纺织英语教学课件:CH1 Introduction to Textiles

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1、JosephJoseph s Introductorys IntroductoryTextile Science (6th Ed.)ObjectivesLearn words & expressions with different and/or special meanings in the context of textile.Learn how to read and translate papers, and how to write papers in an appropriate way.Enhance your capacity of oral expression and li

2、stening comprehension.Assessment20/30/50: The assessment is 20% coursework, 30% in-course test, 4 weeks each, and 50% end-of-semester exam.SuggestionEnglish is a language, which means it is a skill. English is a language, which means it is a skill. It does not belong to science and technology. It do

3、es not belong to science and technology. A skill can only be obtained via practice.A skill can only be obtained via practice.Try to have fun when you are practicing.Try to have fun when you are practicing.Pre-read each chapter before next course. Pre-read each chapter before next course. Do your hom

4、ework.Do your homework.Enlarge your vocabulary by memorizing the Enlarge your vocabulary by memorizing the words you learned at each course.words you learned at each course.Chapter 1 Introduction to TextilesIntroductionIndustrial DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentTextile MarketsThe FutureWords listKey

5、words 全部New words 6,14-24,26,29-34,37-39,41-44,46-48,51,55,56,61,62,66,69-72,93,94,100,101,103,107,108,111,112,116,118,124,128,130,133,138,139,145-149。IntroductionThe The nozzlenozzle(管口,喷嘴)管口,喷嘴)of a rocket designed of a rocket designed for the for the personnelpersonnel launchlaunch system of an A

6、.D. system of an A.D. 2019 mission to Mars and the fabrics from an 2019 mission to Mars and the fabrics from an A.D. 50 PeruvianA.D. 50 Peruvian(秘鲁的)(秘鲁的) mummy mummy bundle bundle (捆、束、包)(捆、束、包) may appear dissimilar may appear dissimilar (Figures 1,1 and 1.2), but they have a (Figures 1,1 and 1.2)

7、, but they have a number of features in common. number of features in common. What are textiles?What are textiles?Today the word textile is more generalized to Today the word textile is more generalized to refer to products made from fibers.refer to products made from fibers.一个火箭设计的公元2019年访问Mars和织物从


9、纤维或织物。这些定义是相当广泛的,它往往是一个纺织技术专家界定什么是困难的,没有纤维或织物。A fiber 纤维is defined, in a very general way, as any product capable of being woven or otherwise made into a fabric.These definitions are quite broad, and it is often difficult for a textile technologist to delineate(描出的外形,描绘,叙述) what is and is not a fibe

10、r or a textile. 纤维,通常是纺织品研究的出发地,可能是农产品(如棉花或羊毛)或单位(如尼龙或聚酯)在化工厂生纤维,通常是纺织品研究的出发地,可能是农产品(如棉花或羊毛)或单位(如尼龙或聚酯)在化工厂生纤维,通常是纺织品研究的出发地,可能是农产品(如棉花或羊毛)或单位(如尼龙或聚酯)在化工厂生纤维,通常是纺织品研究的出发地,可能是农产品(如棉花或羊毛)或单位(如尼龙或聚酯)在化工厂生产。产。产。产。Fibers, the usual starting place for a study of textiles, may he agricultural products (such

11、 as cotton or wool) or units (such as nylon聚酰胺、尼龙or polyester聚酯、涤纶) manufactured in a chemical plant.Fibers may be spun into a strand, called a yarn纱线, that can he used to knit a sweater毛衣, to sew two pieces of fabric together, or to weave a fabric.Fibers also may be made directly into a broad range

12、 of nonwoven fabrics such as felt (毡,毡制品) for a hat or the underlayment 衬垫材料for a modern highway. 纤维可以纺成一股纱线,称为纱线,可以用来编织毛衣,将两块织物缝合在一起,或织成织物。纤维还可以直接做成一个范围广泛的非织造织物如觉得一顶帽子或一个现代公路垫层。Fabric织物 is a planar structure produced by interlacing交织 yarns in processes such as weaving机织, knitting针织, knotting打结, and

13、 braiding编结, or by binding fibers together to form a structure. 织物是一种平面结构的过程中纱线的交织如织,生产针织、打结,和编织,或通过结合在一起形成一个结构纤维Fabrics can be dyed 染色or printed印花, then treated with special finishes. The result is called dyed and finished fabric.染整成品布 This textbook introduces such a study by first This textbook in

