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1、Chapter 9 Sense Relations9.1 Sense Relations9.2 Hyponymy9.3 Synonymy9.4 Antonymy9.5 Homonymy 9. Sense RelationsWhat are sense relations(语义关系)?Words are arbitrary symbols and are independent identities so far as their outer facet-spelling and pronunciation, is concerned. But semantically, all words a

2、re related in one way or another, hence sense relations. In light of sense relations, words can be classified semantically.9.1 Sense RelationsTypes of sense relations-Polysemy(一词多义)-Hyponymy(上下义关系)-semantic inclusionSynonymy(同义关系)-semantic similarityAntonymy(反义关系)-semantic oppositionHomonymy(同形或同音异义

3、关系)9.1 PolysemyPolysemy is a common feature to all natural languages, a causal glance of any pages of any dictionary will justify the fact. When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic, but in the course of development, the same symbol may be employed to express new meanings as it is impossib

4、le to have one symbol in a language to denote one thing in a world. Two approaches to polysemy1) Diachronic approach(历时角度)Polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word, word has the primary meaning when firstly created and then with the

5、 time and development of language, more meanings will attribute to it, thus has the derived meanings.Synchronic approach(共时角度)Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meaning of the same word in a historical period of time, the basic meaning of a word is considered to be the

6、core of word meaning, called as central meaning. The derived meaning, no matter how numerous, are secondary.Two processes of development1)Radiation(辐射) The primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out like rays. All the meanings are independent but call all be traced b

7、ack to the central meaning.Question: can you analyze the radiation of the words in “head”, “collar”, “ neck” and “bridge”?2)Concatenation(连锁) concatenation meaning “linking together”, is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first signification by successive

8、 shifts of meaning, and there is not a shadow of connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary. E.g. candidatea. white-robedb. office seeker in white gownsc. a person who seeks an officed. a person proposed for a place, award9.2 HyponymyThe definition of hyponymyHyponymy dea

9、ls with the relationship of semantic inclusion. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus(种) (general lexical item)and the species(类)(specific lexical items).The general lexical item is called the superordinate(上义词).The specific words are known as hyponyms(下义词).9.2 Hyponymylitera

10、tureprosefictiondramashort storynovelettenovelpoetry9.2 Hyponymyswimmingboxingrunning racewrestlingweight-liftinghurdle racerunningrelaysprintinglong-distance racegymnasticsathleticsball gamessports9.2 HyponymyImplications of semantic field for vocabulary learningcharacter/ virtueeasy-going, aggress

11、ive, arrogant, self-conceited, modest,considerate, sympathetic, extrovert, introvert,amicable, Ambitious, honest, loyal, obedient, strong-willed, Iron-willed, trustworthy, obstinate,stubborn, unyielding, confidentCan you list more diagrams about the hyponymy and point out the super-ordinate and hypo

12、nym?Body, vehicle, communicative approach, human being, musical instrument9.2 HyponymyThe semantic field theory(语义场理论)The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common semantic com

13、ponent. The whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields. Words in each field are semantically related and define one another. Vocabulary is seen as an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense. -Jost Trier (a German linguist)9.2 HyponymyThe semantic field theoryMost languages share same

14、semantic fields.TimeSpaceAgeKinshipFoodColorEmotion 9.2 HyponymyThe semantic field theoryThe semantic field of the same concept may not have the same members in different languages, thus lexical gaps(词汇空缺) occur.9.2 HyponymyThe semantic field theoryThe semantic field of kinshipMembers in English: 13

15、-father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, husband, wife.Members in Chinese: .The semantic field of foodhot dog, sandwich, hamburger 豆腐, 馒头Can you list a semantic field on Chinese relatives point out why are Chinese relatives words more than the English ones

16、? And what causes such a lexical gap between them?9.3 SynonymyTypes of synonymsAbsolute or perfect synonyms: words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects, I.e. both in grammatical and lexical meaning,Such synonyms are rare in natural pounding and composition;word building and word-formati

17、on; malnutrition and undernourishment9.3 SynonymyTypes of synonymsRelative or partial synonyms: words which are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degree of a given quality. It is this type of synonyms we shall deal with here.9.3 SynonymySo

18、urces of synonymsBorrowing Native Borrowed roomchamberfoe enemy help aidleave departbodilycorporal 9.3 SynonymySources of synonymsBorrowing Native FrenchLatintimeageepochbellystomachabdomenfireflameconflagrationaskquestioninterrogate9.3 SynonymySources of synonymsDialects and regional Englishliftele

19、vatortubesubwaypetrolgasolinecall boxtelephone boothcharmglamour (ScotE)9.3 SynonymySources of synonymsFigurative and euphemistic of wordsoccupationwalk of lifedreamerstar-gazerdrunkelevatedliedistort the fact9.3 SynonymySources of synonymsCoincidence with idiomatic expressionspick upchoosegive upabandongo on with continueput offpostponewingain the upper handhesitatebe in two mindsHomework:What are the major sources of English synonyms? Can you list some? Make up sentences and then analyze the different language colors they are carrying?



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