高三英语一轮复习 M5 unit 132 People课件 北师大版

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1、Part 2 Of 27. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of carelessness 指责某人粗心 He is accused of stealing money from his workplace. 他被指控从单位偷钱。 同义词:charge sb. with sth. He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪。8. missing与lostmissing指“缺失的,失踪的”。 The child has been missing for three days. 孩子已失踪3天了。 The book has two pages

2、 missing. 这本书缺了两页。lost指“迷途的;失去的,丢失的,丧失的”, 与missing相比,lost表“丢失”时多指“已证 实不能找回”。 a lost opportunity 一次错过的机会 ones lost youth 逝去的青春 a lost pen 一支遗失的钢笔用missing, lost的适当形式填空1.My dog _ for a whole day. Did you happen to see him anywhere?2.Dont bother to search for it. It has been _.has been missinglost9. tel

3、l off (scold) 斥责,责备 The mother told off the boy for being so rude. 妈妈责备孩子太无礼。 The teacher told him off for talking in class. 老师因他上课讲话而责备他。10. be allergic to与be sensitive to be allergic to (身体上)对过敏;(口)对 极其反感 be allergic to pollen 对花粉过敏 be allergic to work 厌恶工作be sensitive to (性能、身体、情感、精神方面 等)对反应灵敏的;敏

4、感的,神经过敏的, 易受波动的,比allergic应用范围更广。a sensitive skin 敏感的皮肤Asthmatic patients are especially sensitive to odour.气喘病人对气味特别敏感。This tooth is sensitive to cold.这颗牙对冷过敏。He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评极其敏感。11. glare at, glance at, gaze at与stare atglare at 怒视 He glared at me as if I were his enemy. 他怒视着我

5、,似乎我是他的敌人。glance at=glimpse at 瞥一眼 He glanced at his watch, knowing it was time to leave. 他看了下表,知道该离去了。gaze at 凝视(通常带着“欣赏或热切”的意 思);出神 He stood there still, gazing into the distance. 他站着一动不动,眼睛凝视着远方。stare at 睁大眼睛盯着,也有“凝视”之意 Dont stare at others all the time. Its impolite. 不要总盯着别人看,这是不礼貌的。12. whisper

6、vt. ,vi. & n. 耳语,密谈;飒飒响 whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语 whisper about sth. 密谈某事 He said it in a whisper so I did not hear. 他是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。13. deserve vt. & vi. be worthy of 应受,值得; 应该得到deserve punishment / reward 应受处罚/奖赏deserve to do 应该to deserve ill / well of 有罪/功于You deserve it. 这是你应得的。Her name doesnt deser

7、ve to be mentioned. 她的名字不值得一提。He has worked very hard and deserves to passthe exams.他学习很努力,考试及格是应该的。He deserves ill / well of his motherland.他对祖国有罪/功。1.他应该得到父母的表扬。 _ _2.应该再给他一次机会。 _He deserves praise from his parents / to be praised by his parents. He deserves another chance.14. relief n. 减轻;解除;救济 A

8、nesthesia brought relief to the patient. 麻药减轻了病人的疼痛。 His consoling words gave relief to her sorrow. 他的抚慰之语减轻了她的悲伤。 She gave a sigh of relief at hearing the news. 听到这个消息之后,她松了口气。1. Suppose you are a group leader. 假设你是组长。 在这个句型中, suppose 为连词,表示“假 设”,还可用supposing。 suppose作连词引导的从句中,可用陈述语气, 也可用虚拟语气。使用虚拟语

9、气时,所表示 的意思显得更为客气、委婉或不是很肯定。Suppose we have lunch now!我们现在吃午餐吧!Suppose you meet me at the post office at 7:30. 你7点半到邮局找我吧。1.假设我们本周六外出野餐。 _ _2.假如你现在已做完功课。 _ _Suppose we go (went) out for a picnic this Saturday.Suppose you finished (finish) your homework now.2. At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but

10、it is EQ that gets you promoted. 在工作中,一个人的智商决定他能否被录用,而情商则决定他能不能得到提升。 It isthat为强调句型。被强调的成分通常为主语、宾语以及各种状语(或状语从句)。如被强调的是人,可将that改为who(作主语)或whom(作宾语)。如被强调的是时间或地点时,仍需用that。It is one of his friends that (who) told him the truth.告诉他真相的是他的一个朋友。It is in front of the cinema that the traffic accidentbroke out

11、.就在电影院前,发生了车祸。1.就是他在大会上的话引起了争论。 _ _2.早在10年前他就开始写小说了。 _ _It is what he said at the meeting that led to the argument.It was 10 years ago that he began to write novels. 3. The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didnt matter. 她看起来是个善解人意、友善的女孩,可这无济于事。 句中that引导的是同位语从句。同位语从句的名词一般是抽象的或者是有内

12、涵的名词,需要用一个句子把其内容阐明,如:news, promise, hope, story, report, question, doubt, suggestion, fact等。Have you heard of the news that he failed to get to college? 有没有听到他没有考上大学的消息?He made a promise that he would return my money within a month. 他承诺一个月之内还我钱。 注意区分定语从句与同位语从句:判断从句成分是否完整,不缺成分者为同位语 从句,反之为定语从句(或判断引导词t