14、troduces such a study by first categorizingcategorizing products as fibers, yarns, fabrics, products as fibers, yarns, fabrics, and dyed and finished textiles. and dyed and finished textiles. Within these product classes, textiles are Within these product classes, textiles are described by their des

15、cribed by their primary end usesprimary end uses, most , most frequently by the frequently by the primary textile marketsprimary textile markets: : apparelapparel服装服装, domestic, domestic家居家居, and industrial, and industrial产业产业. . The delineation of the products within these The delineation of the pr

16、oducts within these market categories is not market categories is not preciseprecise. . What are the major textile markets?What are the major textile markets?本书介绍了这样一个研究的第一个分类产品如纤维、纱线、织物、染色和整理织物。在这些产品类别中,纺织品是由主要的最终用途,最常见的主要纺织市场:服装,国内和工业。在这些市场类别的产品划分不精确。主要的纺织品市场是什么?Some statistics include all clothin

17、g products in the apparel classification; others place protective clothing 防护衣and military uniforms 军装in the industrial textile category. 一些统计数据包括在服装分类所有的服装产品;其他地方的防护服防护衣军装和军装在工业纺织类。 Domestic, or houseDomestic, or house hold, textiles include such products as hold, textiles include such products as

18、towelstowels毛巾毛巾, sheets, sheets被单被单, , draperiesdraperies帷帐帷帐, , upholsteryupholstery室内装饰品室内装饰品, , and some and some carpetscarpets大地毯大地毯 and and rugsrugs小地毯,毛毯、挂毯小地毯,毛毯、挂毯. The . The industrial textile market industrial textile market encompassesencompasses ( (包括包括)products as )products as diverse

19、diverse多种多样的多种多样的 as tire as tire cordcord轮胎帘子线轮胎帘子线, , filtersfilters过滤材料过滤材料, , automotive upholsteryautomotive upholstery汽车内饰汽车内饰, hot air balloons, hot air balloons热气球热气球, and , and parachutesparachutes降落伞降落伞. . 国内或家庭纺织品包括毛巾,床单,帷帐,室内装饰品,以及一些地毯大地毯和地毯小地毯,毛毯,挂毯等产品。 工业纺织品市场包括(包括)多样化的产品多种多样的轮胎帘线轮胎帘子线

20、,过滤器过滤材料,汽车内饰汽车内饰,热气球热气球和降落伞。 Carpets and floor coverings are such a large market in both the Carpets and floor coverings are such a large market in both the industrial and household sectors that the figures for floor coverings industrial and household sectors that the figures for floor coverings fr

21、equently are frequently are segregatedsegregated 分离分离as a fourth primary textile market.as a fourth primary textile market.地毯和地板覆盖物在工业和家庭部门中是如此大的市场,地板覆盖物的数据经常被分离为第四主要纺织品市场。 The The textile textile propertiesproperties纺织品性能纺织品性能 of concern to the consumerof concern to the consumer in in each of these

22、 markets are likely to be quite different. each of these markets are likely to be quite different. 【学习如何表达“某某人所关心的是”】纺织品性能在这些市场的消费者关注的纺织品性能可能是完全不同的。 For some apparel textiles, color and style may be more important For some apparel textiles, color and style may be more important than than durabilityd

23、urability 耐用性耐用性and requirements for and requirements for carecare保养保养. Color and . Color and moisture absorbencymoisture absorbency吸湿性吸湿性 may be important may be important criteriacriteria to a to a consumer selecting a bath towelconsumer selecting a bath towel浴巾浴巾. . 对于一些服装纺织品,颜色和风格可能比耐用性更重要的耐用性和对

24、保养的要求。 颜色和水分吸收性吸湿性可能是消费者选择浴巾浴巾的重要标准。 On a On a globalglobal scale, sales of textile products manufactured scale, sales of textile products manufactured abroadabroad and sold in the United States contribute significantly to the and sold in the United States contribute significantly to the negativeneg

25、ative balance of trade balance of trade贸易逆差贸易逆差, which is a component of the , which is a component of the national debtnational debt国债国债. . 在全球范围内,在国外制造并在美国销售的纺织品产品的销售对贸易贸易逆差(其是国债债券的组成部分)的负平衡有显着贡献。 While this is not a book on textile economics, an understanding of While this is not a book on textil

26、e economics, an understanding of some some facetsfacets of textile trade enhances comprehension of daily of textile trade enhances comprehension of daily news about the textile and apparel industries. news about the textile and apparel industries. 虽然这不是一本关于纺织经济学的书,但对纺织品贸易的某些方面的理解增强了对关于纺织品和服装行业的每日新闻的

