt. 叙述叙述 ,使,使.有联系有联系 She related (to them) how it happened. 她向他们叙述了事情的发生经过。她向他们叙述了事情的发生经过。 relate A to with B 将将联系起来联系起来 be related to sb sth 与与有联系有联系;有关系有关系 = be connected with have sth. to do with 133. In the United Kingdom, smoking causes 121,000 deaths a year.Attention: cause (v.)导致导致, 引起使

9、某人做某事引起使某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. (n.) 起因起因 (常与介词常与介词of连用连用)eg. 火灾是怎样引起的火灾是怎样引起的?What was the cause of the fire?14The end of lifeAn illness which affects your bronchial tubes and makes you cough.A very serious disease that often causes death.Two things some people smoke.hurtstop livingbronchitiscanc

10、erdeathinjuredcigarette, tobaccodie15Discuss the questions with your partners.1. Why do people smoke cigarettes?2. Where do people smoke? Where cant they smoke?3. Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China?16I totally agree with you.I couldnt agree more.Thats a good point.Thats right.Absolutely!

11、Im not sure about that.Lets talk about smoking using the following expressions to show our agreement or disagreement.17Im not sure I agree with that.I dont agree with you.You cant be serious.I completely disagree.18Girl: The government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport. I think i

12、ts a good idea.Boy: _. I think its a very good idea.Girl: I think it would be good if they banned smoking in restaurants and cafes as well.I totally agree with you19Boy: _! That would be an excellent idea.Girl: I also think smoking should be banned in peoples homes as well.Boy: _.AbsolutelyYou cant be serious20DiscussionWhat does smoking do harm to?21(1) waste money The harm of smoking (2) cause social problems, e g. stealingI am I am thiefthief (3) cause illnesses, e g. cancer, heart disease(4) cause fires2223



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