13、hat在后 面从句中是否充当成分);看从句与该名词是否同一内容,从句是名词内 容则为同位语从句。4. If anything, it made me even angrier. 如果有什么的话,那就是令我更生气了。 If anything=If there is anything 从句中主谓省略,单独作状语。 If anything, what he did discouraged me. 如果有什么的话,那就是他所做的事情让我 灰心丧气。校园生活校园生活(基础写作基础写作) 校园生活,这个话题可能涉及在校学习的课程,学校、班级或学生会等举行的各项比赛;也包括学生的穿着、发型,还包括预习、复习

14、、讨论、归纳等学习活动或教师的教学方法。 实用表达: 1学习 put ones heart into 专注于study in groups 小组学习succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事set / achieve a goal 设立/达到目标encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事prepare oneself for 为做好准备be active in class 课堂上活跃、积极improve study methods / better ways of learning改进学习方法have eight classes 上8节课learnby hea

15、rt 熟记、背诵2成绩fulfill ones dream 实现梦想one of the top students 顶尖学生之一rank the first 排名第一have a good command of 熟练掌握make progress in 在方面取得进步with good grades in 成绩好pass the exam 考试及格fail in the test 考试不及格take an active part in 积极参加join in an English Contest 参加英语竞赛3生活keep / observe school rules 遵守校规break sc

16、hool rules 违反校规live on ones own 独立生活learn to be independent 学会独立get on well with sb. / sth.与某人相处愉快/某事进展顺利help each other with sth. 互相帮助make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友be burdened with great stress 肩负着巨大压力have exam anxiety 考试焦虑feel anxious / down 觉得紧张、沮丧lose heart 失去信心handle pressure 处理压力be neatly dresse

17、d 穿着整齐keep the environment clean 保持环境清洁cheat in an exam 考试作弊fight / quarrel with sb. 和某人打架、吵架throw rubbish / spit everywhere到处乱扔垃圾、吐痰do sports after school 放学后参加体育活动 最近,北京某中学50余名学生,因仪容不符合学校规定而被阻止进校。对此现象,假如你昨天就 “Whats your opinion on the restriction on the students appearance?”在2600名同学中作了一个调查。以下是调查数据

18、:态度比例理由赞成57%只有养成良好的健康文明习惯,才能更好地投入到学习中去。反对33% 限制学生的个性发展。无所谓10%只要仪容能符合大多数人的审美标准(aesthetic standard)就行。【写作内容【写作内容】 1调查的时间、问题以及调查对象; 2同学们不同的观点及其比例; 3你的看法及理由。【写作要求【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 参考词汇: rigid 严格的; suppress 抑制 第一步:审题,确定时态。 本篇基础写作为表格类的基础写作题,话题内容为对中学生仪表问题的调查。要点1用一般过去时,要点2,3用一般现在时。 第二步:提炼要点,整合信息。 从【写作内

19、容】来看,只有3点要求,不能各成一句,否则不能满足5个句子的要求。但是我们仔细分析所列的这三点要求,会发现我们可以对第二点要求进行拆分,因此我们重新组织信息:第一句为调查的时间、问题以及调查对象;第二句为同学们赞成的理由及其比例;第3句为同学们反对的理由及其比例;第四句为同学们持无所谓的观点的理由和比例。第五个要点为个人观点。 第三步: 整理好以后,接下来就要考虑如何表达。 第一句为引入话题句,直接表达即可 Yesterday I did a survey among 2,600 students on “Whats your opinion on the restriction on the

20、 students appearance?”;可以把第二句中的“赞成”用定语从句来表示:who are in favor of the restriction,将后面的“投入到学习中”用devoteto来表达。可以把第三句中的“反对”用some hold a different idea来表达;将所占比例用现在分词短语表达:making up 33%。第四句中的表达难点是 “无所谓”,我们可以使用makeno difference。第五句的个人观点中一定要有原因陈述。 第四步:挖掘句子间的内在关系,选择合适的衔接过渡词,以使文章连贯。 Yesterday I did a survey amon

21、g 2,600 students on “Whats your opinion on the restriction on the students appearance?”. The survey shows that 57% of the students, who are in favor of the restriction, believe that students developing healthy and civilized habits can help devote themselves to study. However, some hold a different i

22、dea that the restriction will limit students personality development greatly, making up 33%. Inaddition,10% of the students still think that if the appearance looks beautiful and satisfies the common aesthetic standard, what styles make no difference. As for myself, I strongly oppose this kind of ri

23、gid regulation because it suppresses the originality of the students. 【写作内容【写作内容】 假设你是李华,要给英国笔友Harry写封信,介绍你班两位同学(Liu Dong and Wang Hong)竞选班长的过程。投票结果:Wang Hong以28比15票胜出,成为新班长。全班欢呼,Wang Hong也表示要尽力做好工作。【写作要求【写作要求】1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总句数。参考词汇:竞选班长 monitor electionDear Harry, How are thing

24、s going?_Best wishes,Li Hua One possible version: Dear Harry, How are things going? Last Monday, we held our first monitor election, so everyone was excited. Two of my classmates took part in the race; Liu Dong and Wang Hong, both of whom gave a speech telling us what they would do when they were elected, and then we voted for the monitor. The result was 28 to 15, in Wang Hongsfavor. Wang Hong became our new monitor. The whole class cheered for her, and she promised to do the best she could for all of us. Best wishes, Li Hua



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