27、理解。Industrial Development Knowledge of the early use of textiles comes from Knowledge of the early use of textiles comes from archeologistsarcheologists 考考古学家古学家who have discovered who have discovered imprints (imprints (留下烙印,痕迹留下烙印,痕迹) ) and and drawings of textiles from drawings of textiles from p

28、rehistoricprehistoric times. times. FlaxFlax(亚麻)(亚麻) was used was used by the by the Swiss Lake DwellersSwiss Lake Dwellers about 8000 B.C., and about 8000 B.C., and fragmentsfragments碎片碎片 of flax fabrics from about 4500 B.C. have been found. of flax fabrics from about 4500 B.C. have been found. 早期使

29、用纺织品的知识来自考古学家考古学家,他们从史前时期发现了印记(留下烙印,痕迹)和纺织品图纸。 瑞士Lake Dwellers使用亚麻(亚麻)约8000B.C,以及约4500B.C.的亚麻织物的碎片碎片。 已被发现。 Stories of silk dating from the second century B.C. through the Stories of silk dating from the second century B.C. through the CrusadesCrusades(十字军东征)(十字军东征) describe the fiberdescribe the fi

30、ber s cultural and s cultural and economic importance in the Far East and Europe. The economic importance in the Far East and Europe. The Great Silk Great Silk RoadRoad was a major trade route from China to the was a major trade route from China to the MediterraneanMediterranean(地中海)(地中海) until poli

31、tical until political upheavalsupheavals(剧变,动乱)(剧变,动乱) in central Asia in central Asia during the third century made the sea route to India more popular. during the third century made the sea route to India more popular. 从二世纪的丝绸故事 通过十字军东征描述了纤维在远东和欧洲的文化和经济重要性。 大丝绸之路是从中国到地中海(中地海)的主要贸易路线,直到第三世纪中亚的政治动荡(

32、剧变,动乱),使通往印度的海路更受欢迎。 Wool probably Wool probably originatedoriginated 起源于起源于in central Asia. By 2000 B.C., in central Asia. By 2000 B.C., domesticateddomesticated 家养的家养的sheep were raised in Mesopotamia sheep were raised in Mesopotamia 美索不达美索不达米亚米亚( (西南亚地区西南亚地区). Pile rugs probably were woven from th

33、e fiber ). Pile rugs probably were woven from the fiber before 500 B.C. The early Greeks wore wool, and Roman soldiers before 500 B.C. The early Greeks wore wool, and Roman soldiers were supplied with wool were supplied with wool garmentsgarments服装服装 during their occupation of during their occupatio

34、n of England. England. 羊毛可能起源于中亚。 到2000年,家养家养的绵羊在美索不达米亚(美索不达米亚(西南亚地区)养殖。 桩地毯可能是从纤维编织在500 B.C之前。早期的希腊人穿羊毛,罗马士兵在他们占领英国期间提供羊毛服装服装。exporter 出口商summarize 总结marvelous 不可思议的,非凡的He was financed 提供资金by Spanish wool interests. He found cotton growing in the West Indies. And surely he was wearing a linen亚麻布 sh

35、irt at the time The textiles of ColumbusThe textiles of Columbus s time were products of a s time were products of a cottagecottage ( (村舍,村舍,小屋小屋) ) industryindustry 家庭作坊家庭作坊that used small equipment located in a that used small equipment located in a home or small shop. Production was limited and p

36、roductivity was home or small shop. Production was limited and productivity was slow, but by the eighteenth century major changes were occurring. slow, but by the eighteenth century major changes were occurring. 哥伦布的时间的纺织品是一个小屋(村舍,小屋)的产品家庭作坊使用位于家里或小商店的小设备。 生产有限,生产率缓慢,但到了十八世纪,发生了重大变化。 Three factors a

37、re said to be responsible for the industrial Three factors are said to be responsible for the industrial Revolution (1770-1850): the discovery that iron could be Revolution (1770-1850): the discovery that iron could be smeltedsmelted(精炼,冶炼)(精炼,冶炼) by using by using cokecoke(焦炭)(焦炭), the invention of

38、 , the invention of the steam engine, and the invention of textile machinery the steam engine, and the invention of textile machinery 据说负责工业革命(1770-1850)的三个因素:通过使用焦炭(焦炭)可以冶炼精炼,冶炼的发现,蒸汽机的发明和纺织机械的发明 John KayJohn Kay s flying s flying shuttleshuttle (1733), James Hargreaves (1733), James Hargreaves s s

39、 spinning spinning jennyjenny 珍妮纺纱机珍妮纺纱机(1767), Richard Arkwright(1767), Richard Arkwright s water-powered s water-powered spinning machine with spinning machine with drafting rollersdrafting rollers 牵伸罗拉牵伸罗拉(1772). Samuel (1772). Samuel CromptonCrompton s cotton spinning mule s cotton spinning mule

40、 走锭纺纱机走锭纺纱机(1779), and Edmund (1779), and Edmund CartwrightCartwright s power loom (1780). s power loom (1780). 约翰凯的飞梭(1733),詹姆斯哈格里夫斯的纺纱珍妮纺纱机(1767),理查德阿克怀特的水力纺纱机牵引罗拉(1772)。 Samuel Crompton的棉纺纱机(1779)和Edmund Cartwright的动力织机(1780)。To confine (禁闭,限制)the new industry to England and discourage the develo

41、pment of competition, the British restricted immigration and levied(征税,征收) high tariffs(关税) on goods brought in from overseas 为了限制(禁闭,限制)新产业到英国,阻止竞争的发展,英国限制了对海外货物征收的关税(征税,征税)高关税 Samuel Slater is Samuel Slater is creditedcredited 归功于归功于with being the father of American with being the father of Americ

42、an manufacturing. He immigrated to the United States from England manufacturing. He immigrated to the United States from England disguiseddisguised(伪装)(伪装) as a farmer and, under the as a farmer and, under the sponsorshipsponsorship 赞助赞助of of a Rhode Island merchant, built the Arkwright spinning mac

43、hines a Rhode Island merchant, built the Arkwright spinning machines from memory. His first from memory. His first millmill opened in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in opened in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in December 1790. Additional textile mills soon were built in other December 1790. Additional textile m

44、ills soon were built in other New England states, and the textile industry of the United States New England states, and the textile industry of the United States flourishedflourished(繁荣,兴旺)(繁荣,兴旺). .塞缪尔斯莱特被归功于美国制造的父亲。 他从英国移民到美国伪装(伪装)作为一个农民,并在罗得岛商人的赞助赞助下,建立了从记忆Arkwright纺纱机。 他的第一家工厂于1790年12月在罗得岛Pawtuc

45、ket开业。其他新英格兰州也兴建了另外的纺织厂,美国的纺织工业蓬勃发展(繁荣,兴旺)。 By the early 1900s the textile industry had begun to By the early 1900s the textile industry had begun to relocaterelocate 迁移迁移to the southeastern United States. Many reasons have been given to the southeastern United States. Many reasons have been given f

46、or the move. Among them were for the move. Among them were proximityproximity 接近接近to the cotton to the cotton cropcrop, , lower lower wageswages, and streams capable of generating adequate power , and streams capable of generating adequate power to operate water wheels. In the South, cheap labor to

47、operate water wheels. In the South, cheap labor 劳方劳方and capitaland capital资方资方 were available and local governments provided tax were available and local governments provided tax incentives(incentives(鼓励,刺激鼓励,刺激) ) to attract industry. to attract industry. 到20世纪初,纺织工业开始将迁移迁移到美国东南部。 已经给出了许多原因。 其中包括靠近

48、棉花作物,工资较低,能够产生足够的动力来操作水轮的溪流。 在南方,廉价劳动劳方和资本方法是可用的,地方政府提供税收激励(鼓励,刺激)来吸引工业。 Traditionally, the textile and Traditionally, the textile and apparelapparel industries had consisted of industries had consisted of small firms competing small firms competing vigorouslyvigorously(精神旺盛的)(精神旺盛的). Economics . Ec

49、onomics textbooks often used them as examples of perfect competitiontextbooks often used them as examples of perfect competition完全完全自由竞争自由竞争. By the 1940s, some firms had been . By the 1940s, some firms had been consolidatedconsolidated(巩固,(巩固,加强)加强) in an effort to increase profits through in an ef

50、fort to increase profits through economics of scale.economics of scale.规模经济规模经济传统上,纺织和服装行业包括小公司竞争激烈(精神旺盛的)。 经济学教科书常常用它们作为完全竞争的例子。 到20世纪40年代,一些公司被巩固,加强,以通过经济规模增加利润。规模经济Apparel vs. GarmentTextile and apparel industryindustrys growth Traditionally, the textile and apparel industries had consisted of sm

51、all firms competing vigorously. Economic Development In the 1950s, J. Spencer Love began to In the 1950s, J. Spencer Love began to acquireacquire the firms that the firms that would become Burlington Industries. Thirty years later, in the would become Burlington Industries. Thirty years later, in th

52、e 1980s, Bulington Industries and its competitors were restructured 1980s, Bulington Industries and its competitors were restructured through through mergersmergers(合并)(合并), , acquisitionsacquisitions(购得,获得)(购得,获得), and , and leveraged buyoutsleveraged buyouts(杠杆收购、融资买入)(杠杆收购、融资买入). . 在50年代,J. Spenc

53、er Love开始收购将成为伯灵顿工业公司。 三十年后,在20世纪80年代,布林顿工业及其竞争对手通过兼并,收购,获得和杠杆收购,融资买入进行重组。 Larger firms can Larger firms can affordafford to to modernizemodernize使现代化使现代化 productions productions facilitiesfacilities生产设备生产设备 and to fundand to fund投资投资 new product development. Recent new product development. Recent m

54、odernizationsmodernizations have focused on the have focused on the installationinstallation 安装安装of highly of highly automated equipment that reduces the number of employees in automated equipment that reduces the number of employees in production areas. production areas. 更大的公司能够使现代化生产设施现代化,并为投资新产品开

55、发提供资金。 最近的现代化改造集中在高度自动化设备的安装安装,从而减少生产区域中的员工数量。But they required large numbers of skilled and But they required large numbers of skilled and semiskilledsemiskilled workers to keep them operating workers to keep them operatingSemi-: Semi-: 半半Semiconductor: Semiconductor: 半导体半导体Over the years, however,

56、 as wages in the Over the years, however, as wages in the United States increased, textiles and apparel United States increased, textiles and apparel produced overseas by very-low-wage workers produced overseas by very-low-wage workers became increasingly attractive to became increasingly attractive

57、 to retailersretailers(零(零售商)售商). . 然而,多年来,随着美国工资的增加,由非常低工资的工人在海外生产的纺织品和服装对零售商越来越具有吸引力。Textile Markets Figure 1.3 traces the changes in consumption of fibers in the Figure 1.3 traces the changes in consumption of fibers in the United States from 1940 to 1990.United States from 1940 to 1990. China wa

58、s the major consumer followed by eastern Europe, India, China was the major consumer followed by eastern Europe, India, United States, western Europe, Pakistan, and Brazil. The world United States, western Europe, Pakistan, and Brazil. The world economy is changing, and the textile industry is at th

59、e economy is changing, and the textile industry is at the forefrontforefront最最前线前线 of that change. of that change. 图1.3跟踪美国从1940年到1990年的纤维消费的变化。中国是东欧,印度,美国,西欧,巴基斯坦和巴西的主要消费国。 世界经济正在发生变化,纺织业处于最前沿的变化。On a per capita basis人均基础上, 250 million people each consumed 24 pounds of cotton, 1.2 pounds of wool, 3

60、9.3 pounds of manufactured fiber, and 2.2 pounds of fiber of other generic(属类的) groups 在人均基础上,2.5亿人每人消费24磅棉花,1.2磅羊毛,39.3磅制造纤维和2.2磅其他通用(属类)纤维Metric system 公制British system 英制The countries from which those imports come include India, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Sri Lanka. Textile imports are control

61、led to some degree by the Multifiber Agreement (MFA) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). 这些进口国包括印度,中国,台湾,香港和斯里兰卡。 纺织品进口在一定程度上由关税和贸易总协定(GATT)的多纤维协议(MFA)控制。多种纤维协议( Multifiber Agreement ,MFA) 关贸总协定关贸总协定(GeneralAgreementonTariffsandTrade,GATT) Although both Although both brandbrand品牌品牌

62、 names and names and trademarkstrademarks注册商标注册商标 from from many areas of the world are found on the labels of textile many areas of the world are found on the labels of textile products, much of the material is sold under a products, much of the material is sold under a genericgeneric(属的,类(属的,类的,一般

63、的)的,一般的) fiber label. In many fiber label. In many instancesinstances, the names used for , the names used for fibers in the United States vary from those used abroad. fibers in the United States vary from those used abroad. 虽然来自世界许多地区的品牌品牌名称和商标注册商标都出现在纺织品的标签上,但大部分材料是以通用(属的,类的,一般的)纤维标签出售的。 在许多情况下,美国

64、使用的纤维名称与国外使用的名称不同。 Consequently, it becomes even more important to understand the Consequently, it becomes even more important to understand the basic basic tenetstenets ( (原则,宗旨,信条原则,宗旨,信条) of textile science and to rely on ) of textile science and to rely on product knowledge, rather than the fami

65、liarity of a brand name, in product knowledge, rather than the familiarity of a brand name, in making purchase decisions at the consumer level.making purchase decisions at the consumer level.因此,了解纺织科学的基本原则(原则,宗旨,信条),并依靠产品知识,而不是品牌的熟悉度,在消费者层面做出购买决定变得更加重要。 The U.S. textile industry has sought to improv

66、e its competitive The U.S. textile industry has sought to improve its competitive position with positive action, rather than by relying on import position with positive action, rather than by relying on import restrictions to increase sales of American-made goods. One restrictions to increase sales

67、of American-made goods. One successful program is the successful program is the CraftedCrafted(精巧制作)(精巧制作) with Pridewith Pride advertising campaign intended to influence the buying habits of advertising campaign intended to influence the buying habits of American consumers.American consumers.美国纺织业试

68、图通过积极行动提高其竞争地位,而不是依靠进口限制来增加美国制造商品的销售。 一个成功的计划是精巧制作与Pride广告活动,旨在影响美国消费者的购买习惯。 Another is the development of Another is the development of a quick response a quick response system, which system, which emphasizes improvement of manufacturing techniques and emphasizes improvement of manufacturing techni

69、ques and reduction of time between the development of a new product and reduction of time between the development of a new product and its introduction to the market. Such systems reduce its introduction to the market. Such systems reduce inventoryinventory(存(存货)货) requirements, which are a major ca

70、use of financial loss requirements, which are a major cause of financial loss 经济经济损失损失for many textile and apparel firms. for many textile and apparel firms. 另一个是快速响应系统的开发,其强调改进制造技术并减少新产品的开发和其引入市场之间的时间。 这种系统减少了库存(存货)的要求,这是许多纺织和服装公司经济损失的主要原因。Inventory:存货、详细清单Catalog:产品目录 In recent years, the In recen

71、t years, the impetusimpetus ( (推动力,促进推动力,促进) for many of the ) for many of the changes in textile machinery and products has come from changes in textile machinery and products has come from government concerns for environmental protection and human government concerns for environmental protection a

72、nd human safety. safety. 近年来,纺织机械和产品的许多变化的推动力(推动力,促进)来自政府对环境保护和人类安全的关注。 Local, state, and federal regulations have been enacted to set Local, state, and federal regulations have been enacted to set standards for air and water pollution, solid waste standards for air and water pollution, solid waste

73、disposaldisposal固体废物固体废物处理处理, worker safety, and consumer protection. , worker safety, and consumer protection. Lack of Lack of landfilllandfill 垃圾堆垃圾堆space for products such as disposable space for products such as disposable diapersdiapers 一次性纸尿裤一次性纸尿裤will affect consumers choices will affect cons

74、umers choices Local, state, and federal regulations have Local, state, and federal regulations have been enacted to set standards for air and been enacted to set standards for air and water pollution, solid waste water pollution, solid waste disposaldisposal固体废固体废物处理物处理, worker safety, and consumer

75、, worker safety, and consumer protection. protection. Lack of Lack of landfilllandfill 垃圾堆垃圾堆space for products space for products such as disposable such as disposable diapersdiapers 一次性纸尿裤一次性纸尿裤will affect consumers choices will affect consumers choices Air pollution regulations address阐明 the type

76、s and amounts of stack emissions 烟囱排放from plants. The fuels used for heat and processing and the volatile 易挥发的gases from chemical processing must be monitored and controlled. 监控空气污染法规阐明烟囱排放从工厂排放的烟囱排放的类型和数量。 必须监测和控制用于热和加工的燃料以及来自化学处理的易挥发易挥发气体。 监控 Water and Water and sewagesewage污水污水 dischargeddischarg

77、ed排放排放into streams are regulated into streams are regulated as well. Most dyeing and finishing plants must have as well. Most dyeing and finishing plants must have in-housein-house内部内部的的 facilities to pretreat discharges before releasing them into facilities to pretreat discharges before releasing t

78、hem into public waterspublic waters公用水公用水. In some areas of the country, consumers are . In some areas of the country, consumers are directly affected by the removal of directly affected by the removal of phosphate detergentsphosphate detergents(磷酸盐(磷酸盐清洁剂)清洁剂) from the marketplace in an attempt to

79、reduce from the marketplace in an attempt to reduce algae (algae (水藻水藻,海藻,海藻LG)LG) growth in lakes and streams. growth in lakes and streams. 水和污水排放排入河道也受到监管。 大多数染色和整理工厂必须具有内部的设施,以在将其释放到公共水域之前预处理排放。 在国内一些地区,消费者直接受到从市场上去除磷酸盐清洁剂的影响,试图减少湖泊和溪流中的藻类(水藻,海藻LG)生长。At the federal level, pollution regulations ar

80、e enforced执行 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).环境保护署中国国家环境保护总局:State Environmental Protection Administration of ChinaThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA美国职业安全与健康监察局 ) is concerned with涉及 worker safety and regulates exposure to workplace hazards 危害such as noise, dust, a

81、nd moving machine parts. 职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA美国职业安全与健康监察局)关注工人的安全,并规定暴露于工作场所的危害,例如噪音,灰尘和移动的机器部件。The clacking咔嗒声 of shuttles in a large weaveroom full of looms has been replaced by the less intense sounds of rapiers剑杆, projectiles片梭, and jets of water or air inserting picks投纬 in new high-speed weaving mac

82、hines. 在一个充满织机的大织机中,梭子的咔嗒声已经被剑杆,射弹片梭,以及在新的高速织机中的水或空气插入纬纱的射流所代替。The noise from vibrations振动 of spindles锭子 in spinning frames has been reduced both by mechanical changes in ring-spinning and by the replacement of ring-spinning systems with open-end systems. 来自振动的噪声纺纱机中的锭子锭子的振动已经通过环锭纺纱中的机械变化和用开放端系统代替环锭

83、纺纱系统而减少。 EnclosureEnclosure 封闭封闭of machinery and modernization of materials of machinery and modernization of materials handling systems in cotton-spinning plants reduced the dust that handling systems in cotton-spinning plants reduced the dust that had contributed to the condition known as had cont

84、ributed to the condition known as byssinosis, byssinosis, or or “ “brown brown lunglung” ”棉屑沉着病棉屑沉着病. This reduction, along with . This reduction, along with systematicsystematic monitoring monitoring of workersof workers breathing capacity, has lowered the breathing capacity, has lowered the incide

85、nce (incidence (发生率发生率) ) of the of the diseasedisease. Equipment must now be enclosed and guard . Equipment must now be enclosed and guard railsrails(横梁,锭轨,钢领板)防护栏(横梁,锭轨,钢领板)防护栏 placed so workers and observers placed so workers and observers do not come in contact withdo not come in contact with接触接

86、触 some types of moving machine some types of moving machine partsparts. . 封闭机器的封闭和棉纺厂的材料处理系统的现代化减少了造成被称为由结节病或“棕色肺”棉屑沉着病的状况的灰尘。 这种减少,连同系统监测工人的呼吸能力,已经降低了疾病的发病率(发生率)。 设备现在必须封闭,防护栏放置使工人和观察者不接触接触一些类型的运动机器部件(横梁,锭轨,钢领板) Pain and Pain and diminisheddiminished削弱削弱 motor skillsmotor skills运动技巧运动技巧 caused by c

87、aused by repetitiverepetitive body motions are being addressed during the 1990s.body motions are being addressed during the 1990s. The The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSCConsumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC美国消费品安美国消费品安全委员会全委员会 ) ) was created in 1972 to protect consumers in the United

88、 was created in 1972 to protect consumers in the United States from unsafe products. States from unsafe products. 在20世纪90年代,重复性的身体运动造成的运动技巧正在被解决。消费品安全委员会(CPSC美国消费品安全委员会)成立于1972年,以保护美国的消费者免受不安全的产品。 Specific regulations for the Specific regulations for the flammabilityflammability可燃性可燃性 of childrenof

89、children s s sleepwear carpets, rugs, and sleepwear carpets, rugs, and mattressesmattresses床垫床垫 have been have been enactedenacted颁布颁布 to supplementto supplement补充补充 the original 1953 regulation, which the original 1953 regulation, which prohibitedprohibited the manufacture and sale of highly flamma

90、ble fabrics the manufacture and sale of highly flammable fabrics for apparel.for apparel. Toys, which often contain textile products, also are Toys, which often contain textile products, also are regulated by the CPSC. regulated by the CPSC. 儿童睡衣地毯,地毯和床垫的可燃性的特殊规定已颁布颁布补充补充原来的1953年规定,禁止制造和销售高度易燃织物的服装。

91、 通常含有纺织产品的玩具也受到CPSC的监管。 With the increased numbers of textile products available to With the increased numbers of textile products available to consumers, labeling of textiles for fiber content and care is a consumers, labeling of textiles for fiber content and care is a necessity. The necessity. Th

92、e Federal Trade Commission (FTCFederal Trade Commission (FTC美国联邦贸易委员美国联邦贸易委员会会 ) ) enforces regulations for labeling many types of fabrics for fiber enforces regulations for labeling many types of fabrics for fiber content, country of origin, and recommended fabric care content, country of origin, a

93、nd recommended fabric care procedures.procedures.随着消费者可获得的纺织品的数量的增加,纺织品对纤维含量和护理的标签是必要的。 联邦贸易委员会(FTC美国联邦贸易委员会)执行关于标记许多类型的纤维含量,原产国和建议的织物护理程序的织物的法规。The Future If automation progresses to the levels now being forecast, it is If automation progresses to the levels now being forecast, it is possible that

94、by the twenty-first century machines will operate possible that by the twenty-first century machines will operate continuously as they now do, but with minimal human continuously as they now do, but with minimal human supervisionsupervision 监管监管beyond the eight-hour work day. beyond the eight-hour w

95、ork day. 如果自动化进展到现在预测的水平,有可能的是,到二十一世纪,机器将如它们现在一样连续地操作,但是在最少的人工监视超过八小时工作日。 Retailers and marketing personnel will have instant Retailers and marketing personnel will have instant accessaccess 即时获即时获取取 toto sales and production information through electronic data sales and production information throu

96、gh electronic data processing, with computer links between retailers and apparel and processing, with computer links between retailers and apparel and textile manufacturers. textile manufacturers. 零售商和营销人员将立即获得即时获取通过电子数据处理的销售和生产信息,零售商和服装和纺织品制造商之间的计算机链接。 This textbook focuses on the major manufacturi

97、ng This textbook focuses on the major manufacturing segmentssegments环节环节 of the textile industry (fiber production, spinning, fabric formation, of the textile industry (fiber production, spinning, fabric formation, and dyeing and finishing) and describes the properties of their and dyeing and finish

98、ing) and describes the properties of their products (fibers, yarns, and fabrics). products (fibers, yarns, and fabrics). 本教材侧重于纺织工业(纤维生产,纺纱,织物成形,染色和整理)的主要制造环节,并描述其产品(纤维,纱线和织物)的性能。The fabrics were decorative装饰性的, useful, and durable. Looking ahead, the Textiles in the vehicle going to Mars in 2019 wi

99、ll probably be lightweight, strong, heat resistant, and durable. 面料是装饰性的,有用的,耐用的。 展望未来,在2019年前往火星的车辆中的纺织品可能是轻质,坚固,耐热和耐用的。 They may be made of They may be made of cellulosecellulose纤维素纤维素 that has been that has been carbonizedcarbonized碳碳化化. The yarn and fabric will be produced by highly sophisticate

100、d . The yarn and fabric will be produced by highly sophisticated machinery; it is unlikely, however, that they will be decoratively machinery; it is unlikely, however, that they will be decoratively dyed. dyed. 它们可以由已碳化的纤维素纤维素制成。 纱线和织物将由高度复杂的机械生产; 然而,它们不可能被装饰染色。 The apparel and home-furnishing fabri

101、cs of A.D. 2000 probably The apparel and home-furnishing fabrics of A.D. 2000 probably will continue to contain brightly colored cotton fibers as well as will continue to contain brightly colored cotton fibers as well as more recently developed fibers. The cotton will be grown under more recently de

102、veloped fibers. The cotton will be grown under more controlled conditions. The yarn and fabric will be produced more controlled conditions. The yarn and fabric will be produced on automated equipment, and dyes and finishes will be applied to on automated equipment, and dyes and finishes will be applied to produce an easy-to-maintain, produce an easy-to-maintain, aestheticallyaesthetically 美观美观pleasing product. pleasing product. A.D. 2000的服装和家居面料可能会继续含有鲜艳的棉纤维以及最近开发的纤维。 棉花将在更受控制的条件下生长。 纱线和织物将在自动化设备上生产,并且染料和饰面将被应用以产生易于维护,美观的美观产品。Homework:P8,The FutureTranslate the sentences of 1st passage.



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